3 Bible Object Lessons Using Building Blocks

Toys make great Bible object lessons because kids know how they work and how much fun they can be. What kid doesn’t own blocks? When you give kids an example of a biblical principle or verse, demonstrated with toys, like building blocks, you’ll grab and keep their attention. Also, building blocks object lessons are perfect for up and coming teachers … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Toothbrush Bible Object Lesson for Kids (2 Timothy 2:21)

Everyday objects have the potential to illustrate important biblical concepts like purity and living a holy life. One way to demonstrate God’s standard of holiness is by utilizing this toothbrush object lesson during the teaching portion of sessions. You can present Bible truths a few different ways using a toothbrush. Toothbrushes are inexpensive and perfect for take home gifts, too. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Peanut Butter Cup" Bible Object Lessons

Lots of people love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! This candy is so popular that it shows up in new incarnations every holiday as the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg or the Christmas Tree. If you break out peanut butter cups in kids church, I can promise you, you will grab their attention. It’s a good idea to bring some mini cups … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Mirror" Bible Object Lessons

I believe you can teach Bible principles with just about any everyday object, including a plain  hand mirror. I’m sure there are hundreds of ways to use a mirror in your lesson plan but I have had some success with these two mirror object lessons. Feel free to tweak them to fit your needs. Using these Bible verses and a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Cupcake" Bible Object Lessons for Kids

Who doesn’t love a cupcake? This delectable treat is inexpensive and it’s the perfect item to use as an object lesson for kids ministry. Cupcakes are great for a holiday lesson or any time of the year. Prepare a batch of cupcakes or if you don’t enjoy baking (like me) you can cheat and purchase some from your local bakery. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Halloween Object Lessons (Trick or Treat) Romans 6:23

Like yours, my local church provides families with Halloween alternatives like trunk or treat and pumpkin prayer activities in kids church. But there’s always a bunch that likes going door-to-door for trick or treating, hoping to score big on candy and prizes. Even kids that don’t trick or treat understand the concept. Ring doorbell. Demand candy or deliver a trick. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Chocolate Syrup Object Lesson

Looking for some other sweet ways to share the gospel? If you’ve got a bottle of chocolate syrup and a few other items, you’ve got all you need to teach an awesome lesson about God’s love and grace. For this object lesson, I suggest using verses like Chocolate milk object lesson #1 Supplies you’ll need: Tall, clear glass, milk, chocolate … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Potters's Clay" Chocolate Object Lesson

People love chocolate — especially kids who are crazy about anything sweet. Delicious chocolate satisfies the sweet tooth but we know it’s the Lord that satisfies the soul. If you have a hankering to share some chocolate object lessons with kids, I can help you with that! Candy object lessons, like this chocolate idea, make good snacks too, as long … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Chocolate Bar Object Lessons

Do you love chocolate? Chances are your children’s church does too. Before you teach this lesson, you need to buy a giant chocolate bar and some mini chocolate bars to give away. (I prefer to send them home with kids.) Supplement a holiday lesson or an any Sunday lesson with these delicious treats. Start by saying,: If there’s one thing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Blanket Object Lesson

Teaching a meaningful message to kids doesn’t require an expensive prop; often you can use items children are already familiar with to relay a Bible message, like a blanket. Recently, I took inspiration from Deuteronomy 33:12, “Of Benjamin, he said, ‘The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him, and the Lord shall cover him all the day … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Gummy Worm Object Lessons (Isaiah 64:8)

In God’s kingdom, everything has teaching value, including the sweet, sometimes sour, gummy worm. This inexpensive candy makes a fantastic teaching aid for many different Bible object lessons. Gummies have a flexible, wormy body that you can shake and stretch while you talk. When the demonstration is through, you’ll have a tasty treat to share. I’ve got three easy object … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God's Blessings Object Lessons

Children rarely hear about the blessings of God outside a Christian household or a church environment, making it a crucial topic that we need to faithfully teach. I believe God loves positive reinforcement, otherwise He would not bless us for our obedience and faith in Him. Kids need to know that yes, there are consequences for doing wrong but doing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Hearing God's Voice Object Lesson

Clearly hearing God’s voice can save us from some serious missteps in our daily Christian walk. Jesus told his disciples,”My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 (NIV) What an encouraging verse, but how can we achieve good spiritual hearing? I like these three object lessons; they demonstrate the most important concepts about … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Three Object Lessons on Lying (James 3)

Telling lies is a temptation we all face, kids and grown-ups. Use this power packed, triple-punch of object lessons to teach kids what God says about lying and how we can resist this universal temptation. Spread the object lessons out over three weeks or use them in one lesson. Salty ice cream: You need a tray of goodies for this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Colorful Candy (Romans 12:6) Object Lesson

Got a handful of colorful candy or maybe a few boxes left over from a recent holiday? Perhaps leftovers aren’t the best choice but you can find different colored candies at the dollar store or your favorite department store for a couple of dollars. Dump those candy pieces into clear bowls and use them for the Lord! Kids love sweet … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Building Blocks Object Lesson

It’s back to the toy box for easy object lessons for your children’s ministry. Toys and playtime are languages that kids understand. Drag out a bucket of building blocks or logs for this lesson idea. Colorful toys grab a kids attention but do set them out of sight before your lesson time or you could have a difficult time getting … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Race Car Object Lessons

Kids love their toys and remote-controlled race cars continue to be a kid favorite. Since I have kids of my own, I always have a toy box full of object lesson inspiration, including a few remote-controlled cars, robots and dinosaurs. I grabbed a few remote-controlled cars and used them in these three different object lessons. (One important note — remember … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons on Temptation

Temptation comes for us all, big and little but recognizing it and understanding how to overcome it requires some training. Some kids don’t even realize they are subject to temptation! 1 Corinthians 10:13 reads, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Creative Easter Object Lessons

Try something new this Easter – these creative object lessons are sure to leave an impression about the good news for weeks to come. #1 M&M Object Lesson “The Sweet Truth of Easter” #2 Washed Clean – Easter Object Lesson #3 Erase Sin (Messy) Object Lesson for Easter Bonus Children’s Sermons for Easter Don’t miss our Easter children’s message (with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons on Transformation

Object lessons on transformation can help you illustrate important Bible promises like the one found in 2 Corinthians 3:18.  The scripture says, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (NIV) What hope! Don’t believe that God-inspired transformation is lost on kids. Children get … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Mini Lessons About Giving

Relying solely on the offering from your children’s church to keep things running isn’t a good financial plan in most cases. Kids don’t have access to the family finances and therefore, do not make decisions about how and when to give. However, those giving lessons need to be taught. (Jesus never shied away from teaching about honoring God with our … More Children’s Ministry Resources