3 Object Lessons on Thankfulness & Gratitude

gratitude object lessons for children's ministry

What’s the one thing missing from many Thanksgiving celebrations? Gratitude, oh my! Hard as they may try, parents face real challenges instilling this virtue into their little ones. Today’s “me first” society leads kid astray. I believe God wants us to instruct our children to have a good attitude in all things. Supplement your Thanksgiving Sunday School lesson with these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sugar Cookie Object Lessons

Sweets play a big role in many holiday celebrations and one treat that tops the list is sugar cookies. Since many of us serve a snack during our classes, why not use the beloved sugar cookie as a tasty object lesson? You’ll keep kids spellbound with your sweet stories that illustrate precious Bible meanings. An object lesson that engages multiple … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Godly Obedience Object Lessons

What better way to grab a child’s attention than through an effective object lesson? Jesus tossed seeds on the ground and even invited a child to sit on his lap to illustrate kingdom principles. Those visual aids helped many to understand the points he made. People today are no different! Help children understand the principle of godly obedience by using … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Object Lessons about Faith

Faith in God is the turnkey to His miracle-working power manifesting in our lives; a truth kids need to understand. And God isn’t just looking to perform the big, showy miracles like parting the Red Sea but the everyday ones too, like crossing the Jordan. Regardless of the need or nature of the miracle, it requires faith to receive it. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Flashlight Object Lessons about God's Light

Jesus engaged his audience with object lessons, leading them into life-changing truths. Some examples he used that stand out to me are the tossing of seeds on the ground or even a plain cup of water. Today’s world has no limit on items available for object lessons. At my first ever kids’ ministry conference I learned how to present the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson: The Fruit of Lies

If you were to take a poll in your kids’ class or church you would probably find that lying is the sin that kids struggle with the most. It’s in a child’s nature to want to please everyone by telling them what they want to hear. In some cases, children see grown-ups telling lies at home or television too. That … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Banana Split Object Lesson

You might not think that a banana split has a spiritual side but I have found that it does! I take inspiration from Jesus’ example – I think everyday objects make great teaching tools. About ten summers ago, some volunteers helped me come up with this idea. We advertised it as the community’s largest banana split and invited kids to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons about Cleansing Sins

Successful Christian living begins with an awareness of sin. Without this unhappy awareness, personal conviction of sins is impossible. Once a child understands that sin separates them from God and that they too have committed sin, they can receive the joyous message that Jesus’ blood cleanses our sins away. One good way to demonstrate how this cleansing occurs is through … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons from the Movie "Avengers"

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net I recently took my two boys to see the movie, The Avengers. We loved it! In the movie Thor, Black Widow, the Hulk, Hawkeye, Captain America and Iron Man team up to stop the evil Loki from destroying the world. The Avengers is #1 at box office right now and you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Transformed Object Lesson — with S'mores!

My teaching style leans toward the classical type, teaching Bible stories and talking about the Bible’s characters; however, I love bringing the gospel to life using popular characters in pop culture. I find inspiration everywhere and make it my own. For example, one year when SpongeBob first appeared on the screen, I recorded his “I’m ready, I’m ready,” episode and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God’s Big Love Object Lessons

I love God and I want the kids I teach to love Him too. One aspect of God that brings me comfort is His bigness. Yes, He is small enough to fit inside a child’s heart, but large enough to love the entire world. Like many of God’s attributes, grasping this one is challenging to anyone — especially a child. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Devotional Ideas for Teachers

Kid’s devotionals should be mini nuggets of power-packed truth that children can easily “digest.” While children’s church services provide you with plenty of time to reinforce a central idea, a devotional is time restrictive, but personal. If you serve on the bus ministry, at a Christian school or in a neighborhood outreach, you may need kid’s devotional ideas to bring … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Paper Airplane Object Lesson

Use this simple & fun object lesson to teach kids about being made in the image of God. It could also serve as a children’s sermon or the framework for a full Bible lesson. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 NIV SAY: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons: Resisting Temptation

Failing to resist temptation will leave a child open to sin. Let’s face it—children are naturally impulsive. Kids need to have the spiritual skill set necessary to be victorious continuously. These object lessons will demonstrate the importance of resisting temptation and show kids how to do it. We recommend using these visuals in conjunction with the scripture reference James 4:7 … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Talking to God: Object Lessons on Prayer

Learning the language of prayer is not easy for some kids. Talking to “someone” you can’t see may be uncomfortable and isn’t as natural as a teacher would expect. Most kids just don’t know what to say or what they should say. Praying is a natural activity once that connection is established but getting there can be a bit of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons: God’s Forgiveness

The act of forgiveness is freeing but God’s forgiveness is so complete that it is astounding! Our relationship with God begins with His willingness to forgive us. The love match continues as the Christian, young and old learns to depend on that very forgiveness daily. Christian children need to understand that God’s forgiveness covers their entire list of sins. They … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Two Object Lessons about God’s Love

There is no bigger or better lesson to teach kids than about God’s love. As the Bible tells us, not only is love the primary attribute of God, it is the stuff He’s made of. (1 John 4:8) Yet, in our world today so many children and adults haven’t the vaguest concept of what His love is like. As children’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Obey Your Parents" Object Lesson

The circle of blessing is a fun way to illustrate the promise God makes to children in the 5th commandment. Use this for a fun children’s sermon on mother’s day or father’s day (or in any lesson on the 5th commandment.  Supplies Needed: Circle of about 3ft diameter. I used a piece of rope attached to the floor with masking … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bottle of Sanctification: An Object Lesson

This is an object lesson to teach children about how throughout their Christian life they will become more and more like Christ.  They will learn about the concept of sanctification in a concrete way. Appropriate Age: K-6 (will be best understood by the older children) Materials Needed: One plastic bottle (perhaps labeled with name of the person it will represent) … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson: You are a Thank You Card

The following object lesson can be used in a children’s church setting, an elementary chapel, an Awana message, or a Sunday School.  It is designed for students from kindergarten through sixth grade.  The premise of the message is that we should live our lives as “Thank You Cards” written to God. Click here to download a printable thank you card … More Children’s Ministry Resources