Bible Story Skit & Lesson on Sodom and Gommorah

Several months ago, I wrote a post with an idea for teaching kids using a play that doesn’t work.  I’ve used it a number of times since then, including this morning for presenting a lesson on the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah.  I thought it might be helpful to post that lesson here for two reasons: It is a concrete … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Paul's Shipwreck (Acts 27) Bible Lesson

This lesson continues the Journey through the Book of Acts.  This lesson covers Paul’s shipwreck as he sails toward Rome.  Students will see how the Holy Spirit enables believers to have courage in difficult situations and be able to be an encouragement to others who are struggling.  The lesson was prepared for older students.  This is only a suggested guide … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons: God’s Forgiveness

The act of forgiveness is freeing but God’s forgiveness is so complete that it is astounding! Our relationship with God begins with His willingness to forgive us. The love match continues as the Christian, young and old learns to depend on that very forgiveness daily. Christian children need to understand that God’s forgiveness covers their entire list of sins. They … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: Israel's Northern Kings

This is a continuation in the study of Israel’s kings.  This lesson covers the reigns of Jeroboam through Omri.  Although none of the kings from the northern kingdom were righteous before God they are included in this series because everything written in Scripture is for our learning. Students will learn how merciful God is towards sinful man as they examine … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Two Object Lessons about God’s Love

There is no bigger or better lesson to teach kids than about God’s love. As the Bible tells us, not only is love the primary attribute of God, it is the stuff He’s made of. (1 John 4:8) Yet, in our world today so many children and adults haven’t the vaguest concept of what His love is like. As children’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Obey Your Parents" Object Lesson

The circle of blessing is a fun way to illustrate the promise God makes to children in the 5th commandment. Use this for a fun children’s sermon on mother’s day or father’s day (or in any lesson on the 5th commandment.  Supplies Needed: Circle of about 3ft diameter. I used a piece of rope attached to the floor with masking … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: Paul's Trial before Festus

This free Bible lesson for children continues the journey through Acts. Specifically, it covers Paul’s trial before Festus.  Students will learn that the Holy Spirit enables believers to trust the Lord and wait patiently for God to help them through difficulties.  This study is based on the 25th chapter of the book of Acts. The lesson was originally prepared for older … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: God Protects Paul’s Life

This lesson continues the journey through Acts as a plot to murder Paul is thwarted.  Students will learn that God guides and protects His servants as they obediently follow Him.  This study is based on the 23 chapter of the book of Acts. The lesson was originally prepared for older students.  Use this as your guide to help teach the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bottle of Sanctification: An Object Lesson

This is an object lesson to teach children about how throughout their Christian life they will become more and more like Christ.  They will learn about the concept of sanctification in a concrete way. Appropriate Age: K-6 (will be best understood by the older children) Materials Needed: One plastic bottle (perhaps labeled with name of the person it will represent) … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Story of Creation for Kids

The Days of Creation Curriculum for Kids

Kids need to know the story of creation. God made everything in 6 days to show his creative power. Start with our printable coloring pages, complete Sunday School lessons, and video Bible stories. We’ve partnered with the Sunday School Store to update and revise our popular Days of Creation Bible lessons. Scroll down to find the original free versions, or … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson: You are a Thank You Card

The following object lesson can be used in a children’s church setting, an elementary chapel, an Awana message, or a Sunday School.  It is designed for students from kindergarten through sixth grade.  The premise of the message is that we should live our lives as “Thank You Cards” written to God. Click here to download a printable thank you card … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ruth Bible Lesson for Children

This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It covers the story of Ruth. This material could also be used as the Ruth Bible story lesson for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. We’ve tried to include enough activities to allow some choice in your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: Paul Testifies in Jerusalem

This lesson continues the study of the Book of Acts.  This lesson was prepared for older students and teaches them that the Holy Spirit enables believers to boldly share their testimony.  This is only a guide with suggestions how to teach.  We have included suggestions for activities to go along with this lesson. Please adapt the lesson to the needs of your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: King Asa seeks God

This is a continuation in the study of Israel’s kings.  This lesson focuses on how Asa pleased God and had victory when he sought Him for help.  Asa fails in the later part of his life by seeking a king and doctors (instead of the Lord) for help.  He is still recorded in God’s word as a man whose heart … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson (Acts 21) Paul is Arrested in Jerusalem

This lesson is about Paul’s journey to Jerusalem.  Every place that Paul traveled the Holy Spirit warned him that prison and hardships were facing him.  Paul perseveres in the mission of sharing the Good News because he is enabled by the Holy Spirit to do the work he has been called to do.  Students will learn that believers who obey … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easter Lesson for Kids (Matthew 28:1-10)

This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It goes over the story of Easter Sunday. This material could also be used as the Bible lesson plan for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. Look for additional teaching ideas and resources linked at the bottom … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Bible Time Machine: Object Lesson Idea

Normally when I share ideas on here, it’s for things I have already done which worked.  Today is a little bit different.  Today, I want to share an idea I’ve been kicking around in my head for about a year which I haven’t gotten around to putting into practice yet. That idea is called the Bible Time Machine, and I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Abijah Relies on God Sunday School Lesson

This lesson continues the study of Israel’s kings.  Students learn from studying Abijah that although he wasn’t fully devoted to the LORD, when he faced an enemy bigger than himself he relied on God and God gave him victory over Jeroboam’s large army. The lesson is created as a guide for teachers to prepare for the needs of his/her own … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Riot in Ephesus: Sunday School Lesson

This lesson covers the whole chapter of Acts 19.  Depending on your class you can just focus on the riot in Ephesus.  Our class covered the entire chapter as part of the curriculum we use.  To tie it all together the focus is when God’s Word is taught, the Holy Spirit gives light to the hearer.  The hearer can respond … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fruit of the Spirit Object Lessons

One of the most exciting lessons to teach Christian children is on the subject of the fruits of the spirit. In fifteen years of teaching I can honestly say that the fruits of the spirit series is one of the most rewarding lessons I can bring to my kids. However, in our fast-paced world it is difficult to teach children … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Paul's Journeys in Acts 17 Sunday School Lesson

This is a continuation of the Journey through Acts.  This lesson covers Paul’s visit to Thessalonica, Berea and Athens.  The lesson reveals the different responses of people as the message of the Good News is shared.  This part of Paul’s activity is often called the second missionary journey. The lesson was prepared for older elementary students but can be adapted … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Samson Bible Lesson for Kids

This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It covers the story of the ups and downs of Samson. This material could also be used as the Bible lesson plan for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. Look for additional teaching ideas and resources linked … More Children’s Ministry Resources