A Prayer for the Suffering Children

Ever-watching Father: we pray for the suffering children whom we do not see. We know that your eyes see their tears, that your heart knows their sorrow, that your hands can reach them now. We remember that Jesus was once a child, that poverty stole his bread, that tyrants sought his life, that his mother tasted tears. We ask you to send friends for the lonely, food for the hungry, medicine for the sick, saviors for the

International Justice Mission: Defending Children from Abuse Globally

Edmund Burke once said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”  That quote unsettles me, partly because it describes me. International Justice Mission (IJM) is an organization that allows you to extend that influence  to vulnerable children around the world.  Their purpose is articulated in Isaiah 1:17, “Seek justice, encourage the oppressed, defend the cause of the fatherless, and plead the case of the widow.” As described on IJM”s

Saying Goodbye To My Foster Girls

Update: The girls came back and left again, then came back a third time! We’ve been able to adopt the younger of the two and the older has aged out of foster care. Still praying! This morning, I took our two foster girls home. We’ve had them since November, but driving away from their mom’s house it seemed like much longer. It’s a sad story, just like most foster care stories you’ve heard. Each of these stories

Sunday School Safety and Security

Safety and security is one of the biggest topics in children’s ministry today. This is true for both small and large churches. Keeping kids safe should be a priority in every church. In this article, I will discuss the leading concerns about Sunday school security and offer some ways to improve safety at your church. Security and Safety Concerns For Sunday School Many of the articles I’ve read about children’s ministry safety do not clearly state what

Statement on Child Abuse From the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Statement on Abuse
From the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
When we founded CBMW in 1987, part of our rationale in the Danvers Statement indicated our deep concern about “the upsurge of physical and emotional abuse in the family.” For the health of the family, we now offer this expanded statement on abuse.The BackgroundWhen CBMW was founded in 1987, its leaders wrote in the Danvers Statement that “We have been moved in our purpose by the following contemporary developments which we observe with deep concern.”

Southern Baptist Convention 2007 Resolution ON PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM ABUSE

Child abuse in protestant churches is a real problem. Just last week several church insurance agencies have spoken out on this problem. I am proud to say that Southern Baptists Churches are aware of the issues and looking for ways to protect children. Here is the historic resolution passed by the Southern Baptist Convention against child abuse last month. Southern Baptist Convention Annual MeetingSan Antonio, TX. June 12-13, 2007Resolution No. 7ON PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM ABUSEWHEREAS, The Bible

5 Ways Christians Can Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect

Child abuse and neglect is a disgrace to our nation. Even worse – many Christians are unaware of the issue. I believe that churches should be leading the way.
Sunday, April 29, 2007 was designated as National Blue Sunday. This was a day set aside for churches to pray for the victims of child abuse. As believers it should break our hearts when children suffer. We must recognize that God values children. The Bible says, “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.” (Psalm 127:3) Kids matter to God. We must affirm that little ones are God’s gift to us. Christians should be the first ones to stand against child abuse. We must defend children and work for real change.