How to Create a Bus Ministry Program

A healthy bus ministry consists of more than providing transportation between church and home. Volunteers and riders will flock to buses that offer programs that meet their needs. Volunteers need to know what to expect and how they can help. Riders are counting on you to set the tone, teach them how to behave, and introduce them to God’s kingdom. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fun Ways to Teach Backpack Evangelism to Kids

Kids are natural evangelists, they tell everything! Cultivate this love of sharing by teaching your kids about evangelism. By showing them how they can share their faith effectively, you will encourage their spirit and bring glory to God. Resist the urge to over teach with three month courses and seminars. Keep the gospel message powerful but simple. Incorporate some of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Guidelines for Discipline in Christian Bus Ministry

If your picture of Christian bus ministry is full of positive attitudes and well-behaved children–you must be new! Don’t feel bad; bus ministry, while vital and exciting, is challenging for many, even the experienced volunteer. Prepare for explosive growth in your ministry by establishing discipline guidelines. When parents, teachers and children know what to expect, there’s less chance for confusion … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mobile Apps for Churches

There are some exiting new ways to expand your church’s ministry through mobile technology. Just a few years ago it took a massive investment to build an iPhone app for your ministry. Only the largest congregations could afford the cost. Things have really changed. The prices for mobile ministry apps is now within reach of every congregation or even the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Can Kids Really Handle Mission Trips?

**This is a guest post by Glenys Nellist  from Kids Ministry Matters Did you think Mission Trips were just for adults or young people? Think again. This summer I was fortunate enough to participate in a Family Mission Trip—in my 30-year involvement in children’s ministry, this would be a brand new experience for me. On a hot day in the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tower of Babel Bible Lesson for Kids

This Bible lesson plan about freedom in Christ follows our new hassle-free format. The basic version makes it easy to teach with very little preparation or outside materials. We’ve also suggested more activities so you can expand the lesson to best fit your ministry setting. Lesson Title: The Tower of Babel Bible Reference: Genesis 11:1-9 Printer Friendly: [print_link] this lesson. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Easy Way to Do Summer Camp

This summer I had the opportunity to be a part of CentriKid Camp for a day with a few kids from my church.  This 3rd-6th grade camp offers Bible Study and Recreation in the morning, camper’s choice activity tracks in the afternoons, and an evening filled with worship, party, and church group time. I have some great video footage, but I’ve never made time … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Steps for Building a Better Church Bus Ministry

Picture children running from all directions to climb aboard the church bus. No dragging kids to come to church, no begging or bribing. Real excitement that affects families, even neighborhoods. It can happen—it does happen in the bus ministry! If this doesn’t sound like your bus ministry, you can change that. Start here. 1. Reset the Standard The standard for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Mentor a Christian Child

Mentors are not extra parents or just supportive friends; they are God-appointed guides that lead children through tough times. Like Paul and Timothy or Elijah and Elisha, mentors teach, instruct and impart to their students, often just one at a time. Mentors transcend these standard relationships with a golden, God-given purpose. Whether you mentor for a summer or several years, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Fundraising Ideas for Kids Church

A children’s ministry requires a constant supply of prizes, equipment and material – all these things cost money. Some churches don’t have flexible budgets and may not be able to keep up with the growth of their children’s ministry. These same ideas can help your group sponsor a child. This doesn’t have to be a ministry killer. If you need … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Ways to Reach More Kids

I love ministering to children! Giving away hugs, seeing the “light” come in during lessons, witnessing heart changes. All of these things make my job worthwhile. This calling truly comes with its own rewards. Besides loving the baby chicks in my ministry “nest” I’ll admit there are times when my heart burns for the chicks that haven’t arrived yet. When … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Pickle Party" Themed Night Idea

We threw a “Pickle Palooza” in our Wednesday night children’s program. From the moment we announced the schedule, this was one of the most anticipated nights. Here are some of the themed elements we tried. Please leave a comment and share your own creative ideas. >>> Bible Connection <<< God Made You Special: We used our pickle party along with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Tips for Mobile Children's Ministry

*Written by Amy Van Putten from North Point Church in Plainwell, MI. Are you someone who does not have a permanent church building? I have been unloading and reloading a trailer and running a ministry out of Rubbermaid tubs for 5 years. Mobile ministry has its challenges but if it’s what God has called you to do, it’s what you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Video: How to Use Ministry-To-Children

I created this video to help readers get the most out of our website. With thousands of 100% free resources ministry, we want to make things as easy as possible. Watch below to learn learn more and leave a comment to let me know what you think.

"Dream Big" Kids Ministry Conference

Have you heard about the 2011 LifeWay Kids Ministry Conference. Readers below shared their BIG DREAM for children’s ministry. The details of LifeWay’s Kids Ministry Conference are being planned now, and we want you to come and Dream Big with us! What a better place to Dream Big than Nashville, TN! Many move to Nashville each year to seek out big dreams in a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Point Strategy to Fight Preacher's Kids Syndrome

I am a ballet dancer — performed for years, taught for years, retired to begin a family, became a Montessori teacher while the kids were young, and finally decided to listen to God’s calling — placing me in ministry. My kids have all of the “benefits” of being a PK with no student loans without perfect credit score from years … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Raise a Fake Christian

Raising kids that truly love Jesus is hard work. That’s why so many of parents settle for plan B. What would happen if you were actually trying to raise a pretend believer? Here are some 9 steps you might take. My point is not to encourage this type of parenting, only to point out where we might be doing it on accident. Click … More Children’s Ministry Resources

9 Ways to Grow Your Preschool Ministry

Very few churches reach younger families without a strong preschool ministry. Here are nine practical ways to expand the number of preschool children coming to your church. Don’t miss our free printable preschool Bible lessons and preschool coloring pages. 1. Do it well.  It will be virtually impossible to grow your preschool ministry if you are doing it halfway.  Evaluate, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should parents force their kids to go to church?

Now that’s a loaded question for you! Any answer you give will likely blow up in your face. So before we attempt this dangerous feat, let’s work through some background issues. Who’s asking the question? In church life, you’ll find many motivations behind this query. Both parents and teens use those same words, but with different intent. It’s also a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Make Families & Children Feel Welcomed

Whether a family is visiting or has been attending our church for a hundred years, my desire is that they feel welcomed in our ministry.  This can be a struggle as volunteers are so busy and are focused on other things on Sunday mornings. Here are a few easy things to implement to up your friendliness factor: 1.  Plant smiling … More Children’s Ministry Resources