What Does it Mean for Our Children to Stand Firm? (David Michael)

This post features notes from Ryan Golias at the Children Desiring God Conference 2011. Click here to see all the sessions Having Done All, Stand Firm: David Michael It is my joy to send you out with a word of encouragement. What is it that we want you to have ringing in your ears as you leave? My parting word to you at the 2009 Children Desiring God conference was 2 Corinthians 4:1: “Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy

Effective Kids Ministry Depends on Your Time with Jesus (Turner)

This post features notes from Ryan Golias at the Children Desiring God Conference 2011. Click here to see all the sessions. Your Testimonies are My Delight: Kempton Turner And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him. And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach. (Mark 3:13-14) During His three-year ministry, Jesus’

Kids Need the Good News about Jesus' Authority (Russel Moore)

This post contains notes from Ryan Golias at the Children Desiring God Conference 2011. Click here to see all the sessions. No Longer Tossed To and Fro: Russel Moore The text for this message was Mark 1:16-28. It is a big chunk, but worth reading through to follow the message below. The Full Gospel for Children We are used to seeing warning labels for children. On medicine bottles we see labels warning “Not for children”. On rides there are

3 Questions about Passing on God's Truth (John Piper)

This post contains notes from Ryan Golias at the Children Desiring God Conference 2011. Click here to see all the sessions. The Sum or Your Word Is Truth: John Piper Teaching our children to approach truth with a cavalier and disdaining attitude is the greatest scandal today with regard to the minds of our young people. The worst we can do is teach them that there is no truth. On the other hand, one of the best things

Notes from 2011 Children Desiring God Conference

This series of live blogging notes from Ryan Golias. New posts will be added throughout the weekend. Scroll down for links to session notes. I invite you to join us for the Chrildren Desiring God conference. I am going to blog through the conference, and post session notes here. This year the conference is about holding fast to the Word of the Truth. We live in a culture that doesn’t take truth for granted–doesn’t believe it is necessary