Sunday School Rosters = Ministry To Do List

Sunday School Revolutionary is a blog hosted by the Kentucky Baptist Convention on the topic {you guessed it} Sunday School. I just read the latest post and wanted to share it here. It’a full of practical help for turning your Sunday school attendance list into a ministry list. Here’s a great quote: Revolutionary Sunday School cares for people in class … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Getting To Know Kids In Your Children's Ministry

The best Sunday School and Children’s Ministry teachers are able to build life long relationships with the kids in their ministry. This makes the teaching much more powerful and the experience more rewarding for the teachers. How you relate to the children you teach will always affect how they receive the Bible lessons  you teach. The old cliche is true … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ministry Spotlight: Jelly Telly

Phil Vischer, the creator of VeggieTales, has a new web-based ministry for children.  It is called Jelly Telly.  The essence of the website is to provide a safe-haven for children to “surf” the web.  There is a daily “television” show with puppets, computer animated characters, and live actors teaching a God-centered lesson. You can check out all the characters found … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Children's Church Like Jesus

I just ran across a great article written by Karl Bastian. He asks a question that just might change everything about your children’s ministry. What if Jesus taught in your children’s church? Karl writes: Jesus didn’t come and undertake an educational ministry, but rather a relational ministry! Jesus came to this earth, born as a child, grew up within the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Online Devotions For Christians

Over the past week, I’ve been helping set up a new site for Christian devotions. The site works like an RSS aggregator and pulls all the best daily bible devotions into one homepage. The end results is an extremely user friendly way to make use of these excellent online devotions. Going forward the site will add more features and begin … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Missionary Stories For Kids

Teaching children about missions is important. Tonight I found several great websites that offer missions education for children. These were links I found on the Kids page from Wycliffe Bible translators. Just for fun, I asked my 8 year old Son to check out these sites and give me a few comments for this post. I’ve put his thoughts in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God-Centered Children's Ministry: Sojourn Kids

Sojourn Church in Louisville KY has a wonderful children’s ministry called SojournKids. This is the same ministry behind the book “Pastor Daddy.” Now, they’ve launched a blog for parents and ministry workers. It’s very promising and will be one I visit frequently. I know some of their leaders and they share a powerful vision for God-centered children’s ministry. Here are … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Is The Average Salary For Children's Ministers?

I just found this very interesting report on the Children’s Ministry Magazine website. It gives the salary breakdown for children’s ministry jobs and even lets you calculate and compare your salary based on very fine tuned demographics. NOTE: That tool is no longer available since they updated their website. You can read their 1995 survey that listed the average salary … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lessons & Bad Interpretation

Have you ever had to modify a lesson plan because it didn’t line up with the Bible story it was supposed to be teaching? Children’s ministry workers and Sunday school teachers should always be careful when teaching from a Sunday school curriculum. Most publishers have a statement of faith and editorial reviews to ensure sound doctrine. But sometimes individual lessons … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Ways To Teach Children About Missions

The Desiring God blog has posted an article about helping kids love missions. Their ideas are geared toward families being missions minded with their kids. Here are the ten ways they pointed out. Click through to their website to get more details on each. Pray for missionaries. Read missionary biographies to your children. Supporting missionaries financially as a family Find … More Children’s Ministry Resources

My Trip To The Creation Museum

Today, I took my 7 year old son along with the “Senior Saints” from our church to visit the Creation Museum in Covington, Kentucky (Near Cincinnati). The drive is only an hour from our church and we’re doing the Answers In Genesis Vacation Bible School this year. So, I thought I would make the trip. From the start I was … More Children’s Ministry Resources

When A Child Writes A Letter To God

Dear God Children’s Letters To GodMy friend and fellow Children’s Minister Glen Woods has written a touching article titled When A Child Writes To God. He reminds us of the joy and faith that are so wonderful in a child’s faith. He tells the story of a recent learning activity when he asked the children in his church to

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Big Picture Story Bible

One of my favorite story Bibles is written by David Helm and titled The Big Picture Story Bible. You can check it out and read a review at the Discerning Reader. Here is a quote from their review: David Helm has done a wonderful job of developing these “big picture” ideas and most importantly, demonstrating how they are fulfilled in … More Children’s Ministry Resources