Free Children's Ministry Magazine (Print & Digital) Subscription

Click here to learn more and subscribe on their website. The best printed resource for kids ministry is now 100% free. I’ve been reading Children’s Ministry Magazine since 2006. I was a brand new children’s pastor and their articles were a lifeline for me. I had been to Bible College and Seminary, but I found so much help in their practical and encouraging articles. Free Subscription to Children’s Ministry Magazine Our website is not affiliated Group Publishing

"Go Curriculum" for Children's Ministry

This is one of the best new resources for children’s church or Sunday school. It’s hard to find material that’s theologically robust and fun for kids – I think Go! curriculum does both with excellence. That’s why I’m excited to let you know about it. You can see our readers live the ideas too. Don’t miss the free sample on their website. The giveaway on this post has ended and I’ve notified the winner by email. What

Giveaway "Strong Kids Curriculum" Kit

Strong Curriculum is a brand new Sunday School curriculum from RBP. They are happy to introduce this exciting new STRONG KIDS material. To enter this giveaway — just leave a comment on this post saying how your church could benefit fro this material. We’ll randomly select a winner next week! NOW MORE THAN EVER, IT’S TIME TO BE STRONG! When you choose the Strong Curriculum, you are choosing a Sunday School curriculum with all of God’s Word

153 Children's Ministry Websites & Blogs

Welcome to the exhaustive list of kids ministry blogs – updated March 2019. We started with 101 but ended up listing 153 different sites about ministry to children! Happy browsing. TOP 25 CHILDREN’s MINISTRY BLOGS #1 Children’s Ministry (dot com) The most widely read magazine in children’s ministry also has an amazing blog! Their content is a virtual education in ministry to kids. Of course you’ll find some of the best writers and leaders in the field.

Friends and Heroes Curriculum Pack

Friends and Heroes brings the Bible to life with it’s award winning animation series. They are a longtime friend to our website. They sponsor our website to let more people know about excellent Bible curriculum built around the DVDs. Friends and Heroes Series 1 Church and School Curriculum Pack – you can download a free two week sample to get a firsthand look. The giveaway on this post has ended and we’ve notified the winner by email. They

Memory Verse’s for Kids Graphics

I’m so excited to share this resource. Our friends at Children’s Ministry Deals were inspired by our 52 Bible Memory Verse list and turned them into printable graphic cards. You need to check out these free memory verses for kids graphics. I can tell this took a lot of work and the results are amazing. These are short and easy Bible verses to get kids hiding God’s Word in their heart with minimal hassle. To download the

Children’s Church Science Lessons

Kids love science experiments. So its cool when you can use science experiments to teach them lessons from the Bible. Children’s Ministry Deals just released a brand new curriculum series called Bible Science 6-Week Children’s Ministry Curriculum and you can download the first lesson and science experiment for free. This goes way beyond science object lessons – its full Bible lessons illustrated with kid-friendly science activities. Bible Memory Verse: “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles

Free Children’s Ministry Curriculum

Find the right curriculum for your children’s ministry. These 100% free resources are perfect for kids’ church or any time you need a Bible study to teach children. Yoast Meta Keywords: kids ministry curriculum, elevate kids ministry curriculum, kids ministry curriculum the gospel, sample of kids ministry curriculum, children’s ministry curriculum kids ministry curriculum free children’s church curriculum children’s ministry curriculum free children’s church curriculum free free children’s ministry curriculum children’s church curriculum children ministry curriculum kids

Superhero Children’s Church Lessons

Kids love the idea of heroes. There is no better way to get the attention of elementary aged boys then talking about Superheros. That’s why this curriculum for children’s church will be a powerful addition to your ministry on Sunday morning. This is a brand new 12-Week Children’s Ministry Curriculum from our friends at Children’s Ministry Deals. It’s appropriately titled, “How To Be A Superhero.” It’s already become one of their best selling resources (and that is saying

7 Free Christmas Programs for Children’s Ministry

Fall is here and it won’t be long before the annual church Christmas program is upon us. Today, I want to point out some free materials from our friends at Children’s Ministry Deals. They’ve released a nice collection of Free Christmas programs and scripts for churches to use. These are high quality resources, downloaded by something like 20,000 people. >> Don’t miss our free Christmas plays In total, they have 7 options. So you can find the

Free Preteen Ministry Curriculum

Our friends at Children’s Ministry Deals have released a free lesson series for preteens (or upper elementary) students. It’s a 4 week Bible study that will help them trust in God when life gets messy. Just looking at the reviews, tons of churches have already used this and given it high marks. If you are struggling to engage this age group, this might be a great way to kickstart your preteen ministry. Download Free Preteen Curriculum “Trusting God When

Top 50 Family Ministry Blogs

I’m a little slow in posting this, but I wanted to thank Sam Luce for compiling this helpful list of blogs about family ministry. It’s always fun to see a quality list of websites all on one page. He even gave a mention to our website. (Thanks Sam!) Click here to see the list Besides the honor of being listed, let me point out a few of my favorites on the list. Nothing against the others, but

Children's Books by Mandy Groce & Sojourn Kids

Most of our readers love the illustrations from Mandy Groce on our website, now you can read some of her writing in two new books for children. What is the Gospel? and What is the Church? present solid biblical teaching in a storybook format for children. These are perfect to read along with your child and discuss what it means to follow Jesus. Click here to buy these books on Amazon. Watch my video below for a

Nine Special Needs Blogs for Kidmin

There are many opinions out there when it comes to the issue of ministering to children with special needs.  This is not my area of expertise.  However, it is an important issue that our children’s ministries must address.  Like most things, I agree with the perspectives of some of these blogs more than others, and I trust the authors of certain blogs more than others. Bottom line, these sites all have something to offer.  I have endeavored

Top 10 Church Leadership Blogs for Kidmin

Many of those who work in children’s ministry are leaders.  Whether you are the Children’s Pastor or a weekly volunteer, there is a lot to be learned from reading about leadership.  In no particular order, here are ten of my favorite blogs dealing with the issue of leadership: 1. Michael Hyatt (  Michael Hyatt is the chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishing.  This is his personal blog where he focuses on what he calls “intentional leadership.” 2. Seth

Top 10 Devotional Blogs for Kidmin

Don’t miss our free printable devotions for kids. A few weeks ago, I posted the top ten theological blogs for kidmin noting that it is important that those of us who work in children’s ministry continue to educate ourselves in theology and doctrine.  It is equally important that we spend regular time in relationship with our Heavenly Father.  To that end, the following are some of the best devotional blogs I have found: 1. Spurgeon’s Daily Meditation

Top 10 Theology Blogs for Kidmin

There are tons of great children’s ministry blogs out there.  You can check out a great list of them here on  Part of our role as children’s ministers, though, is to provide kids a solid foundation of knowledge in Christ and various Biblical doctrines.  In order to do that, we must also be firmly grounded in those truths.  Here are ten great blogs for theological information and discussions.  In no particular order: 1. Desiring God Blog. 

Autism Awareness & Mother's of Autistic Children

The Inclusive Church blog has been running a great series of posts in honor of Autism awareness month. Amy is writing about what you should know about mothers of children with autism. It’s a fascinating look inside what is often a private struggle. These articles are so helpful for any of us in children’s ministry because Autism is a very common challenge.  Click the titles below to read her posts. She may feel relief with the autism diagnosis. She may experience

Special Report: Future of Kids Ministry

A few months back I wrote an article for Kidmin360’s group writing project called “The Future of Children’s Ministry.” Greg Baird gathered together some forward thinkers and asked them to imagine what’s coming next in kids ministry. Download: Now that all the articles are finished, you can download this special report as a print friendly PDF file. Here is a list of writers who participated: Karl Bastian, Rick Chromey, Jonathan Cliff, Amy Dolan, Matt Guevara, Tina Houser,

Teaching Helps for the Parable of the Sower

We just posted a new lesson plan based on Jesus’ parable of the Soils. Here are some additional learning activities that will help you teach this Bible story. This well known Bible story explains why different people have different responses when they hear the teachings of Jesus.  Please leave a comment to share your ideas with other readers. Parable of the Sower Coloring Pages Video Story: The Parable of the Sower You could use this animated video

Review: VeggieTales DVD Library Curriculum

Many of our readers at Ministry To Children are familiar with the Veggie Tales DVD’s.  Yes, we have been critical of VeggieTales in the past, but we have also been complimentary as evidenced by this interview with Phil Vischer, the creator of VeggieTales.  Now, they are at it again in helping Children’s Ministries reach children in an easy and fairly affordable manner. Worthy Resources has compiled 30 VeggieTales titles into one library system complete with lesson plans

School Teachers Need Your Prayers – Like Never Before

Public school teachers face an impossible job that is deserves the respect of everyone who loves kids! This funny story makes a powerful point – teachers need your prayers like never before! After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said: Let me see if I’ve got this right. You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits,

MOPS International: A Resource for Christian Moms

They say that a parent is a child’s primary teacher. The hours are stacked up to support that statement.  In a post entitled 1/168:  Children’s Ministry Hours per Week, Terry Delaney writes that parents have 167 hours to influence their children.  We, as individuals serving God in Children’s Ministry, have 1.  One short hour. In one of his recent posts, Ministry to Children contributor Charlie Wallace stated his philosophy as a children’s pastor.  In his words, it

The Watchmaker: Intelligent Design Video For Kids

Have you seen the video called “The Watchmaker,” produced by Kids4Truth? It is a nicely told parable illustrating the folly of believing that the human race sprang into being by random chance. Just as the intricate parts of a watch could not possibly come together by accident to create a sophisticated timepiece, so the even more intricate and detailed workings of the human body and mind could never have come about by chance. Rather, man is the