Lesson: The Birth and Calling of Samuel (1 Samuel 1-3)

This free Sunday School lesson helps students discover that in a world filled with sin’s darkness God’s light shines through the lives of people who love and obey Him.  This lesson was created for older elementary students but can be modified for any age group. We have an alternate lesson plan “When Hannah Prayed” written from preschoolers. Bible Story:  The Birth and Calling of SamuelScripture:  1 Samuel 1-3Target Age Group: Age 9 – 11 (U.S. 3rd –

Cool Widgets for Kids Church

If you have access to a volunteer or staff member who likes building, you should consider these cool widgets for your kids ministry. These invaluable tools provide a lot of excitement and if taken care of, they can last a good long time. I don’t use these handy items every week but they are perfect for special events or themed Sundays when I need a few extra activities. Here is a brief description of each ministry tool

Blessing of the Backpacks (Back to School Event)

Use these ideas in your children’s ministry as kids go back to school. Give them the spiritual boost and remind them God is going back to school alongside them! I love this time of year! Kids are headed back to school and back to church. Something about fall makes me think of big events and outreach ministries. In years past, we’ve done a few back to school giveaways but the “Blessings of the Backpacks” event is dear

Bully Proof Your Child's Life

Bullies today sometimes take extreme measures to get what they want — whether that’s your child’s lunch money or his happiness. (A disturbing thought since many of us are sending kids back to school.) Just a few decades ago, the biggest problems schools faced involved curtailing gum chewing in class, stopping hallway kissers or hand holding on the bus. I’d say that as a nation, we’ve firmly left that standard well behind us. As long as families

Homeschool Coloring Page

Mandy wanted to create a coloring sheet activity for all the homeschool students as they get the new year started. Use the links below to download each file for these “Our home is our school” coloring pages. Coloring sheet in PDF or JPEG Cut-out version sheet #1 in PDF or JPEG Cut-out version sheet #2 in PDF or JPEG

"New Testament: Paul's Letters" Review Worksheets

This is part of a series of worksheets based on the divisions of the Bible. The purpose is to help children who are already familiar with many of the Bible stories to understand how they fit together to make the whole story of the Bible. Click here to download the worksheets. This worksheet focuses on Paul’s letters in the New Testament. It has two pages that can be printed back to back. Pencils are needed; crayons might

"2 Chronicles" Bible Coloring Page

We created this free printable as a tool to help children learn about the second book of 2 Chronicles. You can also search our website and find lesson plans another ideas related to the history of Israel and their Kings. We are in the early stages of creating a coloring sheet for each book in the Bible. The project is just beginning and may take most of 2013 before they are posted online. Click on the image to download

Bible Lesson: Ruth and Boaz

This lesson from the Book of Ruth teaches children that Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer Boaz points us to Jesus the redeemer who died on the cross for our sins, was buried and rose again.  All who put their faith in Jesus’ sacrifice for sins are redeemed and adopted into God’s family.  This lesson was created for older children and can be adapted for your needs. Bible Passage: Ruth 1-4 Bible Story Title: Ruth & Boaz Target Age Group:  Ages 9-11 (3rd-5th

Preschool Bible Lesson (1 Samuel 1:4-28) When Hannah Prayed

Use this lesson plan to teach preschoolers and younger children about prayer. It’s based on the story where God answers Hannah’s prayer for a child. Please modify this Bible lesson to best fit your Sunday School class. We always welcome your comments and feedback. Don’t miss our alternate lesson plan for older children on the Birth and Calling of Samuel  Lesson Title: When Hannah PrayedBible Reference: 1 Samuel 1:4-28 // 1 Samuel 1:9-20Target Age Group: PreschoolLearning Context: Sunday

5 Small Group Activities for Children

Holding a 1 to 2-hour main event each week in kids’ church can build excitement but it’s not much of a vehicle for building relationships. I admit I love the high-energy, atmosphere of  heart-pumping praise music and the sounds of happy children more than anything in the world. However, maintaining that upbeat experience every week can wear you down (especially if you’re my age). I haven’t renounced the high-energy side of ministry but I have made some

Memorize the Books of the Bible: Fun Game Ideas for Children’s Ministry

It’s Back-to-School time and we are all looking to what our kids need to know this year. What would be one of the best things for your kids to learn this year? Well, learning the books of the Bible, of course! Learning the books of the Bible is a wonderful thing for all kids to learn. Here are some fun ways to get the kids in your Sunday School class, Children’s Church, or your own kids at

Starting the School Day Right with Prayer Cards

As I was reflecting about our homeschool this year, I knew something was missing, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Then one day, as I was praying, it came to me! Prayer! Prayer was missing from our homeschool. I couldn’t believe that I left out such an integral part of our day! We started last year praying before we started school, but, somehow, it got left out. Click here to download the printable prayer

Back to School – A Good Time to Reflect

I have always loved the “Back to School” time in August/September. “Back to school” time to me means sharp crayons, new pencils, and any new gadgets that will make school just a little more fun and colorful. We have decided to homeschool year-round. Taking 3 months off in the Summer doesn’t work for us and we like to take different breaks throughout the year. Even though we don’t take the summer off from school, this is still

Blanket Object Lesson

Teaching a meaningful message to kids doesn’t require an expensive prop; often you can use items children are already familiar with to relay a Bible message, like a blanket. Recently, I took inspiration from Deuteronomy 33:12, “Of Benjamin, he said, ‘The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him, and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between his shoulders.” (KJV) That verse and a medium-sized blanket made the

Sock Monkey Sundays

Sock monkeys are a folksy craft toy that has gained in popularity the past few years — that makes it the perfect inspiration for a monthly theme! I’ve put the old noodle to work and come up with some fun ideas to create excitement in your ministry using this playful theme. You can use this toy for all sorts of themes including Noah’s Ark, exploring God’s world or even comforting others. Set up a sock monkey display.

"Put Off – Put On" Coloring Page from Colossians 3

This free Bible coloring page pulls from the concepts of the new self in Colossians 3. Here is how Mandy describes the illustration. We’ve been working hard on the “put off” / “put on” concept with our kiddos. Thought this might be a good sheet/activity set. Kids could color the blocks, cut them out and paste in the “trash” or the put on side of the pages accordingly. First page (PDF or JPEG) Second page (PDF or

“New Testament History” Review Worksheets — Acts

This is part of a series of worksheets based on the divisions of the Bible. The purpose is to help children who are already familiar with many of the Bible stories to understand how they fit together to make the whole story of the Bible. Click here to download This worksheet focuses on the New Testament book of history – Acts. It has two pages that can be printed back to back. Pencils are needed; crayons would

Bible Lesson: Samson (Judges 13-16)

This lesson concludes a study in the Book of Judges.  As students examine Samson’s life they will discover that sin hinders God’s power in the life of a believer.  Confession of sin cleanses a believer’s life and enables the Holy Spirit’s power to be seen. The lesson was prepared for older elementary students and is only a guide.  Please adapt for the needs of your ministry. Bible Passage: Judges 13-16 Bible Story Title: Samson Target Age Group: 

25 Things a Children’s Pastor’s Must Do this Summer

I know what you’re thinking,”25 more things?” Well these 25 “must do activities” are really fun suggestions that could help you reconnect with your inner child. As children’s ministers, we should think like our sheep. That’s hard to do at times, especially when we get busy with grown up life, ministry and family. Our top 25 summer bucket list is a great way to simplify your summer living—and just be a kid again. Run through the sprinkler.

Helping Kids Worship: Entering the Worship Zone

Taking kids to a deeper place in God with worship is my heart’s desire! Like so many of you, some of my most healing, profound moments have occurred in the worship-zone. However, leading others to this same place of God’s Presence can be so difficult, at least, it can feel that way. Honestly, as a children’s pastor with 15 years plus under her belt, I have had to learn (and remind myself) that much of that journey

Bible Lesson: Deborah and Barak (Judges 4-5)

The following lesson is a continuation of a study in Judges.  In the last lesson students discovered that the Israelites continued in a cycle of sin and when they cried out to God He sent them deliverers (judges) and rescued them.  In this lesson the students will learn that God uses people to show His glory.  The lesson was prepared for older students.  This is only a suggested guide.  Adapt the lesson for your ministry’s needs. Bible

Bible Lesson: Gideon Responds to God's Call (Judges 6-8)

As students continue a study in Judges they will discover how Gideon responds to God’s call.  They will learn that it is important to obey God and trust Him to help us do what He calls us to do.  The lesson was prepared for older students and can be adapted for your needs. Bible Passage: Judges 6-8 Bible Story Title: Gideon Responds to God’s Call Target Age Group:  Ages 9-11 (3rd-5th Grade U.S.A.) Target Time Frame: 60

Bible Lesson: Josiah Finds the Law of the Lord

This lesson plan was written for older children and teaches the importance of honoring God’s Word. Please modify this material to best fit the needs of your Sunday school class. We’d love to hear insights from other teachers, leave a comment below to share ideas with other readers. Lesson Title:   Josiah Finds the Law of the Lord Bible Reference: 2 Chronicles 34:14-21, Matthew 4:4, Psalm 119:9, James 1:22, 1 Timothy 4:11-13, John 8:32 Target Age Group: Older

7 Great Summer Things to Do with Ministry Volunteers

At the appointed time each, (Sunday, Wednesday etc.) you and your team gather the small sheep and then entertain, teach and inspire them. (We all firmly hope!) When it’s all over, the glue tubes are confiscated, parents’ questions have all been answered, the last child leaves, you give one another a high five. In many ministries, this is about all the interaction volunteers have with one another outside the classroom setting. If this sounds like you and