Teaching New Kids to Use the Bible

Poll a group of ministry leaders and they will all tell you that teaching kids Bible stories is an important bullet point in their vision. That’s awesome and I agree! But with so many kids (and families) unfamiliar with the Bible, we have to go a step further today. We must teach kids to use the Bible themselves too. I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Jesus Says "Do Not Worry" Matthew 6:25-33

Use this free Bible lesson in your children’s Sunday School or church program. It’s based on Jesus’ sermon on the mount, where he teaches to seek God’s Kingdom first. Feel free to customize this lesson plan to best fit the needs of your ministry setting. Gospel Connection: In this passage Jesus teaches us not to worry about our material needs … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Choosing God's Perspective, Not My Own

I am a stay-at-home mom and it would be easy to get upset with all of the little things that go on during the day. Sometimes, it feels as though I running on a treadmill, constantly going, but never getting any where. Yesterday, I was cleaning the stove, again, and could have been upset that it was dirty, again. My … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Nehemiah's Burden (Nehemiah 1-2)

The following lesson is the first lesson in a series from the Book of Nehemiah.  This lesson was prepared for older students.  The focus of the lesson was to help students to discover from Nehemiah’s burden that their burdens for others should lead them to pray and seek wisdom from God. Bible Passage:  Nehemiah 1-2 Bible Story Title: Nehemiah’s Burden … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Printable "ABC Bible Verses"

It is so important for all of us to be studying and memorizing scripture. In Psalm 119:11, it says, “Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.” During my Wednesday night class with Kindergarten-5th graders, we always spend time working on Bible Verses for them to memorize. I came up with a list … More Children’s Ministry Resources

When Kids Hate Church Nursery: 4 Pointers for Parents

You love attending church but dread the nursery tug-of-war with your toddler. She likes going to daycare and even likes the occasional Mom’s Day Out program; however, come Sunday, she’s not a happy camper. Who knows why but this phenomena happens at churches every week. Teary-eyed Moms and Dads (been there guys, I understand) hope for the best but experience … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Toddler/Preschool Websites for Homeschooling

While homeschooling school-age children, we often forget that our little ones need some structured learning as well. I’m not saying that they should be sitting there for hours on end every day, but it is good for them to have a few structured activities to do where they do have to sit for just a few minutes. If you don’t … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How Do You Response to God's Word?

We live in a very fast-paced world. We are used to having it “our way” and get disturbed when it isn’t. We can go through a drive-thru for dinner, play games and watch movies on our phones, and talk to far away family and friends through our computers. For most of us in America, we can drive to our local … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Parable of the Wise & Foolish Builder" Bible Lesson

This children’s Bible lesson is based on Jesus’ parable of the wise and foolish builders. In this well known passage, our Lord teaches about the value of living out his commandments – namely the Sermon on the Mount. This parable is also recorded in Luke 6:46-49. Learning Aim: Children will learn what it means to have wisdom and where they … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Handling Early Arrival Crowd Control

What do you do when a dozen kids show up 30 minutes early for kids’ church and you have just one volunteer? Shut the door and post a sign that reads, “Come back in 30 minutes?” Of course not! You never want to turn away kids but you do have to consider handling crowd control correctly. I can’t speak for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Yes, You Can Have Too Many Volunteers!

After surviving the lean years of having little or no help, I wasn’t prepared to have too many volunteers, but it did happen. I remember the days when I couldn’t beg, cajole or convince a parent to stay and help, now everyone’s on board (and I’m not complaining.) Here was my situation, a large group of kids graduated up to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"1 Samuel" Bible Coloring Page

We created this free printable as a tool to help children learn about the first book of Samuel. You can also search our website and find lesson plans another ideas related to the story of Hannah. We are in the early stages of creating a coloring sheet for each book in the Bible. The project is just beginning and may take most … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Secret Hour of Ministry

You can’t get everything done. None of us have enough time, energy, or skill to accomplish everything. Real wisdom comes in knowing what to put first and what to let slide. Our temptation is to do all the “public” tasks first. We don’t want to let other people down, so things that get noticed get done first. This is wrong … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Reaping a Reward (Esther 5-7)

This lesson from Esther focuses on how God rewards (or repays) each person according to their conduct.  Students will discover from Esther 5-7 that in God’s time He rewards the righteous for their faithfulness to Him and He punishes those who are wicked.  The lesson was created for older elementary students and can be adapted to the needs of your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Preschool Bible Lesson)

Use this free preschool Bible lesson to teach younger children about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. This story shows how God can rescue those who trust in Him. We welcome you suggestions in the the comment section to help improve this lesson. Feel free to share your own ideas to help other readers. Bible Text: Daniel 3:1,4-6,8-14,16-17,19-28 Learning Objectives: After this lesson, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

This free lesson plan is based on Daniel chapter 3. It recounts the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and how God saved them from the fiery furnace. Please leave a comment below to offer your ideas & suggestions for improving this outline. You can also find a simple craft idea for this passage on the related preschool lesson. Learning Objectives: After … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson Skit: Barnabas Speaks Up for Paul (Acts 9)

This skit dramatizes how Barnabas encouraged the other disciples to accept Paul after he became a Christian (Acts 9). It can be read during a Sunday School class or kids’ worship to give a feel for the story without requiring any rehearsal or advance preparation. Click here to download This would be a good supplement to any lesson plan based … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"The Lord is Good to All" Coloring Page

This Bible coloring page is based on Psalm 145:9 and teaches about the goodness of God to all people. Click on the preview above to download as a print-friendly PDF document. Advanced users can also download the JPEG image and edit on their own in Photoshop. The illustration shows a line people holding signs: the young, the elderly, girls, boys, the rich, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Believe on the Lord Jesus" Coloring Page

Use this free coloring page in your children’s ministry or anytime you need a scripture based activity for kids. Click on the preview image to download as a printable PDF document. We’ve also uploaded a higher resolution JPEG image for advanced editing. The full text of the caption reads, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Arcade April: Ideas for Kids Church

When it comes to kids’ church, I am a theme addict. Not only do I constantly (well, almost) brainstorm ideas for themes, my volunteers and kids do too. All credit for this winning idea goes to one of the children I mentor for ministry–and she’s only 10 years old! For those of you don’t regularly use monthly themes, you could … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bully Free Kids Church

Social abuse or bullying, takes its toll on kids. Some children barely remember a bully encounter, for others, bullying shapes their lives for decades, even a lifetime. Constant bullying can greatly diminish a child’s self-worth and often has much deadlier results than a few hurt feelings. Kids’ church must be a safe place where kids can learn about God’s love … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Are You Playing Favorites?

Romans 2:11 says, “For God does not show favoritism.” (NIV) Despite of His holy example, it is so easy to migrate to some children but ask yourself this question, “Am I playing favorites?” Let’s face it, some kids have sparkle. They show up; they participate with all their hearts. Perhaps they have parents that go the extra mile to support … More Children’s Ministry Resources