How Important is Bible Reading to You?

How important is reading the Bible? I say that it’s imperative to a good relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s a book written by our Heavenly Father, so wouldn’t we want to read it? In order to know about our Creator, we should read His book. It tells of Jesus’ coming, Jesus here on earth, and Jesus’ 2nd coming. It tells … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Amp Up Your Easter Egg Hunt

Piled up in my office/living room are bags of plastic eggs, a ton of candy and more boxes of Christian Easter goodies from my favorite novelty supply store. If I polled the audience here, I can almost guarantee that your living room or office looks the same way. No matter how I feel about the whole egg thing, for my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Charity Easter Baskets

I’m always looking for ways to get my kids involved in the community and assembling charity Easter baskets has been so successful in helping me do this. In the past, the kids of my children’s church have helped homeless families, children in military families, even kids that have lost everything in hurricanes. While we are not a huge operation, I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"The 1st Easter" Printable Storybook

* This idea was submitted by Bethany Tapp, the director of children’s ministries at the United Christian Church of Dubai. Click here to download this storybook As a children’s minister I’m always looking for new resources and tools to share with families, especially as we approach the Easter season and lots of visitors will be coming. This year, along with the “Easter M … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Joshua: Printable Bible Study Worksheet

If children have been going to church for a while or they are read Bible stories at home, they have probably heard of Joshua and the walls of Jericho. But, do they know that he was also the right-hand man of Moses and a great military leader? Well, here’s a little Bible study page for them to gain some knowledge … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Easter Worship Ideas for Kids' Church

Easter is on its way — are you ready for an influx of children? Share the joy and hope of Easter by providing kids with unique ways to worship the Lord. Prepare ahead of time and make Easter worship an event kids will remember all year long. These Easter worship ideas for kids’ church are good for both junior and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping Kids Stay Focused

Helping kids stay focused throughout your lesson or service can prove challenging for the children’s minister. Not only are we responsible for bringing the Word and building the leaders of tomorrow, we have to do it with plenty of pizzazz. With the onslaught of behavioral issues that teachers encounter today like ADD and ADHD, it’s no wonder we stay in constant prayer, right? … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Creative Easter Object Lessons

Try something new this Easter – these creative object lessons are sure to leave an impression about the good news for weeks to come. #1 M&M Object Lesson “The Sweet Truth of Easter” #2 Washed Clean – Easter Object Lesson #3 Erase Sin (Messy) Object Lesson for Easter Bonus Children’s Sermons for Easter Don’t miss our Easter children’s message (with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Creative Easter Snacks Ideas

Need creative Easter snacks for an Easter teaching session? Instead of handing out pre-wrapped Little Debbie cakes and juice boxes (I’m guilty) why not combine a delicious snack with an activity? Try creative Easter snacks so kids can build and play with their food. Prevent staining those special holiday outfits by providing aprons or protective long-sleeved shirts kids can wear … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Tips for Telling Bible Stories

Exciting. Epic. Life changing. That’s the adjectives I want to hear when kids and parents reflect on how I’m telling Bible stories. I’m not a professional storyteller but I do love the Word of God and I love sharing it with my kids and adult helpers. I may share the object lessons, the games and the activities but when it … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Early Arrival Activities for Kids Church

When kids show up 30 minutes before service, you need early arrival activities for kids church. I never want to turn kids away but I’m not naive. I know kids need constant monitoring, even the ones that tend to stay out of trouble. Prepare for those early birds with early arrival activities that will excite your children. Working on crafts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Battle Plan is Prayer

This is the 8th lesson in our series called “How to Win Against Sin.” It’s based on the Armor of God teaching found in Ephesians 6. Click here to see more Bible lessons in this unit. Like all our resources, this material is 100% free to use in your ministry. Please leave a comment below to share your own thoughts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Springtime Crafts for Children

According to the groundhog, Spring is just around the corner!  And, I, for one, couldn’t be happier!  I am so ready for sunny, warm days with flowers to smell and pick! Here are a few of my favorite spring time crafts to do with the kids.  1. Flowers  Items Needed: construction paper, green pipe cleaners, glue, cupcake liners (pastel colors) … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (Preschool Bible Lesson)

This free Bible lesson for preschoolers is based on the story in 1 Kings 18 where Elijah confronts the false prophets of Baal. Please leave your own suggestions to help other readers. Bible Story: Elijah and the Prophets of Baal Bible Text: 1 Kings 18:19,21-24,26-28,31,33-39 Target Age: 2 year olds – 5 year olds Learning Context: Sunday School Print Friendly: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Well Child Guidelines for Children's Ministry

All parents hate germs.  They absolutely don’t want their little ones to get sick. At the same time, many parents want their children to come to class, even when they are the ones carrying germs!  How do you help keep your children (and grown ups) healthy and communicate to parents what the limitations are?  A well-communicated well child policy is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Simple Lazarus Skit for Children's Ministry

This skit was written for a Wednesday night lesson on the story of Lazarus, but it can be used in any church class. It can be done simply while reading it in class and the children act it out as they are reading from their scripts or as extensively as a full-blown production on stage with costumes and props. [print_link] … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Simple Easter Play for Church – Download PDF Script

This free Easter script can help you create a simple drama at your church to share the message of Jesus’ Resurrection. This Easter play has many parts for children and could be produced almost entirely by the children’s ministry. The songs mentioned are suggestions from what we did in our church, please use music most appropriate (and available) to your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: A Blind Man Receives Sight (Luke 18)

This story from Jesus’ life tells about a man who had faith to call out to Jesus even when others told him to be quiet.  He knew that Jesus could meet his physical and spiritual needs.  The man was healed and received his eyesight because of his faith in Jesus and his power. Lesson Title:   A Blind Man Receives Sight … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Sword of the Spirit

This is the 7th lesson in our series called “How to Win Against Sin.” It’s based on the Armor of God teaching found in Ephesians 6. Click here to see more Bible lessons in this unit. Like all our resources, this material is 100% free to use in your ministry. Please leave a comment below to share your own thoughts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Finding Favor (Esther 1-2)

The following lesson is the second in the series of Esther.  This lesson focuses on how Esther won the favor of everyone she was around.  Student will discover that God gives His favor to those who live a blameless life.  The format for the lesson is mostly teaching verse by verse and allowing students to examine what the Scriptures say … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Overview of Esther

The following lesson is the beginning of a new series teaching through the Book of Esther.  The focus of this lesson is an overview of Esther introducing students to the main characters, places and themes.  It is a good opportunity to refresh students’ minds who the Jewish people are, God’s Covenant with His people and why the Jews are living … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: What Does God Love?

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day children are sure to be focused on Love. This holiday brings a perfect opportunity to talk to children about the love that God has for us. What does God love? We know that God loves His people and the His world. This list attempts to help children understand how God loves us and how we … More Children’s Ministry Resources