3 Mini Lessons About Giving

Relying solely on the offering from your children’s church to keep things running isn’t a good financial plan in most cases. Kids don’t have access to the family finances and therefore, do not make decisions about how and when to give. However, those giving lessons need to be taught. (Jesus never shied away from teaching about honoring God with our … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Get Preteens Excited About the Bible

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net Preteens often think the Bible is an ancient book that isn’t relative to their lives. Many believe that it is a list of strict rules to be followed.  As they begin to think for themselves, preteens might even question its authenticity. With so many options to fill up free time, like … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Books by Mandy Groce & Sojourn Kids

Most of our readers love the illustrations from Mandy Groce on our website, now you can read some of her writing in two new books for children. What is the Gospel? and What is the Church? present solid biblical teaching in a storybook format for children. These are perfect to read along with your child and discuss what it means … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Fruit of the Spirit" Music Video from Go Fish

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxpbThVMdlg This video is from the new Go Fish VBS for 2013 called “Gotta Move!” You can buy the DVD or whole VBS kit on their official website. We’re excited to have another high quality song for kids about the spiritual qualities that God can build into a believer’s life. We use the top instruments and technology to create this song, also … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Mentor Kids for Leading in Ministry

During the course of my ministry, God constantly fills my path with people. As a pastor, I try to touch their lives by ministering healing, teaching the Word and administering grace but a few years I began to wonder — what about mentoring? Jesus gave his disciples clear instructions on discipling: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Raising Christ-Like Families in a Secular World

We live in a society that has tarnished biblical parenthood.  Our society has slowly taken males out of the equation of the family. Men, as shown by comic strips, TV, etc., are shown to be ignorant, immature and unable to do simple tasks. Both the husband and wife have a responsibility to the development of children as well as the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace

This is the fourth lesson in our series called “How to Win Against Sin.” It’s based on the Armor of God teaching found in Ephesians 6. Click here to see more Bible lessons in this unit. Like all our resources, this material is 100% free to use in your ministry. Please leave a comment below to share your own thoughts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Attitude Check (Philippians 2)

This lesson continues the study of Philippians for older students.  As students make daily quiet time a priority they will learn to have attitudes that reflect the Lord Jesus.  This is a lesson guide on a possible way to teach older students. Learning Goal: Students will learn that the more time they spend studying God’s word each day and apply what … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Books of the Bible" Bingo Review Game

Playing Bible Bingo will help children begin to understand the structure of the Bible – how it is divided into the Old and New Testaments, each containing many books. It is most suitable for younger children and other children who are not very familiar with the organization of the Bible. The game features the terms Old Testament, New Testament, and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year’s Coloring Page 2022

new years coloring pages for 2020

This simple coloring sheets are for our readers who teach in public schools. Use them for children to decorate and celebrate the new year! Don’t miss the 40-page calendar coloring bundle free for our email subscribers. Happy New Years 2022 Coloring Pages Religious New Years Coloring Pages Mandy has created this simple illustration for New Year’s celebrations. It shows several … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preteen Bible Lesson on Obeying Parents

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net Looking for a great preteen Bible lesson? Use this one! Communicating the timeless message of the Bible in a culturally relevant way is important, which is why the lesson uses a clip from the movie Brave to drive home the point. The lesson also includes these creative elements: fun opening game, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Who is Moses?

It is a blessing to teach children the Bible, because their world is so small and they are learning incredible amounts of information daily.  The wonder behind the eyes of a child as the Bible is taught can challenge one to approach passages with child-like faith.  Like one is reading the story for the first time. I would like to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ask, Seek, Knock (Luke 11:5-13) Lesson for Kids

ask seek knock

This is a free Bible lesson for children, which will teach the importance of continued prayer.  In addition, one will see how God takes care of his children. It’s based on a teaching of Jesus found word for word in two different places in the Bible (Matthew 7:7-11 or Luke 11:9-13) so you know it’s important! God is not our … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Thank You, God!" Lesson for Toddlers

This is the eighth lesson plan in our series titled, “Toddlers Knowing God.” Each of these studies help children age 18-24 months better understand the character & nature of God. Click here to see the main index for these Bible lessons. This particular lesson is based on Psalm 100:3-5 and teaches how to say thank you to God. Thank You, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

21 New Year's Ideas for Children's Ministry

Since the holiday has their attention, use some of these free ideas to teach them God’s Word. Don’t miss our All Things NEW:4-Week Sunday School Curriculum to teach in January. Click here to download lesson #1 as a free sample. Lesson Plans for New Year’s Bible Object Lessons New Year’s Coloring Pages for Children’s Church More New Year’s Ideas for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Object Lessons on Thankfulness & Gratitude

gratitude object lessons for children's ministry

What’s the one thing missing from many Thanksgiving celebrations? Gratitude, oh my! Hard as they may try, parents face real challenges instilling this virtue into their little ones. Today’s “me first” society leads kid astray. I believe God wants us to instruct our children to have a good attitude in all things. Supplement your Thanksgiving Sunday School lesson with these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Exciting Kids Ministry Theme Ideas

Nothing shakes up a stale kids ministry like a wacky theme event. Themes allow you to ride the wave of what’s already popular with kids, transforming it into a God-anointed message. For example, one year we had Spongebob Sunday. All the kids wore yellow and we shouted, “I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready… to go to church!” (Anyone who watches … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Jazz Up Your Teaching Style

Does the sight of kids nodding off, rolling their eyes or acting up remind you of your recent children’s ministry lesson? If so, chances are you’ve slipped into a rut but no worries! You can easily jazz up your teaching style without enrolling in a refresher course at the local university. Put away the podium. Get the kids out of … More Children’s Ministry Resources