10 Tips for Better Teaching

I love teaching kids about God and His kingdom but I’ll admit, sometimes my teaching feels a bit stale. Like many kids’ ministry teachers, I didn’t undergo any professional teacher training. I’ve stumbled (and sometimes fumbled) along until I’ve found some techniques that seem to make an impact. These ideas focus on teaching Sunday School, but school teachers can also apply … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Object Lessons about Faith

Faith in God is the turnkey to His miracle-working power manifesting in our lives; a truth kids need to understand. And God isn’t just looking to perform the big, showy miracles like parting the Red Sea but the everyday ones too, like crossing the Jordan. Regardless of the need or nature of the miracle, it requires faith to receive it. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fun Ways to Thank Volunteers

I’m not great at predicting summer attendance in my children’s ministry but I still like to offer the community a few kids’ events between June and August. To pull off my wacky outdoor programs and big Sunday promotions I need volunteers – and lots of them! I know it’s a big sacrifice to volunteer during the summer months; lots of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: God's Word is Alive!

This is the first lesson for my class as they start a new school year.  The focus of the lesson is to encourage and help students to be excited to study God’s Word.  The lesson was prepared for older elementary students and can be adapted as needed for your ministry needs. Bible Story: God’s Word is Alive! Scripture: Selected Scriptures Below … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Fall Festival Alternatives for Kids Ministry

When the weather turns cool and pumpkins appear at the farmer’s market kids start thinking about candy, costumes and Halloween. If your church is like mine, you like offering parents a trick or treating alternative. Soliciting candy door-to-door isn’t safe and let’s face it, some of the costumes and decorations are over the top scary. Traditionally, our kids’ ministry partners … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Z is for Zion" Coloring Page

The last letter in our alphabet series is Z for Zion. This is a term frequent in the Psalms in reference to Jerusalem and God’s special presence among his people. For Christians, the dwelling of God is not limited to one city. (Heb 12:22) We now celebrate the gathering of God’s people wherever Christ is worshiped. The term Zion also … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Y is for Yahweh" Coloring Page

The theme for the letter Y is Yahweh. In most English Bible translations, the phrase “THE LORD” is actually the Hebrew name for God. In older translations, this was rendered Jehovah from the alternate vowel pointing used in later Hebrew scriptures to show respect for the name of the Lord. This is the name that God used for himself when … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"X is for eXcellent" Coloring Page

For the letter X, our readers had a hard time. After many good suggestions, we went with the theme excellent. This could be used to teach on Philippians 4:8. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Carve a Foam Superhero Emblem

Ten years ago, I had the opportunity to visit a Los Angeles ministry called the Dream Center. Associated with the Assemblies of God, the Dream Center had an amazing grasp on outreach, a skill they used to fill an old, abandoned hospital in downtown LA with new worshipers. So when I had the chance to join them for a week … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Things a Kids’ Church Bulletin Should Have

Never underestimate the influence of your children’s worship bulletins. Pay no mind to the forgotten ones left behind, dirty and crumpled on your facility floor. It’s not the paper that matters but what’s inside it. When kids receive a bulletin, they know three things: you care, they matter and you have fun planned. I’ve seen many time, a rowdy bunch … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Ways to Help Preteens with Peer Pressure

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net With back to school time, preteens are exposed to their peers more frequently. And when you put a group of pre-adolescents together for long periods of time, you can bet they will be influenced by one another’s actions. In other words, peer pressure surrounds them constantly. Here’s one definition of peer … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways to Boost Your Kids Event Attendance

With any church event, from a one-night, kids’ crusade to a week-long VBS, the ultimate goal is to get as many people as possible to attend. An expansive reach with the resources available translates to smart stewardship and it pleases the Lord. (Remember the story of the man who hid his talents?) However, there is nothing more spiritually deflating then … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Resurrection and Rewards Daniel 12

The following lesson is taken from Daniel 12 and introduces students to the truth that all people will be resurrected and receive rewards.  Those who have placed their faith are written in the Book of Life and receive eternal life and will be rewarded at the judgment seat of Christ.  Those who reject Christ as the only way to God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What To Do When Homeschooling Doesn’t Work

One year ago at this time, my husband, son and I had packed up our apartment in Louisville, Kentucky (where my husband attended seminary) to move back to our home state of South Carolina.   My husband had graduated from seminary, and we were searching for God’s plan for our lives. We had homeschooled our son while in Louisville for his … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"W is for Worship" Coloring Page

Our readers decided that Worship would be the best theme for the letter W. This illustration shows a young boy with hand lifted to praise God. In each corner of the page you will see teaching points about worship. They explain how we can worship God through giving, serving, praising and praying. To download, simply click on the preview image to the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

August Calendar Coloring Page

This free printable features the month of August. It allows children to write in the days for the month and count them down. In North America, the weather begins to cool near the end of August and children return to school after their summer vacation. Click here to see all the months in our calendar. Directions: Click on the preview image … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"V is for Victory" Coloring Page

For the letter V, our readers chose the theme Victory. This is a wonderful way to talk about the power of Christ. Jesus has won a great victory over sin, the devil, and the world. When he returns all those who oppose his righteous rule will be defeated. Psalm 44:7 is a good verse to accompany this coloring sheet. “But … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson "Prayer is Powerful" from Daniel 10

The following lesson builds on the principle from Daniel 9-Prayer is a response to God’s Word.  Students will discover from Daniel’s experience that there is a spiritual battle taking place.  Believers do not need to be afraid because God has given us spiritual armor and the the powerful weapon of prayer.  This lesson was created for older students and can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Back To School Ideas for Church Events (for 2019)

Returning to school excites some kids and makes others apprehensive, understandably. (Parents feel the same way.) Back to school time is an excellent opportunity for the church to equip kids with a tool that they can use all year long, prayer. Since parents and kids are busy shuttling around for those last minute school supplies, it is important to make … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Kids How to Pray for Others

Lifting one another in prayer follows the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I always want prayer! Serving others in prayer helps our Christian friends through the tough times and sows prayer seeds for our own battles. Children who pray set a holy example to others but praying for others does not come … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Leading a Prayer Meeting for Kids

When kids express a desire to learn how to pray, it is time for a prayer meeting! During a prayer meeting or even a mini lesson, you can teach kids how to pray for themselves, their families, communities and the world around them. Powerful, effective prayer isn’t too regimented but it’s still a good idea to provide children with leadership … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tips for Kids' Altar Calls

God wants every child filled with His presence; many times this occurs during the altar service.  Many children’s pastors believe that these God-encounters should only occur during the altar service in the “big church,” not in children’s church. Yet, Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me,” and “God is spirit and his worshipers must worship Him in spirit … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Superhero Kids Crusade Ideas

Children of every generation always have heroes but today’s kids seemed focused on superheroes. With the help of the media, kids watch digitally-enhanced characters achieve great feats like save an entire city from villains, all while shooting spider webs. What greater hero is there than Jesus? He offers so much more than a hulking hero or an invisible man! If … More Children’s Ministry Resources