Lesson: God Saves Daniel from a Den of Lions

This free lesson plan teaches is based on the story of Daniel in the Lion’s den. God can rescue from any terrible situation. This lesson also deals with the character of Daniel and his example of being trustworthy. God rewarded Daniel by delivering him when he was falsely accused.  Students will learn that a trustworthy life comes from walking faithfully with God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Podcast #14 The Legacy Path with Brian Haynes

In this fast moving interview, I talk with Brain Haynes about his new Christian parenting book titled The Legacy Path. Among other topics, I asked how these principles can help the non-traditional and broken families our churches need to reach with the Gospel. Update ~ Brian also responded specifically to one of my questions on his blog. Directions: To listen … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Family Devotions with a Kid-Friendly Pirate Theme

I can’t say that I understand the fascination with pirates, but it exists!  Kids love pretending to be pirates!  They adore the ideas of ship travel, the anchor drop, a hook for a hand, buried loot, and treasure maps. You will love these devotions for kids based on that theme! If your little one has a fascination for playing the part … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Non-Competitive Game Ideas for Kids

Sometimes it’s counter productive to teach a kids church lesson about unity then lead your kids in a competitive game like racing or tag. Other times parents just don’t want their children to participate in games were children are “eliminated” or there is only one “winner.” If this sounds like your current situation, you need non-competitive games as fillers during … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Raise Support for a Mission Trip (Example Support Letter for Youth Groups)

Many good-hearted Christians dream of taking a missions trip. Sending your teenage youth group on a mission trip is a life-changing experience. Whether this is your first one or third you’ll find that you’ll need more than a willing heart–you need good support. To focus on your “mission” without worrying about money, you should gather resources before you grab your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: The Rich Young Ruler

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from passages in Mark 10:17-27 where a rich young man approaches Jesus and asks about eternal life. The challenge is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

18 Parachute Game Ideas for Kids

Maybe it’s the bright colors, endless possibilities for fun, or the friends surrounding it; whatever it is, just the sight of a parachute makes kids yelp, jump, and nosedive.  It’s funny really.  Their sheer delight cannot help but make anyone smile. A parachute is a simple equipment piece that is a perfect add to any children’s ministry environment.  Parachute prices … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Psalm One "Righteous Tree" Lesson

This is a Sunday school lesson about being a righteous “tree planted.” The children learn about what a righteous person is and how they need to feed on the Word of God to grow strong in the Lord.  It can be followed up by an activity where the children plant tree seeds. Bible Passage: Psalm 1 Target Age: K- 6th … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Ways To Overcome Ministry Discouragement

We all run into it at some point in ministry… discouragement.  Sometimes it creeps in gradually and sometimes it hits us like a brick wall.  It could be a particular situation that causes it, a season where things are tough, or it could come from nowhere.  However, it is universal.  Every person in kidmin will face discouragement in ministry.  Here … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should parents force their kids to go to church?

Now that’s a loaded question for you! Any answer you give will likely blow up in your face. So before we attempt this dangerous feat, let’s work through some background issues. Who’s asking the question? In church life, you’ll find many motivations behind this query. Both parents and teens use those same words, but with different intent. It’s also a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Grace Based Parenting: A Summer Must Read

I really hope that I’m not alone when I say that parenting is the hardest thing that I have ever done.  I say that in honesty and humility.  I am ashamed to say that I have misrepresented a loving God to my children with impatience, fatigue, fear, control, or manipulation at times.  This is not how God parents me. God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Belshazzar's Pride, Bible Lesson for Kids

This lesson plan is based on Daniel chapter 5 and the famous handwriting on the wall story. It recounts how Belshazzar did not learn from the consequences of his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar’s pride. As this story ends, the prideful king loses everything. This Bible study was created for older students and can be adapted for other ministry needs.  This is a free guide … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Serving Others" Summer Program Ideas for Kids

Planning a Serving Others Summer (SOS) can be a fun way to connect to the community, serve others, and bring the church family together. These are very  simple ideas you can carry out quickly. Print water bottle labels with a bible verse and your church information and pass out at a local parade or little league game. Serve a free hot … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Plan a Kids Ministry Camp

Every summer my church holds a Kids Camp for our elementary aged children.  This is one of the most fun events we have and I always look forward to those 3 days every year.  Here are a few suggestions in getting your own kids camp up and running. Decide length of time and ages: Our camp leaves on Sunday afternoon … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Video: Why is Children's Ministry Important?

Watch the video below to see how 25 of the smartest people in kids ministry answer that question. Then click here to share your opinion. This video was filmed during the 2011 Children’s Ministry Expo in Lexington, KY. I only gave each person about 10 seconds to think before they started talking. So these are gut level reactions on why … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Games: Trusting God & Others

There are many game ideas about trust that you can create with a blindfold. In this example, I have the children lead around their friends. The goal is to keep them safe, so use an appropriate area. After the children complete the course, ask them to talk about the experience. Here are some questions to guide the debrief. How did … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Self-Control Game Idea (Ninja Game)

My oldest daughter learned this game at Youth Camp. After playing a few times with the family, I thought it would be a helpful game to talk about self-control. Watch the video below for full directions. Be sure to browse all our Fruit of the Spirit lessons and resources. This is the type of game that would be very popular in Vacation Bible … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Books of the Bible Game for Kids

Watch this video to learn a simple game that will help kids review the books of the Bible. Specifically, this game will allow them to practice where books belong in the Bible. The setup is rather simple, all you need is sidewalk chalk and a place to play. Draw two box shapes large enough for all the kids to stand … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: God Humbles King Nebuchadnezzar

This lesson is about the humbling of King Nebuchadnezzar from Daniel chapter 4.  The powerful king has a disturbing dream about a tree and then God teachers him humility. The students will discover that a life that pleases God requires a humble heart.  The lesson was prepared for older students and can be adapted for younger students.  This is only … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Be an Awesome Sunday School Teacher

Sunday School began as a once a week Christian school that taught illiterate children how to read. Without help from public schools, poor children were left uneducated with no chance of improving their situation. During this time in the 19th century, children worked six days a week leaving only Sundays available for their education. In modern times, local Sunday Schools … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Game Idea about the Fruit of the Spirit

Here is a simple way to review the Fruit of the Spirit and the Works of the Flesh with kids in your ministry. All you need is some sidewalk chalk and an open area to play. This learning activity would work well with any lesson plans based on Galatians 5:22-23. Be sure to browse all our Fruit of the Spirit lessons and resources. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jesus Gives Freedom from Sin (John 8:32) Lesson Plan

Boy praying in open field

This Bible lesson plan about freedom in Christ follows our new hassle-free format. The basic version makes it easy to teach with very little preparation or outside materials. We’ve also suggested more activities so you can expand the lesson to best fit your ministry setting. Lesson Title: Following Jesus & Freedom from Sin Bible Reference: John 8:31-32 Target Age Group: … More Children’s Ministry Resources