Visiting a Church with your Special Needs Child: Try this 4 Step Plan

This guest post is from Amy Fenton Lee of the Inclusive Church blog. Many churches are working to better include children with special needs.  Whether or not a church has taken steps to welcome children with learning differences or disabilities, parents can proactively prepare the children’s ministry team for their child’s successful inclusion. #1 Contact the church in advance When planning … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Moses and the People of Israel

This is the 4th lesson of a 5-part series based on the life of Moses. This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It covers the story of the Israelites and how they kept grumbling. This material could also be used as the Bible lesson for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Gospel Presentation Using Balloons [video]

My friend and former contributor Terry Delaney sent me this video clip. It’s a man using balloons to share the gospel with a group of kids. It looks like some type of church based presentation, but it certainly captured my attention. Normally I don’t really get into the balloon thing (my little boys live to fight over them) but this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"The Book of Acts" Sunday School Lesson Series

Take your students on a journey through the Book of Acts where they will learn lessons from the early church after Jesus ascended to heaven and believers received the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Students will learn how they too can live a powerful life serving Jesus as the Holy Spirit empowers them. This page is the index to our … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson focuses on the meaning of Jesus healing on the Sabbath. Preschoolers will understand that Jesus cares more about people and their … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Can't Fail Predictions for the New Year

With all the buzz about the new year, I wanted to offer some insights from God’s Word as we look forward to the new year. I hope this will be encouraging for you. Click here to share on Facebook. #1 The Bible will have all the answers (that we really need) The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year Salvation Object Lessons

Everyone likes a clean slate, a fresh start or kid language a “do-over.” A new coloring book, fresh chalkboards are two “clean slate” examples kids look forward to. As children’s church leaders it is our joy to teach kids about the new start that Jesus gives us all. With the New Year approaching, many people will nobly focus in making … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus Calls Levi

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson focuses on Jesus desire to call us to himself, no matter how great our sin. Preschoolers will begin to understand and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Wisdom of Solomon Sunday School Lesson

The next lesson in the series of Israel’s kings introduces students to Solomon.  As Solomon begins his reign of all the things he could have asked for he asks God for wisdom.  Students will learn that God’s wisdom is available to all who ask and by living a life using Godly wisdom they will experience great blessing. This lesson was … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Relational Tools to Make You a Better Teacher

Children say the cutest things. I have a long list of memorable questions and statements which children have made during my ministry career. Most are hilarious. Others, quite sad. Still others probe the depths of Christian spirituality, often retaining characteristics of humor and grief. All of them reveal the innocence of childhood in a way no Hollywood script writer can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What Kids Really Need from Parents at Christmas

It’s that time of year for the last minute Christmas scramble. Whether it’s those last few gifts to purchase, those sugar cookies to make, the presents that need wrapped, or the holiday cards that need mailed, the days before Christmas always seem to expend a lot of energy, stress, and money. I’m pretty certain that’s not what Christ intended. As … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Story Told by Facebook Updates [video]

I love this creative way of re-telling the Christmas story. It uses different status updates from “Joseph” and “Mary” to highlight the experience of the characters who were really there. The company who produced this has it available for download on their website. Editors Note: Check out a similar video here with a little more humor. The video was uploaded … More Children’s Ministry Resources

You Decide: Best Christmas Hymn for Kids

I asked this question on our Facebook page and thought it might be a fun poll question here on our site. Use the poll below to settle this question once and for all. Click here to leave comments [polldaddy poll=4265548] Some more background to help you make your choice! Joy to the World was written by Issac Watts and first … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Where's the Line to See Jesus? [Video]

A few different friends have been sending me this video from YouTube. It’s a new Christmas song that has a lot of appeal. It tells the story of shopping one Christmas when a young boy asks, “Where’s the line to see Jesus?” That simple statement points out a profound truth about the holiday season. Jesus should be the real attraction. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Church Christmas Party Games

A Christmas party provides a nice background for kids to socialize with one another. However, every seasoned ministry leader knows expecting kids to entertain themselves is a recipe for disaster. This is especially true if sugar is involved! Keep your children’s church Christmas party on the “straight and narrow” by breaking up social time with fun party games. Enjoy these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

You Decide: Should Santa Come to Church?

It’s an annual debate in congregations across the country. Now is your chance to officially ban  Santa from the church. Simply take the poll. You can also click here to leave a comment. [polldaddy poll=4257584] Editor’s Note: This is just for fun, Santa will not actually be excommunicated. Please play nice in the comment section.