Catholic Vacation Bible School Curriculum

Most of our readers (and all of our writers) are from Protestant churches. I am happy to hear many Roman Catholic friends find our website helpful. We do have some major differences on doctrine, but when teaching directly from scripture we find much more in common. One frequent question we get is about where they can find Catholic VBS materials? Here … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Peter Walks on Water: Preschool Lesson & Craft

This is a Bible lesson for younger children from Matthew 14. In this story, Jesus calls Peter to come out of the boat and walk on the water. Children will learn about trusting Jesus even when we can’t see clearly. This preschool lesson also includes a simple craft idea. You could modify this lesson for older children or other ministry … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cornelius Receives the Holy Spirit: Sunday School Lesson

This lesson continues the story of Cornelius and Peter and how God included Gentiles in His plan of salvation.  This was a major event in the early church and shows God’s love was universal. This lesson was prepared for Sunday School but can be adapted for Children’s church and simplified for younger students. Bible Story: Cornelius Receives the Holy Spirit Scripture: Acts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Review: Cullen's ABC's Free Online Preschool Program

What is Cullen’s ABC’s Online Preschool Program? Cullen’s Online Preschool Program is a series of twelve complete preschool days that you can use with your own child(ren) or a group of children to offer them a complete preschool in the comfort of your own home. Who is Cullen? According to her website Cullen’s ABC’s, Cullen: …has been working with young … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschool Bible Lesson: God's Word is Eternal

This is the first lesson plan in our series for preschoolers about knowing God. Each lesson is based on a passage from Isaiah 40 and will help younger children grow in their knowledge and love for God. Be sure to read the series introduction for teaching tips and explanation of the lesson format. This lesson is targeted for older preschool … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preschoolers Knowing God Bible Lesson Series

Series Index: Lesson One: God’s Word is Eternal Lesson Two: God is Our Shepherd Lesson Three: Our God is Mighty Lesson Four: Our God of Wisdom Lesson Five: There is No One Like God Lesson Six: God’s Strength is Everlasting What’s Next? After this series, you should consider teaching “Preschoolers Knowing Jesus” which is the follow-up to this material. Series … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Peter and Cornelius Sunday School Lesson

This lesson is taken from the story of God revealing to Cornelius a Gentile and to Peter a Jew, His plan to remove barriers that separated Jews and Gentiles.  Students will learn how God began to guide Peter to understand His plan to allow Gentiles to receive salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  Even though Peter doesn’t fully understand he … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Southern Baptist Statement on Family Worship

Here is an interesting and welcomed news item from the Southern Baptist Convention last week. Each year they debate and pass a slate of resolutions. This is basically a chance for the SBC to take a position about various issues. Usually these are cultural or political positions that more or less preach to the choir. My church financially supports the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Creation Coloring Pages "God Made the Land"

This is our next Bible Coloring page about creation. This printable picture goes with the third day. This illustration was created by Mandy Groce, an illustrator based in Louisville, KY. If you enjoy these coloring sheets, be sure to leave her a comment with your feedback. This line art illustration depicts the events from Genesis 1:9-10 where God separates the dry land … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Night or Day Vacation Bible School Schedule?

A reader recently emailed me asking for advice about her VBS schedule. I thought it was a good question so I wanted to share a few quick thoughts here on the website. This is not an exhaustive discussion, so please share your ideas in the comment section below. You can also check out a helpful conversation about this on the Kidology forums. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fruit Basket Upset (Fruit of the Spirit Game)

In school during the week and at church on Sundays children spend a lot of time sitting and listening, when they would love to be playing and running around.  Anytime teaching Bible concepts with an active game, the children will be interested and welcome the change of activity.  The following is a simple and quick game which can be used … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Biblical Support for Intergenerational Ministry

When the specific definitions of intergenerationality are taken into consideration, the rationale behind IG methods includes theological and practical imperatives. In this article, I will begin by providing the theological support, which stems from biblical illustrations and mandates that indicate intergenerationality was normative for the Christian faith community. While many agree that the New Testament church models age-inclusion, they fail … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Way to Get Kids Excited About the Bible

If you asked the people who know me best to describe me, I am not certain that “Passionate” would be at the top of the list.  Heck, I’m not even sure it would make the list, but there are some things that I am passionate about.  I am passionate about God.  It took 30 years before he called me into … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson for Children about Prayer

Prayer:  Talking to God with Your Hands This children’s message was originally written for a Christian School chapel of 1st – 6th graders.  It teaches the basic elements of prayer and encourages children to establish prayer as a habit in their own lives.  What I’ve written below would be a 15-20 minute presentation, but you can extract the main points for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways To Balance Family and Church Ministry

For my husband and I, serving in the local church is a regular part of our lives.  We’re integrated, involved, and intentional about our role in the body of Christ.  God has impacted us that we might impact the next generation and we love it. However, sometimes we mostly I have a difficult time balancing family and ministry.  It’s so … More Children’s Ministry Resources