Biblical Parenting: 10 Tips for Fathers

Several weeks ago at my church, my eyes were opened to a biblical passage.  It is one that I have read many times, but this particular sermon would cause me to view it in a whole new way.  What I had previously read as a general reprimand to a wayward church now appeared as a model for parenting.  With Father’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Perfect Father's Day (Children's Bible Lesson) John 3:16

This lesson would work for a children’s sermon or message, Sunday School or Children’s Church.  Length could be anywhere from 10-60 minutes, depending upon the activities used. You might also like our Father’s Day coloring pages and craft ideas for Father’s Day. By contributing writer, Nicole VanderMeulen, Children’s Ministry Coordinator at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Renton, Washington. Learning Objectives: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Bible Lesson: The Worth of Knowing God

This lesson plan is the third in a four-part series for children to encourage them to love God. To learn more about this Bible curriculum, including tips for teaching it, see the introduction page for Discovering the Divine. This Bible lesson would work for either Sunday School or Children’s Church. It was written for older elementary children, but could be modified for any … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Where is Jesus in this Bible Story?

For our children’s ministry, we use a curriculum from a well know national company who specializes in writing children’s curriculum for churches. Frankly, the stuff they put out is great! The large group teaching, small group activities and variety of “extras” you can buy to go along with the curriculum are all outstanding.  Each month we review a new biblical … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Summertime Ideas for Children's Ministry

Summertime ministry to children is touch and go. Outside of big events like VBS, regular weekly attendance can wane during the summer months in the children’s ministry. Kids go on family vacations, head to summer camps and focus on play rather than worship. Meanwhile, nervous children’s ministry leaders anxiously await the return of their children knowing that a few will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Father’s Day Sunday School Lesson

Use this lesson plan to teach about Father’s Day in your Sunday School. Dads are so important in God’s plan for the family, but in today’s world some kids simply don’t have that benefit. This lesson is sensitive the tough situation some kids face. It points to our Father God as the ultimate dad – because all human fathers fall … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Father's Day Craft (Hand Painting in Sunday School)

If you are looking for a Father’s Day craft this one is sure to be one that all dads will love! Just follow the directions below! This would be a perfect Father’s Day Sunday School craft, but you could use it in various children’s ministry settings. You might also enjoy our father’s day coloring pages and father’s day Sunday School lesson. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

15 Father’s Day Bible Verses

The Bible is clear – fathers must step up and lead their family to follow the LORD. These powerful Bible verses about parenting are exactly the encouragement every man needs to hear this Father’s Day. Don’t miss the free 7-page Father’s Day coloring book. Biblical Advice and Encouragement for Father’s Day What is a good Bible verse for Father’s Day? … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Life Is Not Fair (and Neither Is God)

Oftentimes as we grow older and become parents, we find ourselves repeating the things that our own parents have said to us.  You know – those sayings that, as a kid, you promised yourself you would never use when you became a parent.  Much like God’s blessings and curses travel from generation to generation, so too do our parents quips … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch Sunday School Lesson

Want kids to share their faith? Then give them this powerful example of Philip telling the Ethiopian Eunuch about Jesus. This was an important moment in the early church and Philip was obedient to God’s Spirit when he shared the Good News with a stranger. Students will be challenged to listen for God’s leading and immediately obey. This Bible lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Heaven Bible Lesson for Preschool Children

Use this simple Bible lesson to teach your Preschool aged children about Heaven. It would be ideal for a preschool Sunday School class or any ministry context with children aged 2-5. It introduces several important concepts about Heaven and has concrete learning activities to help them relate to those truths. You can browse all the preschool Bible lessons and crafts on … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Free Father’s Day Coloring Pages

Use these religious coloring pages to help kids show honor to their Dad on Father’s Day. These printable illustrations have options for every age group. If you prefer the JPG image files separate, get the free download bundle in ZIP form the Sunday School Store. Use the link above to download the our free printable coloring pages for Father’s Day. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Church Bulletin Insert: The Faith Focused Family

Recently a reader wrote to us asking about bullet inserts to encourage families to integrate faith into their home life.  I passed on the idea to Nicole and she created this resource.  It can easily be printed and distributed to all the congregation or just to parents. It has five practical tips for parents who want to develop a faith focused family. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Amy Dolan: Kids Ministry Champion of the Week

This week we are honoring Amy Dolan as our Kidmin Champion of the Week. Her blog is widely followed, even making the final four in our little contest last March. She also has an impressive resume of real world ministry experience, church consulting, and conference speaking. I should mention her lead role in the excellent What Matter’s Now in Children’s Ministry … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lessons Learned at 3 AM

It’s amazing what sort of things we can learn at 3:00 am!  I can probably tell you all of the programming for channels 4, 7, 13, 21, 29, and 40 for the early morning hours.  I have learned that McKinney Dodge spends a lot of money on advertising.  I have learned that there are lots of reruns.  I have learned … More Children’s Ministry Resources