Lesson: Joshua and the Wall of Jericho

This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It covers the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho. This material could also be used as the Bible lesson for children’s Sunday school. It shows how God was the one who knocked down the wall. This story shows how God keeps his promises and provides … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Joshua and the Walls of Jericho (Preschool Lesson)

This printable lesson plan is designed to teach preschool aged children about the story of the Walls of Jericho. It could be used in any setting with children age 2-5 at church, including a preschool Sunday School class or a preschool children’s church class. As always, consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. Because this story is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Looking for Craft Ideas Besides Coloring Pages

Are you falling into a rut with the craft selection for your children’s Sunday School class? You are not alone, most of us default to Bible coloring pages when we can’t find anything better to do. Recently a Facebook reader asked me this question: How about a craft that doesn’t involve coloring? My son always hated coloring because he has … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Does God Call People as Children's Ministers

Do you ever have questions when someone talks about “the call” to children’s ministry? Maybe God is dealing with you about your ministry position. If so, then keep reading. This month’s Children’s Ministry Think Tank is all about God’s to minister to children. Here is the question as I posed it to our think tank members. “How do you understand … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Encounter God at the Burning Bush

The Prince of Egypt is an inspiring full-length animated film that fairly accurately tells the story of Moses and the Exodus. Although the movie released in 1998, it is a film worthy for placement in any pastor’s arsenal. It features familiar voices from Hollywood like Val Kilmer and Michelle Pfeiffer. I recently pulled the film from my archives, dusted it … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The 12 Spies (Preschool Bible Lesson)

This printable lesson plan is designed to teach preschool aged children about the story of The 12 Spies. It could be used in any setting with children age 2-5 at church, including a preschool Sunday School class or a preschool children’s church class. As always, consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. Please leave any feedback or … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: 12 Spies and 40 Years of Wandering

This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It covers the story of Moses sending the 12 Spies out and the result of their 40 years of wandering. This material could also be used as the Bible lesson for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

DVD Review: "What's in the Bible" from Phil Vischer

Phil Vischer is back with new DVD series for Christian kids, but is this something your family should buy? Can these videos really teach kids about the Bible? Keep reading my review to find out more. Our regular readers will know that I’ve had mixed opinions about Veggie Tales. On one level I loved them for their kid-safe entertainment value. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson "Created For a Purpose"

Print off this free Sunday School lesson based on the book of Esther. It was first prepared for an older elementary Sunday School class.  With some modification, you could also use it for a Children’s Church lesson or with younger students.  Following the lesson are additional activities that can be helpful for your individual class’s needs. Bible Story: God’s Purpose For Esther Scripture: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Esther Bible Lessons for Children: Part 10

This lesson concludes a 10-part series on the book of Esther. Chapter 10 only contains 3 verses but like a fairy tale ending we hear the “happily ever after” on the man behind Esther, her cousin Mordecai. Note: The book of Esther can be difficult to relate back to Jesus and his Good News. One clear connection is the promise … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Attention-Getters for Children's Ministry

There are two types of children on a typical Sunday morning.  Those who look like they may just launch into orbit and those who are in orbit already.  Those who have had one too many a jelly donut for breakfast and those who could use a little sugar kick. Sometimes it’s hard to get the attention of students in our … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Esther Part 9 (Children's Bible Lesson)

Here is part 9 of our kids Bible lessons based on the book of Esther. This lesson teaches the way the Lord allowed the Jewish people to defend themselves against their enemies and the start of the Jewish holiday, Purim.  This lesson works well for Children’s Church or for Sunday School. Note: The book of Esther can be difficult to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God is Love (1 John 4:8) Preschool Lesson Plan

This is a lesson plan intended to be used around Valentine’s Day, but you could utilize it at any time of year.  It teaches about God’s Love Letters to us in the Bible, utilizing scripture from 1 John.  I’ve also included an age-appropriate art project. The lesson is designed for children’s church or Sunday School and is intended for preschool children, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Olympic Medal Craft for Children

With the Olympics coming up, now is a good time to plan a special activities for your children’s ministry or Sunday School class. Here is a great idea that I found on Cullen’s Abc’s. Watch the video below for a full demonstration. The Olympic medal craft uses construction paper, string, and a few other supplies to create this prize. There … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Building the Tabernacle (Preschool Bible Lesson)

This printable lesson plan is designed to teach preschool aged children about the story of the building of the Tabernacle. It could be used in any setting with children age 2-5 at church, including a preschool Sunday School class or a preschool children’s church class. As always, consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. Please leave any … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Bible Lesson: Building the Tabernacle

This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It covers the story of Moses and the people of Israel building the Tabernacle. This material could also be used as the Bible lesson for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. Please leave any feedback or suggestions … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Esther Bible Lessons for Children: Part 8

This lesson teaches children the way in which the Lord overcomes the evil schemes of Haman and the provision given to the Jews in regard to the decree to annihilate them. It also helps teach eternal security. This lesson works well for Children’s Church or for Sunday School. Note: The book of Esther can be difficult to relate back to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Bible Crafts Ideas for Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is one of those cultural holiday’s in the United States that is getting harder to overlook. But Christians have so much to say about real love, I think it’s a great time to use a special craft or lesson in your Sunday School. With all these crafts, you should join them into a relevant Bible lesson about love. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Book "Holy Subversion" by Trevin Wax

Earlier this week, my friend Trevin Wax sent me a copy of his new book “Holy Subversion.”  I’ve been a fan of this book since he started writing it a few years back.  He even let read a draft when he was finishing up. Now that the book is finally out, I am glad to recommend it. Trevin shares some … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children’s Bible Lesson: You, Joseph, and Greatness

The following Children’s Message is intended for grades 1st-6th and was initially utilized for a Christian Elementary School Chapel.  However, it can also be adapted to meet your specific ministry needs. It would serve well as a large group children’s church lesson or even with your kids Sunday School class. Lesson Plan Focus: Children often get asked the following question:  … More Children’s Ministry Resources