10 Reasons Why I Love Upward Soccer

I’ll be honest with you Tony. I didn’t think this would work.That’s what one deacon said to me last fall. I had just stepped leaped outside the box. This same deacon is now one of my leading volunteers. In fact, he ended up coaching his grandson’s soccer team! But he wasn’t the only one with questions.Q: So, are your going … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Is Christian Homeschooling The Answer?

Christian homeschoolingIs homeschooling right for my son? For our family, the answer was not as simple as you might think. My oldest son starts first grade next week. I am a full time Children’s pastor – and get to hear plenty of strong opinions on both sides of the issue. Many of our friends want us to join the Christian homeschooling movement. But I need to know what is right for my son?
To help decide, I’ve made this list of pros and cons. This is my homeshcooling verses public schooling list. In our town, we have an excellent public school system, a new Christian school and a strong homeschooling community. I’ve ruled out the private Christian school because of its price. I’d love to hear what you think about this list. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

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How To Write A Children's Church Lesson From Scratch

You’ve been asked to teach children’s church this Sunday – without curriculum. Here is the 9 step process I use every week to write lessons for children’s church. If this article is helpful please leave a comment to let me know. This article is a work in progress and I would love to hear your ideas.

Need More Help? Check out these free Sunday School crafts and more Sunday School lessons for children.

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Top 10 Christian Parenting Websites

Here are my top 10 Christian parenting websites. These are the sites I most often recommend to people I know. They offer disciple tips, information on child development and more. They offer Christian parenting resources and help for Christian parents. If I left off your favorite Christian parenting website – just leave a comment and I will add it to the list.

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5 Theological Foundations For Children's Ministry

What are the real essentials in Children’s Ministry? What core values should transcend your curriculum and ministry methods? I am constantly asking these questions to myself. When the children I teach this Sunday turn 30 what will really matter in their lives? Here are what I consider four essential foundations for all church based ministry to children. Many of these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Example Vacation Bible School Report

Here is a summary of the Vacation Bible School report I delivered to our church on July 1, 2007.Our annual VBS was held June 18 – 22, 2007 from 9 AM to 11:30 AM. We registered 117 children and had an average attendance of 80 per day. Our mission offering raised $516 for the Poor Children’s Relief Fund. Our theme … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Baby Dedication Ideas

When I first wrote about Baby Dedication Service, I didn’t anticipate the interest it would generate. It seems like many parents and pastors are looking for solid information about conduction a baby dedication service. This post brings together all the information I have found helpful concerning dedicating children to the Lord. I have linked sources where available. If you know … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Simple Steps To Motivating Kids

This is boring – when can we go play!
Ouch … There is nothing more demoralizing to a Sunday school teacher than an unmotivated student. Unless kids want to learn – your Sunday school lesson will fail. Many books have been written on the topic, “How to motivate a student?” But the whole process comes down to 3 simple steps.

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Statement on Child Abuse From the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Statement on Abuse
From the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
When we founded CBMW in 1987, part of our rationale in the Danvers Statement indicated our deep concern about “the upsurge of physical and emotional abuse in the family.” For the health of the family, we now offer this expanded statement on abuse.The BackgroundWhen CBMW was founded in 1987, its leaders wrote in the Danvers Statement that “We have been moved in our purpose by the following contemporary developments which we observe with deep concern.”

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Voddie Baucham's Family Integrated Church Conference

Voddie Baucham and Grace Family Baptist Church are hosting a “Family Integrated Church Conference” this fall in Texas. You can find out more on their website. They write: “This two-day conference is designed for anyone interested in learning more about the Family Integrated Church philosophy and how it is being applied at GFBC.“

My 5 Favorite Books From Desiring God

Update: This was last summer, they have made no similar announcements for this summer. Sorry. Last summer (June 2007)Desiring God had a book sale with all books will be available for $5. The following are the books I bought about Children’s Ministry or parenting. Desiring God or When I Don’t Desire God by John Piper. This two books opened my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Father's Day Sermon On The Fifth Commandment

The following sermon was preached by my pastor, Mike Hamby, on Father’s Day at our church. It was a personal encouragement to me. I trust it may help you too. Don’t miss our full list of Bible verses about Christian parenting . Sermon Title: Honor Your Father and Mother Sermon Text: Exodus 20:12 Sermon Series: The Ten Commandments for Today Date: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God Is In The Church Nursery

Print and share this article to encourage your church nursery workers. You could send it along with their schedule and reminded everyone that babies matter to God. Use this print link and post it around your church facility too! >> Download Print Friendly Version << The church nursery can be so much more than childcare. But it begins with an … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Baby Dedication Ceremony: What You Need to Know

baby dedication ceremony order of service ideas

Prepare for Baby Dedication. View our suggested ceremony. Download child dedication certificates and see example messages with prayers of blessing. Printable Baby Dedication Certificate Here is what you need to know when planning a baby dedication service for your church. The printable file below includes this full how-to article, a template baby dedication certificate, and tips for making this a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Ways Christians Can Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect

Child abuse and neglect is a disgrace to our nation. Even worse – many Christians are unaware of the issue. I believe that churches should be leading the way.
Sunday, April 29, 2007 was designated as National Blue Sunday. This was a day set aside for churches to pray for the victims of child abuse. As believers it should break our hearts when children suffer. We must recognize that God values children. The Bible says, “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.” (Psalm 127:3) Kids matter to God. We must affirm that little ones are God’s gift to us. Christians should be the first ones to stand against child abuse. We must defend children and work for real change.

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Kids Encouraging Kids Game

smiley face object lesson about God's love

You can teach children how to encourage others – this simple game can help. Stop the negative thinking & talking before it takes root. Kids need to be encouraged and encourage others! For many years we’ve used this little game for our older elementary small groups. Kids need to see how God has given them talents and skills — to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jonah Bible Lessons for Children

I recently finished teaching through the book of Jonah in our Children’s Church. I began to see some big themes in Jonah that I had missed before. Here is an outline of what I taught, it will need some adaptation to fit in your ministry. This page offers some hints for teaching this important Bible story to children. Below you … More Children’s Ministry Resources