Lesson: King Josiah and the Case of the Missing Bible

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about King Josiah to teach kids about the importance of studying the Bible. Needed: Bibles, strips of paper with clues written on them, construction paper, hole punches, ribbon, and craft supplies Intro Game 1: The Case of the Missing Bible Prepare a clue hunt around the church or your meeting area. The clues can be strips of paper hidden in a room. The clue on each strip of paper gives the

Lesson: Ezekiel the Watchman

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Ezekiel to teach kids about the need to tell others about their faith. Needed: Bibles, a volunteer to play Ezekiel (or you can do this yourself) Intro Game: Watchman Divide students into two teams. The first team spreads out on one side of your play area and closes their eyes. Choose one of the students on that team to be the Watchman. Explain that a watchman is a lookout to

Ezekiel 37:1-14 Lesson: The Valley of Dry Bones

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Ezekiel’s vision of the dry bones coming to life to teach children about hope, including our ultimate hope, in God. Needed: Bibles, clay or Play-Doh for each student, Fluxx card game or soft balls Intro Activity: Re-Making Give each student some clay or Play-Doh and tell them to make whatever they want. When they’re finished, have them show their creations. Then, tell everyone to roll their creations into a ball

Lesson: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are Brave for God

Use this fiery furnace children’s Sunday School lesson to teach children about the need to be brave and do the right thing. Needed: Bibles, soft balls or paper wads, a world map, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Angels’ Protection Dodge Ball  Divide your play area in half and divide the students into two teams. Give each team an equal number of soft balls or paper wads to throw. They have to stay on

Lesson: God Makes King Nebuchadnezzar Act Like an Animal

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about the prophet Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar to teach children about how God wants to change our thinking. Needed: Bibles, a volunteer to play King Nebuchadnezzar (you can do this yourself if you want) Intro Game: Power Up Freeze Tag  Divide the students into two teams. One team is It and tries to tag the members of the other team. When a student is tagged, they freeze in place. Every minute

Lesson: The Writing on the Wall

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Daniel to teach children about the need to respect God. Needed: Bibles, a scale and random items, pieces of paper with invisible messages written on them Intro Game: How Much Does it Weigh? Bring in a kitchen or body weight scale and make a game show out of having kids guess how much various items weigh. Choose only one student at a time to come forward and answer your questions.

Lesson: Daniel in the Lions’ Den

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Daniel in the lions’ den to teach children about God’s protection. Needed: Bibles, soft balls or paper wads, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils, (optional: yarn or puff balls for lions’ fur, glue) Intro Activity: 3X Prayer part 1  Tell students that you’re going to have them try something today. They’re going to pray like someone in the lesson. You’ll ask them to pray silently three times throughout the lesson,

Lesson: Rebuilding Jerusalem

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Ezra and Nehemiah to teach kids about the forgiveness of God and the unity of Christians. Needed: index cards with “Exile!” and “God Forgives You!” written on them, building blocks Lesson Say, The two kingdoms of Israel and Judah had been conquered. God let the Assyrians and the Babylonians conquer Israel and Judah because the people of Israel and Judah had done so many bad things. They had believed in

Lesson: John the Baptist is Born

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about how Luke wrote his gospel and about the obedience of Zechariah during the birth of John the Baptist. Needed: Clue hunt around the church, volunteers to play Zechariah and Elizabeth, Zechariah’s writing tablet, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils, stapler or hole punch and string, optional craft foam Game: Christian Story Interview Have students pair up and ask each other the following questions. They’ll then present

Lesson: Queen Esther – For Such a Time as This

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Esther to teach children about being ready for God to use them. Needed: a copy of the script for each character (or each student if you want them to read along), soft balls, empty two-liter bottles or other lightweight items to knock over Intro Game: Right Time Bowling Divide the students into two or more teams. Give each team a soft ball and set an empty two-liter or another lightweight

Lesson: Gabriel Appears to Mary

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on Gabriel’s announcement to Mary to teach children why Mary was chosen to be Jesus’ mother. Needed: volunteer to play Mary, soft play balls or paper wads Game: Good and Faithful Servant Tell the students that you’re going to play a game in which you’re the Master and they’re your servants. You’re going to name something you want, and they have 15 seconds to bring you what you asked for. Anything

Lesson: Joseph, Jesus’ Adopted Father

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on Joseph to teach children about believing God and about how God adopts us into His family when we believe in Christ. Needed: A volunteer to play Joseph Game: The Unbelievable Divide students into two teams. You’ll read a list of statements, and they have to vote as a team whether they believe each of your statements or not. The team with the most correct answers wins. Here are some statements

Lesson: The Birth of Jesus

Use this Christmas children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the shepherds meeting baby Jesus and what they did afterward. Needed: Volunteer to play Shepherd Intro Game: Telephone Have students sit in a line or in a circle. You’ll whisper a message to the first student, and they’ll pass it on. See how close the message is to what you said when it gets to the end. The goal is to have the message stay as

Lesson: Jesus Presented in the Temple

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Simeon and Anna to teach kids what our greatest desire should be. Needed: Volunteer to play Simeon, pieces of paper with phrases from Luke 2:29-30 written on them, poster board or drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Review Activity: Creative Storytelling Remind students that angels appeared and told the shepherds about the birth of Jesus. Split the students into groups of three and tell them they have to tell the

Lesson: Visit of the Wise Men

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about the Wise Men to teach kids how they can give their own gifts to Jesus. Needed: gift box with mirror in it, flashlight, baby doll, candy, wrapping paper, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Lesson Let’s review. So far, we’ve met Zechariah and Elizabeth, John the Baptist’s parents. You remember that the angel Gabriel told them that John was going to born even though Elizabeth was too old to

Lesson: Jesus Stays Behind at the Temple

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus being left behind at the Temple to teach children the importance of being in church. Needed: (Optional: a copy of the script for each of your characters) Review Game: Putting it in Order On strips of paper, write or print out the following sentences. Hide them around your room. See how quickly students can find the papers and put the events in order. The angel tells Zechariah and Elizabeth

John the Baptist Prepares the Way

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on John the Baptist to teach children about repentance and sharing the good news about Jesus. Needed: good fruit and twigs or leaves Intro Game: Good Fruit Relay Divide students into two teams and have them line up at one side of the room. Give each team a bowl. At the other end of the room, place a bowl full of fruit mixed with twigs and leaves. One by one, the

Lesson: Jesus is Baptized

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus’ baptism to teach kids the meaning of baptism. Needed: Bibles, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: No, No, Chosen! In this version of Duck, Duck, Goose! students sit in a circle, and one student or leader decides which person they want to choose. Explain that in the Old Testament, God chose certain people for special jobs. Lesson Ask students, How many of you have been baptized?

Lesson: In the Beginning was the Word

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson on John 1 to teach children about who Jesus is. Needed: Bibles Lesson Ask students, Is Jesus alive right now? Jesus is alive right now. He is alive in Heaven. Jesus went to Heaven after God brought Him back to life from dying on the cross. How old do you think Jesus is? Did you know that Jesus has always been alive? Always. Even before He was born on earth. Where

Lesson: Jesus is Tempted

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about the temptation of Jesus to teach kids how Jesus overcame the devil’s temptations. Needed: Bibles Intro Activity: Peer Pressure Playacting Have students form groups of three. Give them a few minutes to think of how to act out a scene in which one or two of them pressure the other(s) to do something wrong, but then, the person resists them. Tell them to be creative in how they might say

Lesson: John’s Disciples Follow Jesus

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus’ first disciples to teach kids the importance of spending time with Jesus. Needed: Bibles, soft balls or paper wads Intro Game: Taking Our Place Play a game of dodgeball with soft play balls or paper wads. When one team starts to accumulate a lot of players in the “Out” zone, run in and say that you’ll take their place being out. They can get back in the game. Do

Lesson: Jesus Clears the Temple

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus clearing the Temple to teach kids about the sanctity of God’s House. Needed: Bibles, whiteboard or blackboard, soft balls or paper wads, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Activity: Acting It Out  Divide students into groups of three or four. Have each group decide on and act out one part of your church service. After each group, briefly discuss why your church includes that in its weekly

Lesson: Jesus Turns Water into Wine

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus’ first miracle to teach kids how Jesus changes us. Needed: Bibles, powdered drink mix or cookie dough ingredients, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Power Up Freeze Tag  Divide the students into two teams. One team is It and tries to tag the members of the other team. When a student is tagged, they freeze in place. Every minute or so, a designated Power Up leader

Lesson: Jesus Teaches Nicodemus – Born Again

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus and Nicodemus to teach kids what it means to be born again. Needed: Bibles, a balloon for each student, blankets or sheets or beach towels, various objects Intro Game: Up and Down  Give the students blankets, sheets, or beach towels to hold between them. You can break the students into teams or have them complete the following challenges together. 1. Bounce an object 5, 10, and 20 times without