To Treat or Not to Treat (Snacks in Sunday School)

Kids—and some adults, expect children’s ministry leaders to offer some type of snack during their ministry time. What used to be an occasional treat or a tasty party extra is now practically a must-have in some children’s ministries. Of course most kids want snacks and treats—just ask them. But what about teachers? For many reasons, some teachers are bucking this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Printed Coloring Books from Ministry-To-Children

We’re excited to announce our first “printed” coloring books! Almost every week, readers have been asking me how they can buy printed versions of our wildly popular Bible coloring pages. Our first priority is giving away free materials, so that project has been on hold for many years. Today, we are releasing our first “printed” editions. Perfect for gifts (and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: What does it Means to Be Holy?

What does it mean to be holy? Sometimes we toss this word around… “Holy cow!” “Holy smokes!” “Holy jeans!” (well, that last one might be a reference to tailoring needs…) But for kids especially, we often neglect to stop and contemplate just what it means and why it is important for us to aspire to holy living. In addition, if … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Refuge / Fortress" Names of God Lesson for Kids

names of God lessons

This lesson is part of a series we’re calling, “Hello, My Name Is…  A Series on the Names of God.” You can find the latest when you follow Tara’s author archive. We’ll add links to the whole Bible study once it’s complete. Lesson Twelve: Refuge, Fortress Main Idea: When we trust in God our strong refuge and fortress, he keeps us … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Group Kidmin Conference: 13 Things You’ll Love

This is a special guest post by Danielle Bell. Most people don’t love the number 13, but I find it quite encouraging as I think about Group’s KidMin Conference. I’ve been to every KidMin Conference and they never disappoint. Each one has it’s own special viewpoint and I so appreciate all the ways each conference challenges, inspires, and encourages me. As … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Devotion: In the Waiting Room (Isaiah 40:30-31)

What is your general waiting room attitude? It is sometimes interesting to sit and observe behavior in an office waiting area. Of course, a lot depends on the office and what it is we await, but in some ways there are seasons of life that mirror the mentality of waiting. We might be anxious, bored, rushed, or indifferent, but in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sinner's Prayer (5 simple examples) for Kids

Imagine a child is ready to accept Christ …. but they can’t find the words. That’s when a simple example prayer asking for salvation (aka “The Sinner’s Prayer”) is helpful. Asking God to forgive your sins is not complicated and the words alone are not magic. Jesus looks at the heart of repentance and anyone praying to Him in faith can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Blessed or Broken – Actions Have Consequence (Deuteronomy 30:15-20)

Blessed or Broken…it’s up to You! Actions Have Consequence… Throughout the Old Testament, there is a clear pattern surrounding the people of Israel and how God responds to them…the tendency involves a cycle of blessing and curse. People obey and good things abound…then they drift away, and consequence comes. While it sometimes seems the Lord’s people ignored Him and disobeyed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Who was the Promised One? Lesson

OBJECTIVE: To help the children understand that Jesus was God’s promised Savior. MAIN IDEA:  God doesn’t break his promises, and he sent someone very special to earth to prove his love for us. The entire bible teaches us to trust God and his promises. TARGET AGES: 9 – 13 Older Elementary. You may need to simplify this lesson when working … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"God is Love" Lesson for Toddlers

This lesson is designed to teach toddlers and younger preschool children about the love of God. It’s perfect for Sunday School or any small group teaching context. Main Idea: God is love; no love is greater than His! Scripture: Psalm 136:1; Romans 8:37-39; John 3:16; 1 John 3:1; 1 John 4:8; Matthew 22:37-39 Target Age Group: Toddlers, age 18-24 months … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God's People Rebuilt the Walls of Jerusalem Nehemiah 3-6 (Sunday School Lesson)

Title: God’s People Rebuilt the Walls of Jerusalem Scripture: Nehemiah 3:1–6:16 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Main Point: God is faithful to His people. Supplies: Photos of the wall and gates of Jerusalem Printable: Book of Nehemiah Coloring Page or Nehemiah’s Wall Puzzle Lesson Opening Ask: Has anyone helped you or encouraged you this week? What did you need help with? How … More Children’s Ministry Resources