Thankful Acrostic Printable with Bible Verses

I want to talk with my students about things that we should be thankful for. I want to guide their thinking, as always, to the Bible, and what we can be thankful for according to the Bible. I put together this acrostic poem of the word, “THANKFUL”, with words that match each letter and a Bible verse to correspond with … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Christmas Trees and Jesus

Why do we decorate Christmas trees to celebrate Jesus’ birth? And where did they come from and what do they represent? In “Christmas Trees and Jesus,” children will learn the history of the Christmas tree and why we use them as part of our Christmas celebrations. Because Christmas is all about Jesus, decorating a tree presents the opportunity to extend … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thankful for Service (Biblical Thankfulness – Lesson 3)

This third and final lesson on biblical thankfulness, “Thankful for Service,” will help kids understand that we should be thankful to God for the service opportunities he gives us. While thankfulness and service don’t seem to be discussed together very often, it’s important for kids to make the connection between the heart’s motives (thankfulness) and our actions (service). True servants are thankful, so … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thankful for Others (Biblical Thankfulness – Lesson 2)

Is it enough to only express thankfulness to God? Why and how should we take the time to say, “thank you” to others? In part 2 of “Biblical Thankfulness,” children will learn that real thankfulness to God will lead to thankfulness for others. Our words and actions must work together if we are serious about being thankful.  You can preview lesson 1 or lesson 3. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thankful to God (3 Lessons) on Biblical Thankfulness

Use this free study in your Sunday School or Kids Church for 3 weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. It’s the perfect way to make November all about showing gratitude to God. The download below includes all three lessons, but don’t forget browse our free Thanksgiving crafts to supplement this material. Where does true thankfulness come from? Can we be thankful … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What to Do When Kids Feel Entitled

Kids are loving beings who don’t mind getting muddy to help a friend in need. They have big hearts and feel very deeply about things. I love kids! I’ve been serving them for nearly twenty years! However, they can also be selfish and display a sense of entitlement that is nothing short of shocking. You know, kind of like some … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Game Idea: Jenga Stack Attack

Back in my seminary days, I was regularly asked to teach a seminar at our regional children’s ministry training conference called ‘Using Games as a Teaching Tool.’ I would come in with some ideas planned to share with the group, but always started the seminar by dividing the class into groups of 3-4, reading a familiar passage of Scripture, giving each … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Ways to Encourage the Discouraged Leader

Leadership comes with a huge amount of responsibility and sometimes the leader doesn’t always get it right. Even if they do, that doesn’t mean the leader is immune to discouragement. If you sense your leader is struggling with discouragement you don’t have to sit back and wait for things to get better. YOU could be the person God uses to … More Children’s Ministry Resources