Don't Just Talk…Do Something! Setting Example by Action (Titus 2:7-8)

“Well, maybe you should write this homework assignment yourself!” The back-talking student retorts to a teacher’s request… “I’d like to see you run this work-out!” Says the athlete to coach (which probably earns extra laps). Kids crave validity. They want adults who demonstrate and lead by example, rather than simply lecturing. As teachers, mentors, and ministers, we are called to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Golden Calf Sunday School Lesson (Exodus 32)

Title: The Golden Calf Scripture: Exodus 32 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Main Point: Where sin is great, God’s grace is greater Supplies: Play-Doh, Grey and brown construction paper, scissors, markers, index cards with books of the Bible on them Lesson Opening Get the kids’ attention as you use the Play-Doh to fashion some type of animal. It doesn’t have … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Spiritual Lessons to Learn from Bike Riding

The younger me adored bike riding. It’s an activity that I’ve gotten away from as I got older but some of my happiest childhood memories feature me on a bike. You remember the kid with the limp ponytail that cruised around on a pink bike with tattered plastic pom-pom handles? That was me! It wasn’t a good day unless I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: God Made the Seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2)

Fall is a beautiful season and this lesson focuses on the changes that happen during fall.  This lesson teaches kids that God made each season and each season has a purpose.  They will learn that God made the world for them so that farmers can grow food so that we won’t go hungry. Lesson Title: God Made the Seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2) … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lessons from Legumes…Object Illustration (Psalm 139)

Surprise or known fact, it is often the most simple and seemingly mundane things that make the best teachable moments for kids. Jesus demonstrated this principle in His ministry. From coins to fish to farming, Christ used parables to explain His points. By using objects that are familiar to kids, the basic and more complex elements of God’s word come … More Children’s Ministry Resources

We All Need to Recharge in Christ – Devotion

In this modern age of electronic emphasis and technological advance, we have grown somewhat dependent on our gadgets and appliances. Anyone who has had the misfortune of going without a phone or temporarily losing power can understand the frustrated feeling of detachment that comes with not being able to instantly access the usual contacts and keep up with friends. And … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Kids to Know Nothing but Christ

In 1 Corinthians 2:2, Paul says “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” (ESV) Let those words sink in for a minute. What does it mean to know nothing except Jesus Christ? Take just a minute to stop and take inventory of your thoughts for the last 60 seconds. If we’re honest, most … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Exercises that Increase Creativity

In a previous article, “How to Become More Creative,” I mentioned that you should work your creative muscles daily if you want to improve it. Believe me, I wasn’t born writing object lessons or designing kids’ crusades. It took time and lots of practice but it all began at a children’s ministry conference in my hometown. It was my first … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Good News "Skittles" Printable Gospel Tool for Kids

Who remembers the 90’s cartoon ‘Pinky & the Brain?’ I was in college when the show was airing, but I work with kids and therefore I am not too proud to admit to regularly watching cartoons. My favorite part of the show was a conversation that happened in every episode. PINKY – “Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?” BRAIN- “The … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Psalm 6 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 6 of 33 in a series of lessons called ““Praise God Through the Psalms.” Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 6 we see we see the anger and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Ways for Teenagers to Serve Within the Church

Discipling teenagers takes more than youth group lessons and lectures; there comes a time when they need to start putting their faith to action by actively serving God and others. However, it can be tempting to focus youth service efforts on the community before they have an accurate grasp of their role as a Christian servant, so it’s important for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Become More Creative in Your Teaching

One thing I hear a lot from new children’s ministry volunteers is, “I’m not that creative.” I used to argue with people who said this. Like a responsible children’s ministry leader, I’d tell them what I believed, that God made us all creative beings, that creativity can be expressed in infinite ways. I even took some by the hand and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: God made YOU special! Genesis 1:26-27

God made everything…that’s a basic and simple principle that most of us likely recognize and appreciate already. It is also a theme that students learn early on in Bible studies. However, sometimes we become complacent for these details and take for granted how unique and special each creature is…including and especially people! As God’s unique and wonderful creations, we have … More Children’s Ministry Resources