Tips for Dealing with an Angry Parent

Nobody said this job was easy but you probably never imagined that you’d ever be confronted by an angry parent but it happens. (That’s no slam to parents. Raising kids today is tough–unbelievably so.) But that doesn’t make the experience any less stressful/embarrassing/emotional. Maybe you’ve never had this happen to you but in the course of time it might. In … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A House Divided: Sunday School Lesson from Mark 3:20-35

This free Bible lesson is based on Mark 3:20-35 when Jesus speaks to the scribes about a house divided. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, Gospel Reading – Mark 3:20-35. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Tips for Letting Kids Lead Worship

Children should lead in church, if they have a heart to do so and are willing to be trained. That’s this children’s ministry veteran’s opinion but I understand that not everyone feels that way. My thinking is this, if we wait until kids are “old enough” we miss an opportunity for them to learn how to worship and how to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Old Testament Books of the Bible Bingo

The kids in my Wednesday night class need work on learning the books of the Bible. They also like to play games. So, I put together this DIY Old Testament Books of the Bible Bingo game. It’s DIY because it is completely adaptable to your class (as well as mine). I have made the BIBLE Bingo game board and made … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Testament Books of the Bible Bingo

The kids in my Wednesday night class need work on learning the books of the Bible. They also like to play games. So, I put together this DIY New Testament Books of the Bible Bingo game. It’s DIY because it is completely adaptable to your class (as well as mine). I have made the BIBLE Bingo game board and made … More Children’s Ministry Resources

8 Kids Activities Using Plastic Tablecloths

Plastic tablecloths are the most unappreciated tool in ministry. Every week, hundreds (if not thousands) of these handy items hit the shopping carts of busy children’s pastors, destined for a brief life in a Sunday School or classroom. This is something easy for any Vacation Bible School crew. What would we do without them? They’re cheap, easy to toss and easy … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Video Bible Story: Peter Follows Jesus (free download)

We’ve been using the free online materials from Crossroads Kids Club in our children’s church. I especially love their videos as an extra resource to review our Bible lesson. Here’s one of their latest featuring the Apostle Peter. It’s a mini Bible study on the life of Peter all in one kid-friendly video. You can watch online or download from the Crossroads Kids Club … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children Learning To Use The Bible

I remember being in my parents’ Sunday School class growing up and they would have us “practice” using our Bibles. They said “practice”, but there was no practice about it. We were digging into our Bibles and using them. It was a great lesson in using our Bibles. We teach children to read their Bible and use their Bible as … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Born Again" Sunday School Lesson from John 3:1-17

This free Bible lesson is based on John 3:1-17 when Jesus speaks to Nicodemus about what it means to be born again. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – Trinity Sunday, Gospel Reading – John … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Verses about Giving

One day, I decided that the kids in my class on a Wednesday night needed to have some practice looking up verses in their Bible. They also needed a lesson on giving. So I decided to combine the two into a Bible Verse look up on giving. I gave them the rules: Before I say each new verse, their Bible … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Empty Hearts Object Lesson (Jeremiah 31:33)

Unlike other books and bestsellers, God’s word–the Bible has an effect on us that can’t be measured accurately. There’s just something about knowing what God thinks, how He looks at things that changes lives. A person may have a favorite book, kids often do but when that child is in trouble or afraid, the word of their favorite book probably … More Children’s Ministry Resources