5 Things You Should Tell Kids in Your Church

Children’s ministry today seems so complicated, doesn’t it? When I began in children’s ministry in 1996, it was a bit simpler to teach. Kids weren’t as tech savvy and let’s face it–we didn’t have so many products to choose from. I’m not complaining, I love new ideas but the list of things you feel you should teach continues to grow. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Lord's Prayer Booklet (Matthew 6:9-13)

My Sunday School class is going to be learning about the Lord’s Prayer. I wanted a visual that they could take home in order to keep practicing it, so I made this booklet. It is written directly from Matthew 6:9-13 in the NASB version. It can be simply copied, cut, and stapled together to be sent home. You could also … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Flashing Light Object Lesson about Prayer

We’ve all heard the acronyms, FROG and PUSH (that’s Fully Rely on God and Pray Until Something Happens.) These might motivate teens and adults to pray but kids need something more. Prayer isn’t a natural impulse but once kids get the power of prayer, they will want to participate. Let me say this, when parents teach their children to pray, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Drop Everything" Sunday School Lesson from Mark 1:14-20

This free Bible lesson is based on Mark 1:14-20 when Jesus begins to call His disciples. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, Gospel Reading – Mark 1:14-20. Opening Activity … More Children’s Ministry Resources

John 3:16-17 Decoding Bible Verses Worksheet

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and the verses that seem to stick out around this time of the year is John 3:16-17. I wanted my kids to be able to have fun while working on learning these verses. Some of my kids already know them, while others don’t. That’s why this worksheet works for all of your students. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Hug a Children's Pastor

Children’s pastors will never tell you this but they love a good hug. Hugs say “I appreciate you,” and “Whatever you’re going through, I care.” A good hug can even say, “I’ve got your back!” However, there are actually many ways to give a children’s pastor a hug. Some don’t involve physical body contact. Ready to show some love to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Come and See" Sunday School Lesson from John 1:43-51

Jesus calling disciples lesson

This free Bible lesson is based on John 1:43-51 when Jesus begins calling his disciples. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, Gospel Reading – John 1:43-51. Lesson Introduction Game … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Blacklight Bible Object Lesson-Do You See Any Sin?

Until recently, black lights in my ministry were only used a few times year, mostly when the youth were doing their annual rendition of “Arise My Love” for Easter, complete with white gloves. The other day, I was looking for an item I could use to help kids understand the concept of “hidden sins.” The verse Proverbs 28:13 that says, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jesus Presented (Luke 2:22-40) Sunday School Lesson

Often the excitement of the Nativity story centers around the typical manger scene images: shepherds, angels, Mary and Joseph…somehow we skip from that to the remainder of Christ’s life and neglect some of the significant details. This lesson focuses on the dedication of Jesus in the temple, and the excitement of Simeon and Anna as they meet the Savior. Lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Printable Bible Verse Valentine Cards

Christian Valentine for Children Printable

Download these free Scripture based Valentine’s cards for children. They are a perfect way to share what the Bible says about Love kids this February 14th. If you need more ideas, don’t miss our longer list of Valentine’s Day Bible Verses for Children and Valentines day coloring pages. I wanted to be able to give my students a valentine that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Beating the Winter Blues… maintaining motivation in your children's ministry

The winter let-down…Christmas wrappings are hauled away, fruit cake is steadily hardening, temperatures are dropping, and schedules are returning to normal routine. Following the hype and hubbub of the holiday season, the winter months can sometimes seem dreary. Between cold weather and lack of significant events, it’s tempting to fall into apathy in any area of our lives, be it work … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Kids Ministry Challenge: The Drop Off Kids

Have you noticed this trend? Parents or grandparents drop off kids (sometimes way before service time) and then take off until church is over. They aren’t actually attending church themselves–just the children. Understand me, I’m not talking about the parent who has to go to work. I am referring to the disturbing new kids’ ministry challenge–the drop off kids. If … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Creative Ways to Do Scripture Memory Verses with Kids

Praise and worship has ended now comes the burning question. “Okay kids! Who can tell me what last week’s memory verse was?” You hear the sound of crickets. Don’t feel bad–it happens to us all but there are some creative ways to present scripture verses–some are so much fun that kids won’t even know they are memorizing them. Ready to … More Children’s Ministry Resources