Teaching Skits of Jesus' Birth from Luke 1 & 2

As Christmas approaches, we will be going through the birth of Jesus. This year, I wanted to give my students a bigger picture of His birth, including before His birth, His birth, and directly after His birth. I have put together a list of teaching skits, from the book of Luke, that will help our students to understand all that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Hope of Advent Sunday School Lesson

Few kids do not grow eagerly excited at Christmastime. Who doesn’t look forward to new toys, flashing lights, and festive family gatherings? But why is Christmas so important, and what do we celebrate at Advent? This lesson focuses on the hope and waiting of the first Christmas, and how it relates to hopeful anticipation of Christ’s Second Coming, as well. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Malachi Bible Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the book of Malachi. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click here to download the print friendly PDF version. We’ve also uploaded the image in JPEG format. The illustration shows a the sun rising over young calves in a field. The caption reads from Malachi … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson (Matthew 25:31-46) The Least of These

Matthew 25:31-46 Sunday School Lesson

This free Bible lesson is based on Matthew 25:31-46 where Jesus describes the separation of sheep and goats.  It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. “The Least of These” Matthew 25:31-46 Sunday School Lesson Lesson Introduction & Opening Activity: The Least of These – What’s the Word? Supplies – small container, paper, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thanksgiving Prayer for Children

children's prayer of thanksgiving

Teach kids this prayer of Thanksgiving and gratitude toward God. It includes simple hand & body movements to make it easy to memorize. The free download below includes the printable version of the prayer, the directions, and a bonus Thanksgiving coloring page. Children’s Prayer of Thanksgiving (Video Demonstration) Teaching a child to engage God in prayer should be a top … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thanksgiving Games for Kids

thankful games for children's ministry and sunday school

Try these fun Thankful games to get kids into active learning. You can use theme at school, home, or in your children’s ministry. What is it about the holidays that makes kids want to run around the room? Could it be all the sugar we supply them with? I’m not sure but no matter how hard I try, during the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Thanksgiving Games for Children's Ministry

Are your kids tired of playing “Gobble Gobble” or “Heads-Up 7-Up” during free time in children’s church? We have good news for you! Try these new Thanksgiving games for children’s ministry. Having a few extra games on hand will help manage the crowds and keep kids focused on thankfulness and fun. You can spread these two games out across the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant" Sunday School Lesson from Matthew 25:14-30

This free Bible lesson is based on Matthew 25:14-30 where Jesus tells ‘The Parable of the Talents”.  It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year A – 23rd Sunday After Pentecost, Gospel Reading – Matthew 25:14-30. Opening Activity – Well … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Last Minute Thanksgiving Program Ideas

Many churches and fellowships mark certain holidays with exciting outreach programs featuring plays and skits. However, there are always that group of children that can’t or won’t come to practice and then you are left trying to figure out what to do. You don’t want to leave anyone out, especially new children but at the same time, you can’t very … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Reasons Why Children's Ministry is Better!!!

Everyone thinks that their particular ministry call is “the best” but children’s ministry leaders have the unique position of being right. (Insert LOL here.) I have had the privilege of being involved with some dynamic ministries and worked in at least five different ministries like Adopt-A-Block, discipleship and even ladies ministries. However, working with kids has always been my favorite. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Three Popcorn Object Lessons from Mark 4:7-9

Could teaching kids about God be as easy as popping a bag of popcorn? Yes, indeed! If you have some popcorn, you can easily teach three significant object lessons to your Sunday School, children’s church or summer camp. Since it smells so tempting and delicious, have plenty of popcorn on hand to serve and share with kids after your teaching … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cell Phone Object Lessons from Romans 15:13

Have a cell phone? You have everything you need to teach a valuable Christian lesson to teens or kids. Based on bible verses like Romans 15:13, “ Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost,” You’ll have everything you need to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thanksgiving Interview Idea for Children & Families

Having trouble getting the children in your ministry to talk with the older generations at your church? Here’s a wonderful project to get multiple generations talking together. Give each of the children in your ministry a copy of this interview (there are 2 per page). Have them interview someone in your congregation, trying to have them all interview someone different. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Create an Object Lesson for Kids Church

Love visual lessons but can’t find the right one? You don’t have to rely on others to present you with object lessons–you can do it yourself. That’s true even if you don’t have a teaching degree or any experience writing curriculum. I learned how to create an object lesson a children’s ministry conference well over a decade ago. We were … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Twister Game Bible Object Lessons about Sin

It is no secret that I love classic games! For teaching they work well because classic game brands, like Twister are recognizable and most of the class is familiar with game play rules. I recently found an old Twister game at the local thrift store and was able to put the Twister game mat to use as an object lesson. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

42 Bible Verses about Thankfulness

Thanksgiving is coming and I always like to have my kids look up Bible verses that have to do with being thankful. So I decided to do something a little different this year. I have found 42 verses (I know there are a lot more) from the Bible for them. I am going to put the reference on an index … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Surprising Things That Turn Off Ministry Volunteers

You have an exciting, growing ministry but filling your volunteer roster is a challenge. Despite some eye-catching incentives and advertising some fun volunteer events, the number of willing hands remains low. What’s the deal? That’s a great question and one that many of us are familiar with. Don’t give up! Sure, sometimes volunteer signups are seasonal but did you know … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Breaking the Law Object Lesson from 1 John 3:4-5

Try this fun way to teach kids about what breaking God’s law means! I do love an object lesson and with so many inexpensive sheriff or police officer costumes available right now, why not? Base the object lesson on 1 John 3:4-5. “Everyone who sins breaks the law in fact, sin is lawlessness. But you know that he appeared so that … More Children’s Ministry Resources