Listen up and Obey! Parable in a Parable…

  Parables can be tricky things…after all, the whole point was to hide the truth somewhat within story, so it can be a challenge to locate and communicate the truth to kids of today. Yet Christ’s stories are timeless. Not only were they relevant to the people of first century Jerusalem; they have modern-day extrapolations and explanations, if we are … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Train your Brain…Anything is Possible!

    The book of Philippians has quite a multitude of amazing truth nuggets and important elements. This lesson focuses on a passage in chapter four that reminds us of the best ways to live our lives and maintain contentment. Lesson Objective and Observation: Students will experience various spots of the passage, responding to each with words, pictures, or actions. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God is Amazing…and He is on our Side!

    Sometimes we think of the prophetic books as a mysterious foretelling or maybe a boring old irrelevant message. For kids especially, words of the prophets can seem confusing or abstract, but we lose some rich spiritual nourishment when we overlook these wonderful portions of the Old Testament. Isaiah, especially, has beautiful descriptions of the Lord, as well as … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What’s that Smell? Becoming and Remaining the Aroma of Christ

            It can evoke strong memories, warn of danger, or make someone swoon. It can be pleasant or nauseating and have varying nuances for different individuals. It provides flavor and environment understanding. It can be powerful, mild, pungent, sweet, mouthwatering, or tear-inducing. Smell is quite an amazing miracle, and carries a great deal of value for our lives, minds, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Tread with Love… Appreciating our Fantastic Feet

  Sometimes we take for granted some of our most amazing features, and we forget how remarkably blessed our lives are because of God’s handiwork. Many things can open our eyes anew to appreciate those blessings, and one in particular is….feet! These wonderful little tootsies of ours are quite a miracle as well as a necessity, and are actually mentioned … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Faith and Assurance: Lessons from a Canaanite Woman

Faith of the Gentile Woman

 We see in God’s word that the Lord rewards faith. Sometimes we don’t quite understand what this means, but persistence is important. Not only that, but often there are elements of life that we don’t at first comprehend, but God makes clear.  This lesson looks at Jesus and His interaction with a woman who did some unique and surprising things. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

For Mothers…and Fathers, and Families of all Kinds

When Mother’s Day pops up, we shift our focus on earthly families and appreciate how much our mothers do. This is of course important, and respects God’s commandment to honor parents (Exodus 20:12). God has given us father and mother with special purpose. On the other side of things, though, what about those who do not have such a blessed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Communion and Community…Sharing and Caring

  Why is church important? Why does God value community and relationship, and what does that mean? Young (and older) children might go along with family church habits, but often come to a point where they question the value of Christian fellowship and collaboration. This lesson focuses on the early church as example of community, and explores teamwork and relationships. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lesson: Patient Planting

When spring is in the air and new life blooms, lessons and illustrations involving plants can be especially relevant. This example reminds children that we often have to be patient and wait for things…whether we are preparing a garden, praying for a desire, or witnessing to others, life takes time and perseverance. Do a little frustrated planting for students…display a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Hope is Coming…we are Chosen for HIM

Sometimes it is easy to read the Old Testament and think of it as irrelevant, or less important than the gospels and epistles. Words of prophecy may seem harsh, repetitive, or difficult to understand. But so much that we find in the prophetic books can be significant and meaningful to our daily lives and especially to kids. Not only that, … More Children’s Ministry Resources