“He’ll Be Back!” Kids Bible Lesson on the Ascension from Luke 24:44-53; Acts 1:1-11

This Sunday School lesson was designed for parents to use with their children at home on the week of May 24, 2020. It’s based on Luke 24:44-53; Acts 1:1-11 where Jesus is taken up into heave (the Ascension) but also promised to come back in the same way. Everything is included in the PDF download below (teaching notes, coloring pages, craft directions, game ideas, and worksheets). Use what is most helpful for your kids and ignore the rest.

Children’s Sermon: The Bible is Like a Story Book

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the Bible to teach kids Who wrote the Bible. Scripture: 2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16 Needed: a children’s storybook, a Bible Children’s Sermon Show kids your storybook, and ask, Can anyone tell me who wrote this storybook? Who’s the author? How do you think the author got the ideas to write this book? (They made it up out of their imagination.) (Show your Bible.) SEARCH 🔎 FREE RESOURCES FREE LESSON

Children’s Sermon: The Bible is Like a Good Story

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the Bible to inspire kids to spend more time in God’s Word. Scripture: none specific Needed: a children’s storybook, a Bible, optional slides to illustrate the Bible stories you mention Children’s Sermon Show students a storybook and ask, How many of you like to read or have your parents read stories to you? When you read or listen to a story, what makes you like it? Do you like the characters?

Lesson: On the Road to Emmaus

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about how Jesus fulfills prophecy from the Old Testament. Needed: Bibles, slips of paper with prophetic statements about Jesus written on them, close-up images of common objects, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game #1: Fulfilling Prophecy  Print or write out prophecy clues about Jesus, along with their Scripture reference, on strips of paper and hide them around the room. Kids rush to find them and then,

Lesson: How to Make God Think We’re Great – Serving Others

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids to serve others. Needed: Bibles, various items, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Good and Faithful Servant  Tell the students that you’re going to play a game in which you’re the Master, and they’re your servants. You’re going to name something you want, and they have 15 seconds to bring you what you asked for. Anything that meets your criteria counts. If a student can’t bring

Lesson: Lazarus and the Rich Man

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids the importance of following the Bible and telling other people about God. Needed: Bibles Intro Activity: Acting It Out  Divide students into groups of two or three. Give them a few minutes to think of their skit. Then, have each group act out what they think happens when someone dies. Lesson Ask students, If we believe in God and do the right things that God wants us to

Lesson: Only Jesus Can Judge, but He’d Rather Forgive Instead – the Woman Caught in Adultery

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about how Jesus forgave them and to not judge others. Needed: Bibles, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Game: If You’ve Never   This game is similar to Upset the Fruits Basket. Students sit in a circle with one less chair than players. The person without a chair stands in the middle of the circle and names something that some of the players might never have done. They

Lesson: The Transfiguration of Jesus

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids the importance of obeying Jesus. Needed: Bibles, a volunteer to play Peter (You can do this yourself if you want.), playing cards of UNO cards or Go Fish! cards Lesson Read Matthew 17:1-9 or summarize it with the following script. Peter: Hi, friends! I’m Peter. I was one of Jesus’ disciples, and I want to tell you about a very strange time we had with Jesus. You see,

Lesson: Jesus Wants to Help Us!

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to help kids think of how Jesus can help them and how they can thank Him. Needed: Bibles, various objects, a picture of someone with leprosy, a ball, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: No!  Have the students line up single file behind a line in your play area. Between them and you is an area where they will play tag. You will stand or sit at the other

Lesson: Ehud, the Sneaky Judge

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids the story of Ehud the judge and the importance of praying to and listening to God. Needed: Playing cards, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils, stapler Intro Game: Bluff!  Have kids sit in a circle. Then, pass out a deck of playing cards with the cards face down. Starting with the first student, they must declare that they are putting one or more Ace cards facedown in the

Lesson: Deborah and Jael, Brave Women of God

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach children how to be brave in the Lord, like Judge Deborah and Jael. Needed: whiteboard or blackboard or paper to write on, index cards with Faith or Fear written on them, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Activity Tell students, I want to play a game with you today. I want you to think of as many good men leaders in the Bible as you can. Whoever

Lesson: The Lord Rejects Eli and His Sons and Calls Samuel

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach students about the calling of Samuel and how God calls each of us. Needed: Bibles, Don’t Say It! / Taboo cards (bought or homemade), a blindfold, drawing paper and crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Don’t Say It!  Divide students into two teams. In this Taboo-like game, teammates take turns trying to get their teams to guess the main word on their card without using four obvious words listed

Lesson: Saul Becomes King

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about how Israel chose their first king, and how God is the true King. Needed: Bibles, flashlight, craft foam or construction paper, scissors, glue or tape, markers or crayons, stickers or jewel decorations Intro Game: Storytelling Sequence Kids sit in a circle, each telling one sentence of a story. Tell them that the story has to involve a king. When it’s their turn to make up a sentence,

Lesson: Solomon, the Wisest King?

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about the life of Solomon to teach kids to be faithful to God their entire lives. Needed: Bibles, index cards (some with names of various gods written on them and some with “God” written on them), a piece of paper for each group of students with the basic scenario of the two women claiming one baby written on it Intro Activity: Peer Pressure Playacting  Have students form groups of three. Give

Lesson: John’s Disciples Follow Jesus

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson about Jesus’ first disciples to teach kids the importance of spending time with Jesus. Needed: Bibles, soft balls or paper wads Intro Game: Taking Our Place Play a game of dodgeball with soft play balls or paper wads. When one team starts to accumulate a lot of players in the “Out” zone, run in and say that you’ll take their place being out. They can get back in the game. Do

Lesson: Why Do We Study the Bible?

What are the Scriptures? Why is it so important for us to study? Includes an object lesson, games, and craft. Needed: For this lesson, you’ll want to gather a children’s fictional story book, Bibles, construction paper, ribbon, markers or crayons, stickers, and hole punches. Intro Game 1: Follow the Leader The Class Teacher chooses a Leader. Students must follow the Leader in every way, going where they go and doing what they do. Play for a specified

Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) Bible Lesson for Kids

This Kids’ Sunday School lesson about the Road to Emmaus was designed for parents to use with their children at home on the week of April 26, 2020. Everything is included in the PDF download below (teaching notes, coloring pages, craft directions, game ideas, and worksheets). Use what is most helpful for your kids and ignore the rest. Families can also watch our children’s message, suggested music, and craft demonstration in the video playlist below. “Jesus is Alive

Children’s Sermon on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) Blessings in Disguise Object Lesson

This Bible Object Lesson will teach kids about trusting Jesus, even when we don’t understand how God is working through current events. It’s based on Luke 24:13-35 and tells the Emmaus Road appearance of Jesus. Download the teachers notes, watch our Children’s Message example, and gather your supplies. Then you’re ready to share this message in your church next Sunday! Children’s Message: Blessings in Disguise Jesus on the Road to Emmaus and God’s Work in our Lives  

Lesson: Helping to Build the First Church

Teach students about the Tabernacle and about Jesus’ sacrifice for us. Includes a teaching guide, 2 games, and a craft. Note: This lesson could be divided into three lessons if you wish: Building the First Church, Bring Our Offerings, and What They Did at the First Church Needed: paper, crayons or markers, offering plate, supply of coins, (optional: soft play balls or paper wads) Intro Activity: What Can You Do to Help? Have the students draw themselves

Lesson: Joshua and the Walls of Jericho

Our Promised Land is Heaven. Includes a teaching guide and 2 games. Needed: two ropes or jump-ropes, an illustration of the Ark of the Covenant , a world map or globe, a map of the Exodus journey Intro Game: Crossing the Jordan Place two ropes parallel to each other on the floor. Explain to the students that the space between the ropes is a raging river. If they touch it, they’ll be swept away and drowned. Now,

Lesson: Following God’s Lead

What does it mean to follow the Lord? Includes a lesson, 2 games, and a prayer exercise. Needed: newspaper or current events magazine Intro Game: Simon Says Students follow your commands and motion when you say, “Simon says” first. If you don’t say, “Simon says” before the command, and they do it anyway, they’re out. If they follow a motion that doesn’t match the “Simon says” verbal command, they’re out. The winner is the last one in

Lesson: God Chooses the Leaders

The Lord calls us all to our talents for Him. Includes a teaching guide and 2 games. Needed: Nothing (you might need some supplies depending on which activities you pick for the Talent Time game) Game: Talent Time Have students perform a mix of activities to show that everyone has different talents. Some examples include running a race, seeing who can kick a ball or paper wad the furthest, seeing who can do math problems the fastest,

Lesson: Balaam and the Talking Donkey

Teach students to listen to God before they listen to anyone else. Includes a lesson and 4 games. Needed: soft play balls or paper wads Intro Game: Simon Says Students follow your commands and motion when you say, “Simon says” first. If you don’t say, “Simon says” before the command, and they do it anyway, they’re out. If they follow a motion that doesn’t match the “Simon says” verbal command, they’re out. The winner is the last

Lesson: The Giving of the Law and the Golden Calf

How can we make sure we don’t have idols in our life? Includes a lesson, playacting activity, and game. Intro Activity: Peer Pressure Playacting Have students form groups of three. Give them a few minutes to think of how to act out a scene in which one or two of them pressure the other(s) to do something wrong. Then, all the groups perform their scene for the class. You can allow them to think of their own