Children’s Sermon (Luke 24:36-49) Jesus Proves His Identity

This message communicates to children the importance of trusting that Jesus truly is God, and that He has authority to forgive our sins and encourage us in our faith. Jesus proved His identity by coming back to life from the dead! Because we believe in His death and resurrection, we should want to share that good news with others. Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus most certainly died and came back to life! Because of this, we have assurance that

God’s Big Picture (John 3:14-21) Children’s Sermon

This children’s sermon is focused on recognizing the importance of who Jesus is in relation to God’s great plan for the salvation of all people. Children may be familiar with the John 3:16 passage, but might not fully understand what it means and why it is so important. The object lesson in this message uses images at unique angles to explain the importance of seeing Christ in light of the whole story of the Bible. Law/Gospel Theme:

Elijah and Elisha (2 Kings 2:1-12) Sunday School Lesson

Young students are quite familiar with the concept of having a teacher or leader to guide them. For most, it’s a fact that is taken for granted, with little thought given to what we do with the information we receive from mentors. In this story, we see an eager learner who not only persists in following his teacher, but insists on picking up where he left off in devotion to God. As kids experience the spectacular whirlwind

Children’s Sermon from Mark 9:2-9 on the Transfiguration of Christ

The Transfiguration of Christ was a remarkable event that carried significance in multiple ways. The Transfiguration demonstrated God’s glory and showed who Jesus was. It also revealed to the disciples, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they were putting their faith in the true Son of God. This message communicates that to children, reminding them that we can trust in God’s power and know who Jesus is. Law/Gospel Theme: It is essential to our faith that

Joshua Coloring Page

Use this coloring page when teaching about Joshua, the leader of the Israelites after Moses. The Bible stories about Joshua highlight his faithfulness and bravery. This is another illustration in our Bible Heroes Coloring Book. This line art illustration shows Joshua kneeling down in prayer surrounded by a sword and grapes. Download the PDF coloring page below or click on the large image to directly print the JPEG image. This coloring page features the name “JOSHUA” in block

“He Knows Your Name” Children’s Sermon from John 1:43-51

This message aims to communicate to children the critical fact that God knows and loves them personally, and that He has a specific calling and plan for their lives. Kids can easily become confused or uncertain about things in this world, and being reassured of God’s love is important to boosting their confidence and identity. The optional object in this lesson uses simple beloved children’s toys to enhance understanding of what it means to have a plan

Children’s Sermon (Luke 2:22-40) Simeon and Anna at the Temple

This message uses the “post-Christmas blues” let-down as an example of how we sometimes wait for things and wind up disheartened. However, we know that waiting for God is always worth it, because He keeps His promises. The Gospel lesson that ties in is the story of Anna and Simeon in the temple. They waited for Jesus, and saw that the Lord fulfilled His word. “Wait for it … God Does Not Disappoint!”  Children’s Sermon on Simeon

“It’s Not About You” Sunday School Lesson from Matthew 23:1-12

“Actions speak louder than words.” “Practice what you preach.” We hear these types of sayings, but it can be easy to fall away from them or to begin trusting ourselves rather than God’s grace. Children are likely to witness examples of adults in the world that are similar to the prideful Pharisees in this Gospel text. People will often say one thing and live out another, but we want to instruct our kids to live as true

Children’s Sermon (Matthew 23:1-12) Humility and Pride

Use this Matthew 23:1-12 children’s sermon lesson in your Sunday School or kids church. You can print the teaching notes below and watch our video demonstration as you prepare. “Don’t Let Pride Puff You Up” Children’s Sermon on Matthew 23:1-12 Main Objective: “Practice what you preach”….it’s a common saying, but what does it mean? This message explains to children the importance of humility. The Pharisees Jesus warns about in this Gospel passage did not practice what they peached.

Craft Ideas: Jesus and the Canaanite Woman

Use these Bible craft ideas in your Sunday School class for teaching about when Jesus met the Canaanite Woman in Matthew 15: (10-20), 21-28. On the outset, Jesus ignoring a woman and then nearly calling her a “dog” does not seem like a terrific story for kids! However, the story of the Canaanite woman has a couple of important truths for us to draw. For one thing, it is a great reminder that we can have faith

Faith-Over-Fear Curriculum for Back To School

This year, more than ever, kids are feeling anxiety and fear about going back to school. They need to know God is with them. God can be trusted – HE can make a difference in times of fear. I’m excited to share about a new curriculum from Bethany Darwin. It’s a special 5-week curriculum based on Hebrews 11 that will help kids navigate fear by trusting in GOD. This awesome series FAITH OVER FEAR is available only through the Sunday School

A New Creation…Faith and God’s Amazing Power

  How do we know we are saved? Many kids not wonder over this with too grave concern, and may not understand it either. But when questions begin to arise, it’s important to give them a solid background sense of what their faith is and why. This lesson reminds us that it’s not our own power, but God working in us that grants life and makes us a new creation. Lesson focus: We do nothing to earn

Listen up and Obey! Parable in a Parable…

  Parables can be tricky things…after all, the whole point was to hide the truth somewhat within story, so it can be a challenge to locate and communicate the truth to kids of today. Yet Christ’s stories are timeless. Not only were they relevant to the people of first century Jerusalem; they have modern-day extrapolations and explanations, if we are willing to examine closely.  In this lesson, students will be introduced to the parable of the tenants.

What’s in a Name? The Power of Words and God’s Word

  Words carry a great deal of power. Names and specific words have so much meaning and connotation, and sometimes we forget or fail to recognize how significant these elements are. It is important for children to understand that what they say is important, and that names and words are important, too. Lesson focus: God gives us language as a special gift; words are significant and names are, as well. Passage: Proverbs 12:18; 16:24; Joshua 3:9, 8:34;

God says Get Out! From Abraham to Patrick, following Jesus is an Adventure

Bible Focus: God does not always promise comfort or fun, but life with Him is an adventure! This lesson provides a twist on traditional St. Patrick’s Day emphasis by looking at the event’s founder relative to Biblical patriarchs. Patrick followed God’s lead and spread the word of the Gospel, just like Old (and New) Testament heroes followed God’s direction. Target Age Group: Pre-K-Sixth Grade (adaptable) Student application: We celebrate people in the Bible who have done great

Children’s Sermon: The Tabernacle – What They Did at the First Church

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the Tabernacle to teach kids about what Jesus did for us on the cross. Scripture: Leviticus 1 Needed: a picture of the Tabernacle , a notebook and pencil, Silly Putty ( note: if you make your own Silly Putty, test it beforehand to make sure it works) Children’s Sermon (Summarize Leviticus 1 with the following story.) After God used Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, God also

Children’s Sermon: Lifting Up the Snake, and Jesus

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about Moses and the bronze snake to teach children to look to Jesus for salvation. Scripture: Numbers 21 Needed: picture of the bronze snake , picture of Jesus during the crucifixion Children’s Sermon Show students your two pictures. Ask, Does anyone notice something that’s the same in these two pictures? There are crosses in both the pictures. But what’s on the cross in the first picture? (A snake.) And who’s on the

Children’s Sermon: God and the Walls of Jericho

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about Joshua and the battle of Jericho to teach kids about listening to God’s instructions. Scripture: Joshua 5:13-6:27 Needed: optional tower of blocks or cushions Children’s Sermon Summarize Joshua 5:13-6:27 with the following story and actions. Say, today, we’re going to pretend to be the Israelites. After God used Moses to free the Israelites from their slavery in Egypt, the Israelites had to live in the desert for 40 years. Now, that

Children’s Sermon: Saved by the Blood of the Lamb – Passover and Jesus

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the Passover to teach kids about how God saved the Israelites and how He saves us. Scripture: Exodus 4:18-14:31 Needed: Items that you want to sort through to keep or get rid of, stickers or some way of marking what you want to keep Children’s Sermon Show children your collection of items. Explain that you’re going to throw some away, but you might want to keep the others. You’ll take their

Children’s Sermon: Saved to Save – Pointing Others to Jesus

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon on the life of Moses to show kids how he points to Jesus. Scripture: Exodus 1:22-2:10 Needed: two things that are the same but different sizes, such as two screwdrivers or wrenches, two pots, two glasses, etc. Children’s Sermon Show the children the smaller of your two objects. Tell them a story about how you were using the smaller object very successfully for one task, but it isn’t large enough for your

Children’s Sermon: Manna and the Bread of Life

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the manna God gave the Israelites to teach kids about Jesus, the bread of life, that He gives to all of us. Scripture: Exodus 15:22-16:36 Needed: enough bread for every child to have a piece Children’s Sermon Give each child a small piece of bread and tell them to hold it while you tell them a story about bread from the Bible (Summarize Exodus 15:22-16:36 with the following story.) After God

Children’s Sermon: The Giving of the Ten Commandments

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about God giving Moses the Ten Commandments to teach kids how all of Scripture is directly inspired by the Lord. Scripture: Exodus 19-31 Needed: a notebook and something to write with Children’s Sermon (Summarize Exodus 19-31 with the following story.) Say, After God used Moses to bring the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, God needed to give the Israelites His rules for how they should live. They were going to become

Children’s Sermon: The Golden Calf

Purpose: Use this children’s sermon about the golden calf to teach kids how to be loyal to God. Scripture: Exodus 32 Needed: 13 coins Children’s Sermon Flip a coin in the air and explain how some people use a flip of a coin to help them make decisions. Then, pretend to let it make decisions for you. Examples could include asking the coin, Should I eat _ or _ today for lunch? If the coin lands on

Children’s Sermon: God’s Practical Joke – Israel Ask for a King

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about how Israel chose their first king, and how God is the true King. Scripture: 1 Samuel 8 Needed: two King playing cards, one of which should be the King of Hearts Children’s Sermon Show kids your first King playing card (not the King of Hearts). Ask, What does a king do? Most countries don’t have kings anymore, but almost all of them used to. A good king