Lesson: Jesus Showed Us the Meaning of Service (Servanthood for Kids #1)

Christians often talk about serving others, but this concept is rarely explained in depth to children. The Bible is rich with examples of servanthood, but none greater than Jesus in himself. This lesson plan will introduce the meaning of service, specifically in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. It is part 1 of the “Servanthood for Kids Series” we will be posting over the month of September. TARGET AGES: 9 – 13 Older Elementary. You may need to

Look Up! We Need Your Presence

If you glance around at people lately, it seems like anywhere you happen to be you will notice a majority of bystanders looking down. At restaurants, in stores, even walking down the road, so many people are intensely preoccupied with their phones, apparently glued to them as an extra arm extension. Even couples on a date or friends chatting will often be simultaneously wrapped up in a text conversation with someone across town. And if we aren’t

Lesson: When in Doubt…PRAY!!!

Prayer is an important and essential part of our lives as Christians. But sometimes adults and kids alike miss out on this precious tool because we think somehow we have to have just the right words, environment, or circumstances to pray. We put it off or forget altogether that we have constant and direct access to the Almighty, the creator and controller of all things. This lesson is a reminder that we can always talk to God,

Back to School (Children's Church Lesson) on Empathy

Empathy is an essential topic for children as they go back to school. Use this free Bible lesson from John 8 to help kids understand this Christian value. While at school children face many challenges.  Getting along with others is one of those challenges.  Whether children deal with being bullied or being a bully, a lesson in empathy can help them understand the people around them.  Having empathy leads to understanding and forgiveness.  Throughout the New Testament

Lesson: Who's the greatest?? Jesus loves kids! (Mark 9:33-42; Luke 18:15-17)

We as people tend to be competitive, and youngsters are no different. In fact, kids often find themselves in heated debates over who is first in line, whose turn it is, or who did the best job. In today’s story, we see that even disciples of Jesus argued over who was most important. We will see that God loves it when we approach Him humbly and do not beg for credit or glory. This lesson is especially

"Blessed who Hunger and Thirst" Sunday School Lesson

Beatitudes Lesson Five: Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst Main idea: We crave being right with God, and God fills us up with his righteousness when we choose to follow him. This is lesson 5 of 9 in this series. Use these links to find the whole series. ONE — TWO — THREE — FOUR — FIVE — SIX — SEVEN — EIGHT — NINE Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references, Isaiah 55:2-3, Matthew 6:33, Psalm 106:3,

"Wash Up – What Makes You Clean?" Sunday School Lesson from Mark 7

This free Bible lesson is based on Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23, when Jesus and His disciples are eating without washing their hands, which makes the Jews question their adherence to the faith. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 14th Sunday after Pentecost, Gospel Reading – Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23. Opening

Psalm 5 Sunday School Lesson for kids

This is lesson 5 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.” Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 5 we see God as one who hears His people and protects His people. Through this study, kids will talk about God they can talk to

7 Reasons Why Children’s Ministry Leaders Make the Best Friends

After nearly twenty years in children’s ministry, I can honestly say that kids’ min leaders make the best friends. Sure, I have friends who aren’t involved in ministry but some of my besties are straight up, die-hard children’s pastors. And it’s not just because we know all the same worship songs or because we all enjoy praying for puppies and deceased family members (that’s prayer time in children’s church). That’s all true but my preference is for

Lesson: Understanding the New Testament for Kids

This lesson is the final of three lessons in our series explaining how the Bible is organized. For more help, be sure to review our Bible worksheets on the divisions of the Bible. Lesson: Understanding Bible Layout Lesson: Understanding the Old Testament You are here – Lesson: Understanding the New Testament TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To teach the students about the organization of the New Testament and how we should live during this time of grace between

"Last Supper" Sunday School Lesson from John 6:51-58

This free Bible lesson is based on John 6:51-58, when Jesus shares with His instructs His followers to eat His flesh and drink His blood. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 12th Sunday after Pentecost, Gospel Reading – John 6:51-58. Lesson – Life in the Blood Does anyone know what two

Preschool Teaching Activity (Printable) Fishing for Good News

Teaching preschoolers can be a fun challenge. You always feel like you’re repeating yourself…. Teaching preschoolers can be a fun challenge. You always feel like you’re repeating yourself… The truth of the matter is that repetition is key for teaching preschooler. Well, repetition, patience and prayer. Young children love repetition because it helps them master new skills and concepts and helps them to feel confident in what they’ve learned.In a preschool classroom, you should regularly see and

Lesson: How Do I Study the Bible? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #9)

It’s so exciting to watch kids grow in their faith and ability to handle God’s word. Especially as they enter the “preteen” years, they can learn to study the Bible on their own. This lesson will help them get started. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To give students practical ways to study the bible and grow in their spiritual maturity and relationship to Christ. MAIN IDEA: There is more than one way to study the bible to learn about

Daniel Sticks with God (Daniel 6:1-28) Sunday School Lesson

Daniel finds himself in a difficult position in Daniel 6. He knows that God deserves all of his praise, but he also knows that he has to obey King Darius.  So when King Darius makes a law that says everyone must pray only to him, Daniel must choose between obeying God and obeying the King.  It may have been easier for Daniel to just hide his faith for a while, but he choose to obey God anyway. 

Lesson: What Does the Bible Say About Dating? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #8)

Dating isn’t limited to middle school anymore. Younger and younger children talk about having a “boyfriend” or “girlfriend.” This lesson brings some biblical sanity to this question. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To understand that dating leads to marriage (a relationship that mirrors Christ’s love for us), so we should seek God’s guidance before starting a relationship. MAIN IDEA: Dating is not a decision to be taken lightly. God’s word gives us criteria for dating and marriage, although

Book Review: The Original Jesus

Recently, I received a copy of Daniel Darling’s new book, The Original Jesus: Trading the Myths We Create for the Savior Who Is.  (Available on Amazon.com) Published by Baker Books, Darling takes on an interesting subject–the  Christian’s concept of Jesus. If your shopping for a children’s Bible, be sure to see the our new articles reviewing the top choices for your kids. I have to admit, I was intrigued right away and unfortunately, in some ways, I could see

Lesson: Paul the Basket Case… a Transformed Apostle (Acts 9:20-31)

The life of Paul is full of amazing and exciting stories. From his initial conversion on the road to Damascus to imprisonment to his shipwreck and snake bite, the apostle had an amazing record of life events and important lessons to share. Just as his first encounter with Christ was remarkable, the next event on his journey is also exciting. In this story, we see Paul escape a near-death threat with the help of his friends and

Lesson: What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? (Tough Questions Kids Ask #7)

American culture has changed rapidly in the past few years on the acceptance of homosexuality. However, the testimony of the Christian Bible has not changed. God loves all people, yet he ultimately decides right & wrong. This lessons brings to light these teachings. For more help, read our discussion on same-sex marriage. You’re welcome to comment on this lesson plan, but our website is not a forum for debate. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To debunk cultural myths regarding

"Blessed are the Meek" Sunday School Lesson

Beatitudes Lesson Four: The Meek will Inherit the Earth Main idea: Meekness is trusting that God will take care of you, no matter what. So you stand up for what is right, and you don’t seek revenge. You are humble, gentle, and kind. This is lesson 4 of 9 in this series. Use these links to find the whole series. ONE — TWO — THREE — FOUR — FIVE — SIX — SEVEN — EIGHT — NINE

Psalm 4 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 4 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.” Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 4, we’re confronted with the difference between the righteousness of God and the sinfulness of man and are reminded of the way we all seek

Lesson: A Job in Job…Humility in the face of an Awesome God

Trials of Job…patience of Job…resilience of Job…when we think of this long-suffering Old Testament hero, we normally think of Job in terms of what he had to endure and what we can appreciate from that. However, there is another message in the book of Job that may be of even greater long-term value, and that has to do with God’s greatness. For an awe-inspiring reminder of how tiny we are (along with exciting mention of sea monsters

Lesson: Understanding the Old Testament for Kids

This lesson is the second in our series explaining how the Bible is organized. For more help, be sure to review our Bible worksheets on the divisions of the Bible. Lesson: Understanding Bible Layout You are here – Lesson: Understanding the Old Testament Lesson: Understanding the New Testament TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To teach the students about the organization of the Old Testament and how each section of books point to Christ. MAIN IDEA: The Old Testament consists

10 Water Activities for Kids: Fun Games and Bible Devotion

Are you looking for some fun games to play with the kids in your church on a hot summer day? Wouldn’t it be great if you could have fun and teach the truth of the gospel at the same time? With this ‘splashy’ fun event you can do just that. This event would be great from a neighborhood outreach, or a game day where kids can invite their friends, or even for VBS or camp. So, grab some

"Blessed Are Those Who Mourn" Sunday School Lesson

Beatitudes Lesson Three: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn Main idea: When we mourn over our sins, God gives us the comfort of salvation, the comfort of getting to spend all of forever with him. This is lesson 3 of 9 in this series. Use these links to find the whole series. ONE — TWO — THREE — FOUR — FIVE — SIX — SEVEN — EIGHT — NINE Teacher preparation: Read Scripture references, Psalm 51, Isaiah 61:1-3