"1 Samuel" Bible Coloring Page

We created this free printable as a tool to help children learn about the first book of Samuel. You can also search our website and find lesson plans another ideas related to the story of Hannah. We are in the early stages of creating a coloring sheet for each book in the Bible. The project is just beginning and may take most … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Reaping a Reward (Esther 5-7)

This lesson from Esther focuses on how God rewards (or repays) each person according to their conduct.  Students will discover from Esther 5-7 that in God’s time He rewards the righteous for their faithfulness to Him and He punishes those who are wicked.  The lesson was created for older elementary students and can be adapted to the needs of your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Arcade April: Ideas for Kids Church

When it comes to kids’ church, I am a theme addict. Not only do I constantly (well, almost) brainstorm ideas for themes, my volunteers and kids do too. All credit for this winning idea goes to one of the children I mentor for ministry–and she’s only 10 years old! For those of you don’t regularly use monthly themes, you could … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Are You Playing Favorites?

Romans 2:11 says, “For God does not show favoritism.” (NIV) Despite of His holy example, it is so easy to migrate to some children but ask yourself this question, “Am I playing favorites?” Let’s face it, some kids have sparkle. They show up; they participate with all their hearts. Perhaps they have parents that go the extra mile to support … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: The Tables are Turned (Esther 8-10)

This lesson concludes the study of Esther for older elementary students.  The Book of Esther is an opportunity for believers to see how God (even though His name isn’t mentioned) is Sovereign in the affairs of this world.  He protects His people and turns the tables against those who wish to harm them.  Students will discover that God uses all … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: The Power of Influence (Esther 3-4)

This continues a series of the study of Esther.  In this lesson the students will discover that we all have the power to influence others.  Either we will influence people positively or negatively.  A believer who walks daily with Jesus by reading God’s Word, praying and obeying will make be a positive influence in the lives of others.  This lesson … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Declare it Boldly!

This is the 9th lesson in our series called “How to Win Against Sin.” It’s based on the Armor of God teaching found in Ephesians 6. Click here to see more Bible lessons in this unit. Like all our resources, this material is 100% free to use in your ministry. Please leave a comment below to share your own thoughts … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping Kids Stay Focused

Helping kids stay focused throughout your lesson or service can prove challenging for the children’s minister. Not only are we responsible for bringing the Word and building the leaders of tomorrow, we have to do it with plenty of pizzazz. With the onslaught of behavioral issues that teachers encounter today like ADD and ADHD, it’s no wonder we stay in constant prayer, right? … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: A Blind Man Receives Sight (Luke 18)

This story from Jesus’ life tells about a man who had faith to call out to Jesus even when others told him to be quiet.  He knew that Jesus could meet his physical and spiritual needs.  The man was healed and received his eyesight because of his faith in Jesus and his power. Lesson Title:   A Blind Man Receives Sight … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Finding Favor (Esther 1-2)

The following lesson is the second in the series of Esther.  This lesson focuses on how Esther won the favor of everyone she was around.  Student will discover that God gives His favor to those who live a blameless life.  The format for the lesson is mostly teaching verse by verse and allowing students to examine what the Scriptures say … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Overview of Esther

The following lesson is the beginning of a new series teaching through the Book of Esther.  The focus of this lesson is an overview of Esther introducing students to the main characters, places and themes.  It is a good opportunity to refresh students’ minds who the Jewish people are, God’s Covenant with His people and why the Jews are living … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: What Does God Love?

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day children are sure to be focused on Love. This holiday brings a perfect opportunity to talk to children about the love that God has for us. What does God love? We know that God loves His people and the His world. This list attempts to help children understand how God loves us and how we … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Secrets to a Dynamic Kids Church

When you hear the word “dynamic” used in a description of your children’s ministry, it’s a good feeling. No matter where you are today, you can infuse the dynamic into your kids ministry just be doing a few things differently. Shake up your kids’ church by implementing these tips for an energetic, living ministry. Some of these “secrets” may take … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Prepare for Battle (Ephesians 6)

This lesson completes the study of Ephesians and focuses on the believer’s need to be prepared for spiritual battle.  The lessons were created for older students and can be adapted for your ministry’s needs. Learning Goal: Students will learn how making daily time in God’s Word and prayer a priority prepares them for spiritual battles. Memory Verse:  2 Timothy 2:1-4 You … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Walking in the Light (Ephesians 5)

This is the fifth lesson in the series of Bible lessons from Ephesians.  The focus continues to teach students how a believer should live his/her life.  A personal daily time with God studying His Word and praying strengthens the believer and enables them to know what a life that pleases God looks like.  This lesson was created for older elementary … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thirsty for God – Psalm 63 Lesson

This free Bible lesson plan is designed for a group of children of various ages. It would work well in children’s church or a multi-age Sunday School class. It deals with our spiritual thirst for God and will help children realize their need for a relationship with Him. Learning Aim: Children will learn that they need God, just like they … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Who Will Carry Your Spiritual Baggage?

Several years ago in the youth service at my church, our former youth pastor spoke about the baggage that we carry around with us daily.  This topic has really been stuck in my mind since that night. Each of us has things in our lives that we try to deal with on our own. Maybe we are angry or bitter … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: A Worthy Walk (Ephesians 4)

This is the fourth lesson from the Book of Ephesians.  Students will discover that believers are called to a worthy walk.  They will learn what a worthy walk of a believer looks like.  The lesson is prepared with older students in mind. Learning Goal: Students will learn from Ephesians 4 what makes a believer’s walk worthy before the Lord. Bible … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: A Believer's Power (Ephesians 3)

This lesson is the third in the series teaching from the Book of Ephesians emphasizing the importance of a personal daily quiet time with God.  This lesson focuses on the power of the Holy Spirit available to all believers.  The lesson was created for older students. Learning Goal: Students will learn that the Holy Spirit empowers believers to do God’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Before and After (Ephesians 2)

This lesson is the second lesson in the study of Ephesians with an emphasis of the importance of a believer’s daily quiet time with God.  The focus of the lesson is the transformation of who we are before Christ and who we are after we put our faith in Christ.  The lesson was prepared for older students and can be … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: God's Promise to Jacob (Genesis 28)

This children’s Bible lesson will help kids understand the promises of God. Specifically, it deals with the promise that the LORD makes to Jacob in Genesis 28. After this lesson, children will be challenged to respond to all of God’s promises by trusting in Him. This lesson is ideal for a lower elementary Sunday School class, but could be used … More Children’s Ministry Resources