Bible Lesson: Gifts in Christ (Ephesians 1)

This lesson continues in a series to help students develop and maintain a daily quiet time with God.  This lesson was scheduled the week before Christmas so it has a Christmas theme to it.  This is only a suggested guide to help you create a lesson for your ministry’s needs. Bible Passage: Ephesians 1 Bible Story Title: Gifts in Christ … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Reviewing Philippians

This lesson is a review for the lessons on Philippians 1-4.  It allows students to recall what they have been learning and for the teacher to clarify any misunderstandings or confusion about the lessons.  Please adapt this optional review lesson for your ministry’s needs. Bible Passage: Philippians 1-4 Bible Story Title: Reviewing Philippians Target Age Group: Ages 9-11 (3rd-5th Grade … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping Preteens Connect to Jesus

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from The beginning of the year is a great time to help preteens connect with God.  With another year in full swing, students are open to new challenges and experiences. Use these ideas to connect preteens to Jesus: Journal Encourage preteens to journal. Consider buying a journal for each student. Start off … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Raising Christ-Like Families in a Secular World

We live in a society that has tarnished biblical parenthood.  Our society has slowly taken males out of the equation of the family. Men, as shown by comic strips, TV, etc., are shown to be ignorant, immature and unable to do simple tasks. Both the husband and wife have a responsibility to the development of children as well as the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Attitude Check (Philippians 2)

This lesson continues the study of Philippians for older students.  As students make daily quiet time a priority they will learn to have attitudes that reflect the Lord Jesus.  This is a lesson guide on a possible way to teach older students. Learning Goal: Students will learn that the more time they spend studying God’s word each day and apply what … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Preteen Bible Lesson on Obeying Parents

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from Looking for a great preteen Bible lesson? Use this one! Communicating the timeless message of the Bible in a culturally relevant way is important, which is why the lesson uses a clip from the movie Brave to drive home the point. The lesson also includes these creative elements: fun opening game, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ask, Seek, Knock (Luke 11:5-13) Lesson for Kids

ask seek knock

This is a free Bible lesson for children, which will teach the importance of continued prayer.  In addition, one will see how God takes care of his children. It’s based on a teaching of Jesus found word for word in two different places in the Bible (Matthew 7:7-11 or Luke 11:9-13) so you know it’s important! God is not our … More Children’s Ministry Resources

21 New Year's Ideas for Children's Ministry

Since the holiday has their attention, use some of these free ideas to teach them God’s Word. Don’t miss our All Things NEW:4-Week Sunday School Curriculum to teach in January. Click here to download lesson #1 as a free sample. Lesson Plans for New Year’s Bible Object Lessons New Year’s Coloring Pages for Children’s Church More New Year’s Ideas for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Experience Personal Revival

Does this story seem familiar? “Slumped down in her chair, the children’s pastor gave a deep sigh of frustration. Nothing had worked out as she planned. The kids seemed disinterested; parents were distant. It had been over a month since anyone new had visited the kids’ church. Feeling empty and discouraged, she wondered if perhaps, she should step down.” This … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Choose Joy (Week 7) Devotions from Philippians

This devotional guide is one part of our larger series based on the book of Philippians. Click here to browse all the guides in this series. You can also leave a comment below to share your ideas with other readers. [print_link] a copy of this for each child or adult participating in the study. We recommend they also have a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Priorities (Philippians)

This is the first lesson in a series from the Book of Philippians.  The lesson was used for older elementary students and it focuses on the importance of making daily Bible reading and prayer a priority. The lesson is only a guide and can be adapted for your needs. Bible Lesson Tilte: Priorities (Philippians) Scripture: Selected Scriptures from Philippians Target Age … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: The Two Paths (Psalm 1)

This lesson allows students to use inductive Bible study methods with Psalm 1.  The lesson combines the 4 methods introduced in previous lessons (Jonah and Philemon).  The lesson was prepared for older elementary students and can be used as a guide for your ministry’s needs. Learning Goal:  Students will discover how to take the path of the righteous and avoid … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jesus Birthday Party for Children

**This is a guest post by Glenys Nellist  from Kids Ministry Matters Imagine this… you are a young mom with three little kids. It is Christmas Eve. Your kids are in a state of high excitement. The kitchen counter top is strewn with multi colored sprinkles and blobs of red frosting… tell tale signs that you have just finished decorating the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Leading Your Children's Church through Tough Times

Like the adult church, you have to lead kids through the good times and the bad. Tragedies like the death of a church member or the divorce of a prominent couple weigh heavily on everyone, even the smallest members of the church. Leaving all the consoling to the senior pastor or families equates to denying your kids pastoral care specific … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"God is Everywhere" Lesson for Toddlers

This is the seventh lesson plan in our series titled, “Toddlers Knowing God.” Each of these studies help children age 18-24 months better understand the character & nature of God. Click here to see the main index for these Bible lessons. This particular lesson is based on Psalm 139:7-10 and teaches about the omnipresence of God. Main Idea: God is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Philemon (Think and Respond)

This lesson is the second part of studying Philemon inductively with older elementary students. Click here to see part 1. The lesson combines the steps of thinking about what the passage is teaching and how students need to apply the truths from the passage.  This was prepared for a class of older elementary students and is a guide to be … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Should You Start a Christian Kids Club?

It’s no stretch to say that the methods of ministry have changed radically over the past few decades. Changes in technology allow families the option to “have church” at home and many families don’t even bother to attend any church at all. Still, there is a world of hurting children out there and someone has to reach them. Why not … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"God is All-Powerful" Lesson for Toddlers

This is the sixth lesson plan in our series titled, “Toddlers Knowing God.” Each of these studies help children age 18-24 months better understand the character & nature of God. Click here to see the main index for these Bible lessons. This particular lesson is based on Jeremiah 32:17-23, Job 37 and 38. In very simple language, it will help … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Philemon (Overview/Closer Look)

This lesson continues the process of introducing students to inductive Bible study.  As the students study Philemon they will combine 2 steps (overview, closer look). Click here to see the next lesson on the book of Philemon. (Personal note:  Due to ministry changes at my church and lack of teachers I have a combined class of newly promoted 4th & … More Children’s Ministry Resources