"God is All-Powerful" Lesson for Toddlers

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Todder Bible Lessons
This is the sixth lesson plan in our series titled, “Toddlers Knowing God.” Each of these studies help children age 18-24 months better understand the character & nature of God. Click here to see the main index for these Bible lessons.
This particular lesson is based on Jeremiah 32:17-23, Job 37 and 38. In very simple language, it will help toddlers learn about God’s great power.
Main Idea: God is all-powerful! (Show muscles every time you say this during the lesson.) He is in control of everything and can do anything!

Bible Passage: Jeremiah 32:17-23, Job 37 and 38
Bible Lesson Title: God is All-Powerful
Target Age Group: Toddlers, age 18-24 months
Original Teaching Context: Toddler Sunday School
You Can Help: We love to read your ideas to make the lesson plan better. Click here leave a comment.

Main Idea: God is all-powerful! (Show muscles every time you say this during the lesson.) He is in control of everything and can do anything!
Supplies: Bible, See additional activities for other supplies and preparation.
With toddlers, you want to keep your lesson simple. If your class is able, get them to sit together on floor in front of you. Hold up your Bible.  SAY: The Bible is God’s Word.  The Bible tells us that God is all-powerful! He is in control of everything and can do anything!  (Repeat three times.)
The following activities are designed to reinforce the simple Scripture truth, encourage toddlers development, and engage their imaginations and creativity. Choose the ones that will work best for your classroom.
Learning Activities:
Use Those Muscles!

SUPPLIES: Light objects, heavy objects. For example, a laundry basket filled with clothes = heavy versus a laundry basket filled with stuffed animals = light. You could also use packs of diapers. Lifting jumbo pack=heavy; lifting small pack=light.

ASK: How many of you are strong? Can you show me your muscles? Wow! You are strong! I want you to show me just how strong you are!

DO: Challenge the toddlers to take turns pushing the laundry baskets or carrying the diaper packs.

SAY: This laundry basket is light (point to laundry basket filled with stuffed animals)! It is easy to push. But this laundry basket is heavy! You have to use all of your muscles to push it! The Bible tells us that our God is strong-stronger than you, stronger than me, stronger than anyone! God is all-powerful! He can do anything!

Not Strong Enough

SUPPLIES: Thin paper (notebook, printer, or newspaper), multiple sheets of paper folded up or sealed envelopes with folded paper inside (could use junk mail).

DO: Give the children single sheets of thin paper. Instruct them to use their muscles to rip up the paper! Then give the children multiple sheets of paper folded up or an envelope stuffed with paper and sealed. Instruct them to try and rip the paper.

SAY: Even when you use all of your muscles, you are not strong enough! God is strong enough. God is all-powerful! He is in control of everything and can do anything!

What is Powerful?

SUPPLIES: Pictures of the following: train, boat, lion, baby, kitten, fish

SAY: I have pictures for you to see! This is a train (hold up picture). Trains are very strong! Trains are powerful (show muscles)! Can you help me with these other pictures? (Hold up picture of kitten.) Is this kitten powerful? (No! Kittens are not powerful!) What about this big boat? (Yes! Boats are powerful!) This baby? (No! Babies are not powerful!) Etc.

SAY: God is more powerful than a train! God is more powerful than a big boat! God is more powerful than a lion! God is more powerful than everything! God is all-powerful! He is in control of everything and can do anything!

What Can You Do?

SUPPLIES: You and your toddlers

ASK: What can you do? Can you fly like an airplane? (do it together) Can you jump like a frog? (do it together) Can you spin in a circle? (do it together) Can you give a big hug? (do it together)

ASK: What can God do? God can do anything! God brings the sun up each day! God makes it rain and snow! God keeps the birds in the air! God can lift the heaviest mountain and move the biggest sea! God sees everything! God hears us when we pray! God lets us breathe! God is in control of everything and can do anything! He is all-powerful!

God is in Control

SUPPLIES: A “boat”-could be a big blanket you can all fit on, a piece of cardboard, an air mattress, etc.; spray bottle of water

SAY and DO: God is all-powerful! Even the wind and the water obey Him! I want everyone to get on our boat! We are going to pretend there is a big storm. Our boat begins to rock as the wind blows hard (begin rocking and making wind sounds). The wind gets more and more powerful (rock harder and make louder wind sounds)! The water is coming into our boat (spray them with water)! Oh no! We are in a storm. Storms are powerful! Stop wind! Be still! … Oh no, that did not work! I cannot make the wind stop. You cannot make the wind stop. Who is powerful enough to make the wind stop?? Only God! (Now stop rocking). God is powerful! He is in control of everything in the world! Even the wind and the water obey Him! God says “Stop!” and the wind stops. He is all-powerful!

Our God is Bigger Adventure

DO: Take the toddlers outside for an “Adventure”!

SAY: Look at our church! It is so big! But God is bigger. DO: Take them to a tall tree. SAY: Look at this tree! It is so big! It is even taller than our church! But God is bigger! DO: Have everyone lie on the ground and look up. SAY: Wow! Look at the sky! It is so big! It is bigger than our church, and it is bigger than the tree! Do you really think God is bigger than the sky? Yes! Our God is bigger and greater than everything! Our God is all-powerful! He is in control of everything and can do anything!

What Does God Control?

DO: You can either lead your toddlers around the room, around your church, or outside to do this discovery activity. Your main purpose is to help them see what God does, what He is in control of.

Example for outside or by a window: Who made the sun come up this morning? God made the sun come up this morning! God controls the sun. Who makes the sun go down each night? God! God controls the sun. Who brings the rain? God! God controls the rain. Who brings the snow? God! God controls the snow. Who makes the leaves fall off the trees? God! God is in control of the leaves. Who takes care of the birds in the sky? God! God is in control of the birds.

Example for inside: God controls breath and life, food, clothes, water, church building, family

Praise God through Song

SUPPLIES: Your voices! Lyrics to Our God is So Big. They may also enjoy dancing/singing to Chris Tomlin’s Our God

DO: Sing together Our God is So Big with hand motions

Pray to God

Hold hands or bow your heads together (just demonstrate and ask them to do the same. Some may, most may just watch.) Say a short prayer like the following: Dear God, you are all-powerful! You are in control of everything and can do anything! We love you! Thank you for loving us. Amen.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

2 thoughts on “"God is All-Powerful" Lesson for Toddlers”

  1. Thank you for the wonderful lessons. They are simple and fun to use and I truly believe the children will learn life-long lessons from them!

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