Bible Lesson: Who is Abraham?

It is a blessing to teach children the Bible, because their world is so small and they are learning incredible amounts of information daily.  The wonder behind the eyes of a child as the Bible is taught can challenge one to approach passages with child-like faith.  Like one is reading the story for the first time. “Who is Abraham” is a follow-up to Old Testament character bios that was started with Moses (see link for direct access).

Raising Christ-Like Families in a Secular World

We live in a society that has tarnished biblical parenthood.  Our society has slowly taken males out of the equation of the family. Men, as shown by comic strips, TV, etc., are shown to be ignorant, immature and unable to do simple tasks. Both the husband and wife have a responsibility to the development of children as well as the structuring of the home–though, the responsibilities will look differently. Unfortunately, fathers have been made the inept individuals

Bible Lesson: Who is Moses?

It is a blessing to teach children the Bible, because their world is so small and they are learning incredible amounts of information daily.  The wonder behind the eyes of a child as the Bible is taught can challenge one to approach passages with child-like faith.  Like one is reading the story for the first time. I would like to offer a quick bio on different Bible characters starting with Moses.  It is easy for those who

Ask, Seek, Knock (Luke 11:5-13) Lesson for Kids

This is a free Bible lesson for children, which will teach the importance of continued prayer.  In addition, one will see how God takes care of his children. It’s based on a teaching of Jesus found word for word in two different places in the Bible (Matthew 7:7-11 or Luke 11:9-13) so you know it’s important! God is not our “genie in the bottle.”  He does not nod his head at our commands.  We are his children,

"Lamp to My Feet" Bible Lesson from Psalm 119

This is a free Bible lesson for children; teaching them about the importance of the Bible, and how we rely on it to direct our path. Jesus is our true light and he came to bring us out of darkness.  Without following Christ, we would be left wondering aimlessly in the dark. Bible Lesson:  Lamp to My Feet Scripture: Psalm 119:105-108 Target Age Group: 2nd-6th Learning Context: Children’s Church/Sunday School Printer Friendly Bible Lesson:  [print_link] this lesson plan

Serving as Jesus Did (John 13:3-17) Sunday School Lesson for Kids

The account of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet is such a beautiful picture.  May this lesson fully encourage you, as a teacher, and the children.  As a leader Christ calls us to serve the least of these, and children need to see what humility looks like from adults. The lesson that you are about to teach is very solemn.  It would be helpful to have the children calm before entering into the activity and reading.  Also, the

Sunday School Lesson: Faith, the Destroyer of Sin

This is a free Bible lesson for children teaching them about the importance of faith, and not relying on “works” to save us from sin. Through a study of Galatians 3:10-14, students will identify that works are a part of faith, but they are not, however, a way to get to God.  They will learn that God desires us to do good, but if we only focus on the works, then we would be missing a vital

"Training Your Children" Devotional on Deuteronomy 6

In a way, this post is more for those who lead children than for children themselves, however, allow the words of Deuteronomy to reach into your heart.  Placed in the post is a deep, heartfelt discussion about raising children.  Also, there is a great Bible verse for children and parents to memorize.  May the words of Deuteronomy bless you today. Ministering and discipling to one’s own children is incredibly important, and also a command from God.  A

Children's Sermon: God is our Fortress

Children need to learn to trust God, especially when life becomes difficult. This children’s sermon based on Psalm 46 will point them then to God as a refuge and strength. Psalms Background/Introduction Sometimes people can become tentative when reading the book of Psalms, but one does not need to be.  Remember, the word “psalm” is another way to say “hymn.”  When one reads Psalms, they must recall that it is similar to reading a song (hymn), poem,

Children's Sermon: Be Still and Know that I am God

Just like grown ups, children struggle with busy hearts and minds that often distract them from God. This children’s sermon will help them discover the importance of being still before the Lord. Leader Preparation: Many times teaching lessons to others can have an impact on the teacher too, and this is a wonderful thing. For this lesson, give yourself some quiet time to God.  This does not mean go play golf or send your family outside to get away from

Children Sermon: Way, Truth, Life

This world is a confusing place, especially for children. This simple children’s sermon will teach them that Jesus Christ is the only way to God, his truth, and the life God created them to enjoy. Leader Preparation: It is good to get the full context of the reading.  Reading John 13:31-38 would be very beneficial, then read John 14:1-12 a few times to become comfortable with the text. This passage is a great way to describe to

Children's Sermon on Psalm 8: How Majestic

God has designed us to find our greatest joy in lifting up praises to Him. Psalm 8 is a beautiful expression of worship to God and description of his majestic work in creation. Each line of this treasured scripture passage points us to his Glory. Leader Preparation: If possible, prepare a little music for the children.  A great song to use would be “How Majestic is Your Name,” which is used in Psalm 8, but many other songs

Psalm 1:1-6 Children's Sermon

The Psalms have always held a special place in the devotional lives of believers. The first Psalm has often been used to instruct children about walking in the way of the Lord. This free children’s sermon will introduce this classic passage of Scripture and help children learn these truths on their own level. Preparation: We recommended that the entirety of Psalm chapter 1 is read.  Psalm 1 is a very short chapter, which will be good on

Children Sermon: God is the Good Shepherd

This children’s sermon is about God’s protection for his people. It can be used in a variety of teaching settings or expanded into a full lesson plan. For added emphasis, you might include a shepherd’s crook into the following devotional text. Preparation: We recommend teachers read the whole of Ezekiel 34 as background before presenting this materials. Notice how the scripture emphasis is on God taking action to feed his sheep, in contrast to the evil shepherds.