Old Testament Books of the Bible Maze

My kids love doing mazes! They love to see if they can do it without making any mistakes. They could sit there and do maze after maze after maze. So, why not practice the books of the Bible while doing a fun maze? I have made this maze to help them practice the books of the Old Testament. I hope … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Printable "We're Praying For You Cards"

Prayer is powerful! Prayer is an important part of any Christian’s life. I want to show this to my class at church, so I created these “We’re Praying For You” cards. Each week, during our time of prayer requests, I am going to ask each child to choose someone in the church that they want to pray for during the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Word "GOD" Search Puzzle for Preschoolers

My new Preschool/Kindergarten class has a couple of young children. They are just starting out with letters and words. We are going over the lesson about when Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall for King Belshazzar. I thought it would be great to have the kids learn how to write the name of God to go along with this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Jesus" Bingo Dauber Worksheets

My kids like to make pictures with these Bingo daubers that I bought from the Dollar Tree a long time ago. You know what I’m talking about, right? It’s those paint-like pens that people use to mark a Bingo game board? Well, they come in different colors and the kids like to play games with them, like graphing. Well, I’ve … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Esther In 30 Days" Bible Reading Chart for Kids

I really enjoy reading the book of Esther. It has a great storyline…a young maiden taken to the palace to then get picked by the king to become the next queen. But the story doesn’t end there…she then has to risk her life in order to save her people. There’s excitement, adventure, and suspense. Will she save her people? Will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Printable Bible Reading Chart for Kids

I want my children, at home and in my classes at church, to read. Summertime, while kids are out of school, is a great time to encourage reading. There are so many reading programs to get children to read while they are on a break. It has been proven that kids who read during the summer, retain more of the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ten Commandments Number Words (1-10) Book Printable

I will be working with my first grade son on learning how to read, spell, and write the number words 1-10 this upcoming school year. As I was putting them together, it clicked. Connect the number words with the Ten Commandments! It fits perfectly. It’s part of our large selection of free resources that teach the 10 commandments for kids. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

60 Summer Fun Activity Ideas for Kids

Well, it’s that time again. It’s summer. We are taking a well-deserved break from school and enjoying the nice weather. It’s also the time when my boys start saying, “There’s nothing to do!” Translated, this means, “Entertain us, Mom!” I’m prepared this year! I’ve made up a list of 60 items that they can do alone and with me. I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Printable "ABC Bible Word Cards"

I love combining the Bible with any other subject that we are learning in school. So that’s why I made these printable ABC Bible Word Cards for my first grader to practice his letter sounds as well as remember a little about the Bible. Click on the image above to download the print-friendly PDF file Each letter of the alphabet … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Characters Flipbook

Learning the different characters of the Bible is important for children. I will be working through the Bible characters with my children at home as well as with the children in my classes at church. I wanted something fun for the kids to learn about some of the major characters in the Bible. So I created this flip book. Click … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Old Testament Books of the Bible Bingo

The kids in my Wednesday night class need work on learning the books of the Bible. They also like to play games. So, I put together this DIY Old Testament Books of the Bible Bingo game. It’s DIY because it is completely adaptable to your class (as well as mine). I have made the BIBLE Bingo game board and made … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Testament Books of the Bible Bingo

The kids in my Wednesday night class need work on learning the books of the Bible. They also like to play games. So, I put together this DIY New Testament Books of the Bible Bingo game. It’s DIY because it is completely adaptable to your class (as well as mine). I have made the BIBLE Bingo game board and made … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children Learning To Use The Bible

I remember being in my parents’ Sunday School class growing up and they would have us “practice” using our Bibles. They said “practice”, but there was no practice about it. We were digging into our Bibles and using them. It was a great lesson in using our Bibles. We teach children to read their Bible and use their Bible as … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Verses about Giving

One day, I decided that the kids in my class on a Wednesday night needed to have some practice looking up verses in their Bible. They also needed a lesson on giving. So I decided to combine the two into a Bible Verse look up on giving. I gave them the rules: Before I say each new verse, their Bible … More Children’s Ministry Resources