Bible Craft Ideas from Mark 10:17-31 on Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

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How can we focus on the most important things? In this story, Jesus met a rich young man who thought he could save himself, and was unwilling to part with his earthly possessions. Encourage children to contemplate the most important things in life and think about what it means to put Jesus first. Craft a coin bank to save money to give away. A “sewing heart” uses the “eye of the needle” element while practicing creative coordination and coming up with servant activities.

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Bible Verses or Craft Captions to Consider…  (Mark 10:17-31 )

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” -Mark 10:25

But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” -Mark 10:31

A camel won’t fit through a needle…But God can sew up my heart!

I can show my servant’s heart for Jesus by…        Prayer. Listening and obeying. Caring for others

The world loves “shiny things”… but Jesus gives me all I need!

I can share with those in need.

More Teaching Ideas:

Craft one: “Sew it Up and Serve” Heart  

You will need:

  • Yarn or ribbon
  • Hole punch
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Markers and/or crayons
  • Construction paper or cardstock


  1. On one paper plate, describe the various stages of Christ’s journey to Earth, coming down from Heaven to live and die for us, and returning to Heaven. Add pictures and decorations.
  2. On the second plate, cut a quarter “wedge” out of the top. Decorate this plate with a title announcing the journey of Jesus.
  3. Add a cross shape or popsicle sticks in the shape of a cross.
  4. Carefully place a brad fastener through the center of both plates.
  5. Attach a hanger if desired.  Spin the “wheel” to recall how Jesus traded our sins for new life!

Craft Two: “Give it Away Coin Bank”

You will need:

  • Container (empty coffee or oats can, tissue box, etc.)
  • Markers/crayons
  • Cardstock/paper
  • Glue or tape
  • Aluminum foil
  • Scissors
  • Additional decorations (glitter, sequins, etc.)
  • Captions/verses


  1. Wrap the container in aluminum foil (if desired for extra “sparkle”).
  2. Create verses and captions to attach to the container.
  3. Attach extra decorations and stickers as preferred.
  4. Cut a slit in the top of the container lid to use as a collection “bank” for coins. 
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