Kids Evangelizing Kids (and How We Can Stay Out of the Way)

If you haven’t heard yet, there is a free e-book called What Matters Now in Children’s Ministry in which 33 members of the children’s ministry community were asked to pick one word which describes what matters now in children’s ministry.  That word selection is then explored further in 200-300 words chapters in the book. You can also find much more information on the project and various blog posts related to the project on my What Matters Now in

Where is Jesus in this Bible Story?

For our children’s ministry, we use a curriculum from a well know national company who specializes in writing children’s curriculum for churches. Frankly, the stuff they put out is great! The large group teaching, small group activities and variety of “extras” you can buy to go along with the curriculum are all outstanding.  Each month we review a new biblical virtue and each week an aspect of that virtue is taught based upon a biblical story or

"Who Will Be King?" Gospel Tool for Children

Sharing the Gospel with kids can be a challenge. I struggle with getting all the basics covered without overwhelming children with too much information. That is where the “Who Will Be King?” booklet has really helped me. We were so excited about this approach that we created a Gospel Coloring Book that prompts kids to ask the question. “Who is my King?” It has become my default tool for telling kids the Gospel story. We even have the illustrations

The Age of Accountability: Rethinking Children and Salvation

Welcome to another session of the Children’s Ministry Think Tank. This is a monthly feature where we discuss controversial or difficult topics related to children’s ministry. Our responses are just a starting point, we encourage you to share your views in the comment section below. What About the Age of Accountability? What do you teach about concerning a child’s condition (sometimes called age) of accountability for responding to the Gospel? How would you counsel a parent who

The Gospel for Children: The Importance of Jesus in Every Kids Church Lesson

I took part in a roundtable discussion yesterday with pastors and staff from churches around the area. The topic and reason for the conference was the subject of evangelism.  It was a great time of church leaders sharing different ways that they try to reach people for Jesus. I was the lone children’s pastor in attendance so I gave my thoughts on my strategies for reaching children and their families. When it came to evangelism methods and

Teaching Children About Sin Versus Protecting Their Self Esteem

Thanks for joining us for another session of the Children’s Ministry Think Tank. The purpose of these posts is to address some of the sticky issues that come up in real world kids ministry. Please join the conversation by leaving a comment at the end of the post. Question: Thinking about Sin and Self Esteem How do you teach the doctrine of sin to children without harming their self-esteem? Especially with preschool children, how explicitly do you

Evangelizing Children Without Manipulation

Welcome to another session of the Children’s Ministry Think Tank. The aim is to get different perspectives and help everyone to learn (including me). Please read through the responses and share your own ideas below. Evangelizing Children Without Manipulation How should children’s ministry offer an urgent Gospel invitation without emotionally manipulating children? When does child evangelism cross the line and become abuse? What principles guide you in this area? Response From Jared Kennedy How should children’s ministry

How Can I Know If My Child Is Really Saved?

For Christian parents, few concerns are more pressing than the salvation of their children. I’ve know many parents who struggle to know if their kids are saved. In this post I want to share my best advice for parents. Please feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts. How Can I Tell If A Child Is Saved? The truth is simple to say but hard to accept. We can’t be 100% certain until we get

Don't Miss the Gospel When Sharing Jesus With Kids

Recently I attended an event at another church for children. They had a special speaker who entertained the children with demonstrations of physical strength (breaking objects etc.) and then began to preach. He was good speaker and the children listened carefully to what he said. There was only one problem … He never really preached the Gospel. He told the children to respond by “asking Jesus to forgive them” but he never told what Jesus had done

The Gospel In Colors – The Wordless Book

One of the best ways to share the Gospel with kids is the wordless book. It’s a series of colors that can be used to explain the Gospel. I was surprised to learn that many believe that Charles Spurgeon originated the wordless book idea. Later is was used by several early Evangelical Missionaries. You can find a good summary of it on Kidology and read about it’s history on Wikipedia. Do You Use The Wordless Book? If you have used this

What Is Your Church's Policy About Baptizing Children?

This post continues a new feature called Children’s Ministry Think Tank. The aim is to get different perspectives and help everyone to learn (including me). Please read through the responses and share your own ideas below. Think Tank #2 Questions About Baptism & Kids What is your church’s policy about baptizing kids? Is there any age absolutely too young? If you had to pick a “typical” or “ideal” age what would you say? What happens when a

How Do You Teach Kids To Be Saved?


This post launches a new feature called Children’s Ministry Think Tank. I have asked several friends in children’s ministry to join the project. About twice each month, I will email them tough questions and post their answers here on the website. My aim is to get different perspectives and help everyone to learn (including me).

Please read through the responses and share your own ideas below.

Think Tank Question #1

Jon is an 8 year old boy with little church background. He’s been coming to your children’s programs for several weeks. One day he sticks around and seems like he wants to talk. He says, “I don’t want to go to hell, how can I be saved?” How would you respond?

Kids Ministry Outreach: Searching For Lost Lambs

credit: ++ In a few minutes, I’ll head out for some afternoon evangelistic visits. Today, I’ll be making the rounds in a nearby trailer park. Our ministry serves several lower income children from that neighborhood. These kids often come on the bus, and their parents almost never come with them. I don’t get out there very often, four times each year. Ministering to these families has been one of the best and worst aspects of my job.