New: Big Bible Words 8-Lesson Children’s Ministry Curriculum on Salvation

Looking for a way to teach kids the hard words in the Bible? Look no further than Big Bible Words Curriculum! This 8-lesson series is packed with fun activities to help make complicated truth simple for children. From lessons on faith and hope to salvation and redemption, this children’s ministry resource is sure to engage and educate your little ones. Download the free sample lesson today! Welcome to Big Bible Words, a children’s ministry teaching resource designed

Called to the Front: Joining Children at the Feet of Jesus

This post continues Steve’s story about resisting God’s calling and finding spiritual purpose by becoming like a child. As Jesus says in Matthew 18:2 “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Why did I start sitting in the front of the church during worship? My three young daughters, my unencumbered smiling children, pulled me to the front.  They got used to going to the front

Stop Shaming Busy Parents — Church attendance does not equal faithfulness

Lately, their has been a buzz on social media about parents to bringing their kids to church. They lead with outrageous titles implying that skipping church will doom your children to become unbelievers. I was shocked to see how many people were sharing (and liking) these negative posts. We 100% agree that church attendance is important and plays a role in kids coming to Christ, but some of these articles cross the line into legalism and parent

Podcast: Important Children's Ministry (2019 Statistics)

Nick Blevins just released our podcast conversation talking about the latest children’s ministry statistics and what that means for local churches. We talk about how kids are coming to Christ and how families are essential at every step of that process. You can also download our full 33-page special report (PDF). Transcript: Importance of Children’s Ministry Introduction: Welcome to the Nick Blevins family ministry podcast. Our goal is to help you maximize your church’s potential. You’ll hear

Children’s Ministry Statistics (2019) How do kids come to Christ?

Update: We released a research on 2022 children’s ministry statistics with over 1200 ministry leaders responding. We surveyed 400 children’s ministry leaders and analyzed the latest research. Here’s what we learned. Jesus loves the little ones – that’s why we love to serve in children’s ministry. Every person (no matter their age) was created to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s the most pressing need in this life. It’s also the goal of everything we

Kids Evangelism Tools (Awesome Gospel Tracts & More)

Evangelism tracts have come a long way! I’m really impressed by these Gospel sharing resources from Let the Little Children Come. Be sure to click over to their official website to see the Gospel Tract’s sample pack. For another look, check out Meghan’s review of this Fun Evangelism Tool for Kids. Going through these kids evangelism tools, I was thinking two main ways to use these materials. Sharing the Gospel with Kids – The wordless book is

2019 Children's Ministry Statistics: Kids & Salvation

Update – the 2019 Children’s ministry statistics massive 36 page report and 1 page summary graphic are now online. See what we learned from over 400 surveys and looking at all the new research. Please help us by taking this simple survey. We’ll be sharing the results to help encourage everyone to keep telling kids about Jesus. Once you submit your answers you will see the current totals.

Sinner's Prayer (5 simple examples) for Kids

Imagine a child is ready to accept Christ …. but they can’t find the words. That’s when a simple example prayer asking for salvation (aka “The Sinner’s Prayer”) is helpful. Asking God to forgive your sins is not complicated and the words alone are not magic. Jesus looks at the heart of repentance and anyone praying to Him in faith can be saved. I’ve read about the debate about this practice, but still believe a model prayer is important

Teaching the Gospel with Cereal Boxes

Kids make great evangelists! They can often go where we can’t. Still, when a child isn’t confident in their relationship with God or how to lead others to Christ, they may be reluctant to share. Still I am committed to discipling children and part of that responsibility is sharing and teaching the gospel with others. Like Jesus showed us through many parables, the principles of the kingdom of God can be likened to many things, even the

Classroom Management: Setting Biblical Rules

One of the most common questions I hear from new teachers (or those considering serving in children’s ministry) is about classroom management and discipline. How do I keep them all under control? What are the rules? What do I do when someone disobeys? What does discipline look like in the classroom? These are all great questions and should all be answered individually, but let me focus on just one of them for a few minutes and that

Hear the Gospel Again for the First Time

Do you remember the first time you heard the truth of the gospel? For many of us who grew up in Christian homes, the answer is no. Most of us can’t remember the first time we heard someone say that Jesus died for our sins. We might remember when we really understood the significance or really believed it, but not when we heard it. Sadly for many of us the best news we’ve ever heard has become

Don't Be Afraid of the Big Gospel Words When Teaching Kids

Awhile back I was at the mall food court after church, and one of my four year old teachers came running up to me saying he needed to talk. He had taught that morning and honestly I was little worried what might have come up in his class. Then, I saw the smile on his face. He said, ‘you won’t believe it, all of the kids in my class understand the word repentance.’ He was excited that the

Good News "Skittles" Printable Gospel Tool for Kids

Who remembers the 90’s cartoon ‘Pinky & the Brain?’ I was in college when the show was airing, but I work with kids and therefore I am not too proud to admit to regularly watching cartoons. My favorite part of the show was a conversation that happened in every episode. PINKY – “Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?” BRAIN- “The same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world.” As children’s ministry leaders,

Tips for Leading a Child to Christ

Leading a child to Christ is the single most wonderful thing about children’s ministry, and there are many wonderful things about teaching kids. There’s nothing quite like leading kids in prayer and introducing them to the Lord. I remember when I first began in children’s ministry about sixteen years ago how nervous I was to lead the altar service. What a privilege! Today, I don’t worry about anything except that the child before me understands what he’s

New Believers' Workbook for Kids – Download PDF

“New believers” need the basics of the Bible and Christianity. Children too! This new believers’ workbook workbook is for children to learn the basics of the faith. Use it for curriculum for new Christians class at your church. This new Christian’s workbook provides a place to record the child’s salvation and baptism experiences. This will help children reflect on their decision to follow Jesus. The free booklet also serves as a new church member’s manual. The purposes

Tips for Kids' Altar Calls

God wants every child filled with His presence; many times this occurs during the altar service.  Many children’s pastors believe that these God-encounters should only occur during the altar service in the “big church,” not in children’s church. Yet, Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me,” and “God is spirit and his worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” If you’ve been hesitant about offering an altar service, I want to empower you!

5 Ways to Reach More Children for Jesus

When the scope of your ministry needs enlarging you have to do more than pray kids into the pews. Put shoes on those prayers and get out into the community to reach more kids. Expand your Christian ministry by moving into these five areas of ministry. They don’t require expensive equipment or a committee of public relations people. Get back to the basics and reach the kids just on the edge of the ministry. I’ve implemented these

Leading a Child to Christ

Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me,” — and he meant it! God is not impressed by our ages and doesn’t require His followers to reach a certain height before they enter His kingdom. As children’s ministry leaders, we need to be comfortable and skillful at leading a child to Jesus. We aren’t to manipulate or put words in our kids’ mouths. Instead, we need to be sensitive to the Spirit and recognize a child

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) Sunday School Lesson

This Bible lesson will teach children about the spiritual discipline of evangelism. Sometimes we forget that children can speak God’s truth, even better than grown-ups. (See Matthew 21:16) Telling others about Jesus is also a key for kids to grow in their own faith. Spiritual disciplines are just a fancy way to say “spiritual exercise.” That means something we can do to help us get closer to Jesus and stronger in our faith. Evangelism is exactly such

10 Reasons Why I Still Love One Night Kids' Crusades

Some people think it’s old-fashioned, but I still believe in crusades! The main reason why I love them is, by their very nature, they focus on salvation through Jesus. Crusades are like illustrated sermons, only with more games, object lessons and props. A crusade is a suitable ministry format for both children and adults. Vacation Bible School is a fun summer activity but at some churches I’ve taught, a long expensive program couldn’t be managed. A one

Unchurched Kids: 4 Things You Should Teach First

Just the other day my friend shared about her husband’s one and only church experience when he was younger.  The pastor pulled him aside and shared that the boy was probably going to hell because he was wearing baggy pants.  For many years later, that is what the boy remembered and associated with church. Wow. Suppose a kid comes to any of your ministries and has zero religious background. What are the most urgent things your ministry

20 Non-Negotiable Principles for Evangelizing Kids

Based on his findings from a 2004 survey of the age at which most people accept Christ, George Barna wrote: “Families, churches and parachurch ministries must recognize that primary window of opportunity for effectively reaching people with the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection is during the pre-teen years. It is during those years that people develop their frames of reference for the remainder of their life – especially theologically and morally. Consistently explaining and modeling

When Should Kids Be Baptized?

This is a question answered differently in many churches. It’s definitely a question we should be asking. Leave a comment to let me know what your church does. My friend Trevin wrote a helpful post asking should we baptize small children? He offered four principles for handling this topic. Here was his conclusion: To be clear, I do not consider childhood baptisms invalid. I myself was baptized when I was eight. But I do believe that we should be very

Salvation Object Lesson (Acts 3:19) Hard Boiled Egg

As with any object lesson, this is not a perfect representation of salvation. The idea here is to further a child’s understanding of what Christ does with our hearts when we believe in Him and accept Him as our Savior.  Originally written for preschoolers, this lesson can be tailored to any age group depending on your depth of discussion. Who can tell me what sin is? Let the children answer. Sin is anything that we do, or