Leading VBS Mission Trips in Haiti

After our posts about Haiti over the last few weeks, many readers have responded with their own stories of how God is working in that country. One such reader was Trish Moneyhon. After talking and exchanging emails, we asked her to share a little of her story here to encourage other readers. My husband, Dennis, and I made our first … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mission Project – Printing Photos in Rural Haiti

This post describes how our Haiti mission team used the Canon Selphy CP910 to print digital photographs using only batteries and a smartphone camera. This same project would be super easy for any outreach event at church.  If it works in Haiti, it could work anywhere.  I’d love to hear your feedback, especially if you have done something similar. Just … More Children’s Ministry Resources

I Left My Heart in Haiti

I don’t know what to write about my experience in Haiti last week, but I need to share something here with the readers. This post is far from complete and I have so many stories to tell. God has opened a door for our church to work in a rural community near Jacmel over the last eight years. Each time we stay on … More Children’s Ministry Resources