New Book Helps Fight the Perfect Parent Syndrome

“It’s hard enough to train kids to behave, but good behavior isn’t what Jesus calls for in the Bible.” In Spiritual Parenting, author Michelle Anthony calls us as parents to “depend upon God for our children’s spirtual and moral development, urging us toward a heart posture of surrender and faithfulness. The end goal is a vibrant faith that is passed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christian Book on Business for God's Glory

I’ve made it my habit to read about topics outside my normal field of ministry. So, today I was working through a new book by Wayne Grudem titled, “Business for the Glory of God.” Dr. Grudem was one of my favorite authors in Seminary. I’ve spent hundreds of hours with his massive Systematic Theology. That book is still on my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"No Fairy Tale" Is a Dream Come True (Book Review)

As an avid lover of fairy tales and lover of the Greatest Story Ever told, this book jumped off the shelf at me. A beautifully written, exquisitely illustrated childrens book, “This Is No Fairy Tale” wonderously invites children to be a part of the happily ever after Jesus offers. Authored by Dale Tolmasoff and illustrated by Corbert Gauthier, the combination … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Passing the Baton (Book Review)

“If you’re a parent, you want your child to have a growing friendship with Jesus. And if you’re a Christian education leader, you want parents to be successful! But what do parents do? What do they say? Where do they start?” That’s where Passing the Baton steps in as a ten week church or parent devotional plan for leading your children to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Grandpa's Box by Starr Meade (Book Review)

Once in a while you come across a book that you just have to tell everyone about, and Grandpa’s Box is one of these books. Written by Starr Meade, it is styled as a devotional, but seems to be the perfect read aloud bedtime story. In the book, Grandpa capitalizes on his grandson’s love of military strategy to introduce to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Transition Plan: Passing on Church Leadership

How does a legendary pastor hand over his ministry to someone else? What are the secrets that saved his church from self destruction during the transition? How can this story help your kids ministry now and in the future? Keep reading to find out. Transition Plan, by Bob Russell and Bryan Bucher, is a very short, very succinct story of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Stripped Clean: Down to Nothing but the Cross

Stripped Clean, by Jeff Storm, is a devotional created  for ages 13 and up. The back cover reads,” Take a guilt-free, life changing look at what you have… what it means… and discover how to tread lightly in the world as the steward Jesus calls you to be. Oh, yeah: and don’t get too attached to this book. As you … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What's so simple about "Simply Strategic Stuff"?

As we begin to prepare for fall, and get everyone excited about the next year in ministry, I return to an old favorite — Simply Strategic Stuff.  Simply Strategic Stuff, by Tim Stevens and Tony Morgan, and published by Group, claims to be “help for leaders drowning in the details of running a church”.  These two men hail from Granger … More Children’s Ministry Resources

DVD Review: "What's in the Bible" from Phil Vischer

Phil Vischer is back with new DVD series for Christian kids, but is this something your family should buy? Can these videos really teach kids about the Bible? Keep reading my review to find out more. Our regular readers will know that I’ve had mixed opinions about Veggie Tales. On one level I loved them for their kid-safe entertainment value. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Book "Holy Subversion" by Trevin Wax

Earlier this week, my friend Trevin Wax sent me a copy of his new book “Holy Subversion.”  I’ve been a fan of this book since he started writing it a few years back.  He even let read a draft when he was finishing up. Now that the book is finally out, I am glad to recommend it. Trevin shares some … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Video: I Recommend the ESV Study Bible

A shout-out to my favorite over sized book There are so many great tools for Bible Study, but here is one that I have found most useful. This one volume puts more Bible information in your hand than I actually learned in Bible College and Seminary. I use it almost every week and I’ve also bought copies for all my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Picture Books for Christmas

There are so many children’s picture books out today that tell the Christmas story.  Here is a short collection of books that I would highly recommend.  These stories are fun and engaging, plus they tell the true meaning of Christmas.  Your kids will enjoy hearing them again and again! Don’t miss our look at the top children’s Bibles available in 2020. God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Book Review: Family-Integrated Church

One of the current buzzwords in churchlife today is the phrase, “family-integrated.” However, what looks to the casual observer as simply a “fad” is more than that: it is a theological, methodological, and philosophical conviction for those leaders in churches who are truly family-integrated. Family-Integrated Church, by J. Mark Fox, (Xulon, 2006) is one church’s story of how it transformed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fool Moon Rising (A Book Review)

“Dear God, “I heard a cosmic story and wondered if it’s true. The Moon was stealing glory and this is what he’d do.” So begins a highly enjoyable and quite profound new children’s book from Crossway Books, cleverly titled Fool Moon Rising. Husband and wife team Kristi and T. Lively Fluharty wrote and illustrated this “rhyming, rollicking tale” about the … More Children’s Ministry Resources