Teach about Deborah, the Judge of Israel with this coloring page. “Deborah” is another sheet in our new Bible Heroes Coloring Book. This line art illustration shows the Deborah seated on a thrown. It features the name “Deborah” in block letters and a scripture reference. Download the PDF coloring page below or click on the large image to directly print the JPEG image.

About this Coloring Page
This is the second coloring sheet in our Bible Heroes series. Our plan is to alternate male and female people from the Bible. One of the thoughts I have about creating these is that God is the REAL hero behind each story. That is why I included so many references on the Moses page to God himself.
The large illustration shows Deborah “the Mother of Israel” sitting on her thrown. The caption is from Judges 5:31:
May all who love You be like the sun when it rises in its strength.
In this illustration, Queen Deborah is surrounded by palm branches that symbolize the victory God had given Israel through her. A bright sun rises above the queen.
Sunday School children will enjoy this coloring sheet. It would also be an excellent Bible activity in the family or home-school. We recommend colored pencils rather than wax crayons. The finer tip of the pencil allows more detailed illustration artwork.
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