God Calls Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-21) Preschool Bible Lesson

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God Calls Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-21) Preschool Lesson
Samuel was the son of Hannah, who prayed that God would give her a son. Once Samuel was old enough Hannah was faithful in taking Samuel to the temple to be raised there. Though Samuel was young he learned that he must always listen to God as God gave him an important message. Today our preschoolers will learn the importance of listening to God.
Lesson Title:  God Calls Samuel
Bible Reference: 1 Samuel 3:1-21
Target Age Group: Preschool
Learning Context: Children’s Church
Target Time Frame: 1 ½ hour
Learning Aim:  Listen to God.
Materials Needed:

  1. Brown Paper Bag
  2. Candy
  3. Paper Plates
  4. Glue or Stapler
  5. Yellow Pipe Cleaners
  6. Crayons
  7. Map
  8. Suitcase
  9. Wedding flowers or veil
  10. Large box or basket
  11. Construction Paper
  12. Stickers

Bible Story

Open your Bible to 1 Samuel 3:1-21.
Every time that you say ‘And Samuel answered’ have the kids respond with ‘Here I am Lord.’
Say, Samuel was the son of Hannah. Hannah wanted a baby boy very much and when God gave her Samuel she made sure that he was raised in the church. One day Samuel heard a voice in the temple. At first he thought it was the priest, Eli, but then he found out that it was God speaking to him!
One night Samuel was sleeping when he heard someone call his name. He got up and ran to Eli. And Samuel said: “Here I am!” he said to Eli.
“I didn’t call you,” Eli answered, “go back to bed.” So Samuel went back to bed.
Again the LORD called, “Samuel!” Samuel jumped out of bed and and went to Eli. And Samuel said: “Here I am!”
“I didn’t call you, go back to bed,” Eli answered a second time.
A third time God called Samuel and Samuel got up and went to Eli. And Samuel said: “Here I am!”
Finally, Eli realized that it was God who was calling Samuel. He told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you again, say, ‘Speak LORD, for your servant is listening.”
Samuel went back to bed and sure enough, again he heard the voice of God calling, “Samuel! Samuel!” This time Samuel answered as Eli had told him, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
God spoke to Samuel and told him many things that would happen soon.
God spoke to Samuel and was able to use him even though he was young. We need to listen for God just like Samuel did.
Come Here Samuel Game
Have the class sit in a circle. One child will lay down in the middle of the circle and pretend to be asleep. Pick a child in the circle to say, ‘Come Here, Samuel.’ Samuel will then wake up and guess correctly then the two children will switch places and the game continues. If the child guesses incorrectly then you will say, ‘Go back to sleep’ and someone else will say ‘Come Here Samuel.’ Continue until they pick the correct child.
Say, When the Lord called for Samuel he thought it was Eli at first. Eventually he realized that it was the Lord calling him. The Lord had an important message for Samuel.   
Make Telephones
Give each child two Styrofoam or paper cups. Poke a hole in the bottom of each cup and connect them with a string or ribbon about 3 ft. long. Secure the string inside the cup with tape. Decorate the cups with crayons or stickers.
Show the class how to talk through one end to a friend.
Say, When God called Samuel He didn’t use a cell phone! He spoke directly to Samuel. We need to always be listening for signs that God is speaking to you.    
Listening Game
Have the kids sit with their heads down on the table and their eyes closed. Make different sounds and have the kids try to guess what the sound is. You can use a smart phone to do this by looking up sounds on youtube or items in the classroom such as knocking on the door, a timer, or crinkling paper.
Say, You did a good job listening today! Remember that you can always listen to God!
Closing the Lesson
Say, Samuel learned that it is very important to listen to God. How can we listen for God? Let the kids give their answers. Other possible answers would be that they should read their Bible and listen or God and listen when they come to church.  
Close the lesson in prayer.

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