Vacation Bible School is the perfect way to immerse visitors into your unique church culture and VBS provides a wide opportunity for volunteers to work in children’s ministry. If you’re not excited yet, just take a look at all the awesome 2020 VBS themes that are coming out for next summer.
It’s time to shine for Jesus! Who’s ready to party?
3 Reasons Why Vacation Bible School is Important
#1 Hello, Jesus
Vacation Bible School is important for kids meeting Jesus.
VBS is the ideal ministry vehicle for introducing children to Jesus—and it’s so much fun! From the music to the crafts, to the teaching, Jesus becomes more than a character in a Bible story. Through your efforts and through Vacation Bible School programs, children get to see how real the Bible truly is and how God’s Word applies to them. Vacation Bible School offers children opportunities for salvation too. And isn’t that the central reason for bringing forth such effort? Roll out the welcome mat and get ready to share the love of Jesus with a spiritually hungry generation.
#2 Welcome, Everyone
Vacation Bible School is important for families finding your church.
As I mentioned in my opening statement, VBS is the perfect event for showcasing your ministry and your church. To my mind, VBS is as important as a holiday event. My team and I think a lot about how a visitor feels. Is there someone to greet him or her when they arrive? Are there inclement weather volunteers ready with an umbrella? Is there a way to connect with visitors after the event ends? Vacation bible school–and other children’s ministry events force us to think about our friendliness level. Up your game at VBS and remind everyone to smile and shake as many hands as possible. Connect with all visitors, big and small. And if you really want to know what people think about your church, ask them to submit an anonymous questionnaire.
Ask questions like:
- “How many people greeted you when you arrived?”
- “Were the classes easy to find?”
Use the data to improve your future programs.
#3 Volunteers, Up
Vacation Bible School is important because it helps find new volunteers.
Yeah, it’s Vacation Bible School time. If you have a plethora of tried and true volunteers, congratulations! You’ll have plenty of helping hands to make this a memorable event. Put volunteers to work that may not normally get to participate. Got a recently graduated teen? Hand him a puppet. Have a few of your seniors mentioned that they would like to help out with snacks? Put out the call and let all your volunteers do something for Jesus. Providing ministry opportunities to people that may not otherwise get the chance to minister will help the team grow, personally and corporately. Growth is always good.
And one more thing on volunteers: It’s okay to ask for outside help. Reach out to fellow children’s ministry leaders in your community. Be mindful when you do, have a few options. “Hey, would you mind coming to demonstrate this object lesson? I am sure our kids would love to see you in action.” Be specific in what you need to avoid confusion and encourage participation. (That means you must be willing to return the favor.)
Yes, it’s true. The church culture has to change with the times but Vacation Bible School remains an exciting and necessary ministry outreach.
Why does Vacation Bible School matter to you?
These are 3 great examples of the importance of VBS, but what about you personally? How has the Bible school ministry personally impacted your walk with Christ? Leave a comment below to share your experience and encourage other readers!
On a tight budget, don’t miss our free Vacation Bible school curriculum.