6 Cell Phones Apps for Christian Kids

You have to agree that cell phones are everywhere! Not only do parents have them “glued” to their hands but so do teens and now kids. I can’t tell you the number of birthday parties I’ve attended recently (and that’s quite a few—I’m a children’s pastor) where kids are receiving cell phones as gifts. I won’t go into all my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Nahum Bible Lesson: Punishment or Protection?

The following lesson was prepared for a small group of students ranging in ages 6-8.  The lesson is my personal supplement to a Gospel Project lesson on Nahum.  The lesson can be adapted to meet the needs of your ministry. Bible Passage:  Nahum Bible Story Title:  Nahum-Punishment or Protection? Target Age Group: Ages 6-11 (K-5th Grade U.S.A.) Target Time Frame: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping the Angry Child

During my sixteen year tenure in children’s ministry I have met many angry, defiant children. I won’t get into the details of all these situations—that’s confidential, but I am sure you have also met the angry child. He comes through with his arms folded across his chest, refuses to respond to his name and keeps his lip in a perpetual … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons with Food Coloring

In case you haven’t noticed, I totally love object lessons! Visual demonstrations of bible principles delivers the “wow” factor that every teacher wants. If you’re looking for some super-colorful lessons to share with the kiddos, you can’t go wrong with object lessons with food coloring. Bright colors grab the eye and keep kids spellbound. However, before you start squirting, remember … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Jeremiah" Bible Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the book of Jeremiah. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click on the preview image above to download this coloring page in print-friendly PDF format. We’ve also uploaded a the JPEG image for anyone who needs to edit the picture or words. The illustration … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Worksheet: Learn about the Church

Jesus established the church. Paul and others started local churches. And how do church buildings fit into the whole thing? Click here to download  This is part of a series of worksheets called “Learn About…” which interpret Bible topics on an elementary school level. Bibles and pencils are needed for each worksheet. These are recommended for second grade and up. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

When Parents Use Church Attendance as Punishment

Tristan had a bad week at school. He kicked a teacher (he says accidentally), talked back to his mother and refused to pay attention in class. Tristan had a very bad week. What was Mom’s solution? Keep her child at home rather than send him to church. So what do you think? Should parents use church attendance as punishment? Here’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Worksheet: Learn about Being a Christian

Salvation is a free gift. After we become a Christian, there are things we can do to grow as a Christian. This worksheet reminds children of these things and more.. Click here to download. This is part of a series of worksheets called “Learn About…” which interpret Bible topics on an elementary school level. Bibles and pencils are needed for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cool Ways to Use Bubble Wrap in Kids Ministry

Who loves bubble wrap? Why you do–and a few thousand children! If you want to instantly grab kids’ attention and create real excitement in your class or church, break out the bubble wrap. It’s easy to find at the department and dollar stores and packing suppliers. You may also be surprised to learn how much is bubble wrap is going … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Crayon Object Lessons

Most children have used or handled crayons before–that makes this popular art supply the perfect item for an object lesson! Take advantage of your class coloring time with this childhood toy. Use a box of 8, 16 or even 8 crayons. Since crayons are such relatable item for kids, they’ll pick up on the teaching faster, easier. Wouldn’t it be … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Worksheet: Learn about Parables

This worksheet on parables covers the lost sheep, the lost coin, the prodigal son, and the good Samaritan. It also touches on the meaning of each parable. Click here to download. This is part of a series of worksheets called “Learn About…” which interpret Bible topics on an elementary school level. Bibles and pencils are needed for each worksheet. These … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Worksheet: Learn about Miracles

This worksheet uses various types of healing and calming a storm as examples of miracles performed by Jesus. It also defines miracles as supernatural acts and gives Jesus’ reasons for performing miracles. Click here to download this free printable. This is part of a series of worksheets called “Learn About…” which interpret Bible topics on an elementary school level. Bibles … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Tips for Teaching Prayer

Prayer is something we should all do but understandably it can feel intimidating if you aren’t confident or experienced. I love listening to children pray. They really don’t have the presets we do and they aren’t afraid to ask God for anything. Still, after a few unanswered prayers, like, “Dear God, please make me fly,” kids will need some encouragement … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Amos Bible Lesson: Seek the Lord and Live

The following lesson was adapted for a small group of children ranging in ages from 6-11.  The lesson is an overview of the Book of Amos.  The students discover that although Amos’ message was very bad news to God’s people because of their wickedness they would be punished.  If they were to seek the Lord and live they would be … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Valentine Photo Booth Ideas for Kids

No matter how carefully I plan, I nearly always have some extra time left in my kids’ church, even after the lesson components. As Pastor Bill Wilson once said, “If you don’t put on a program for your kids, they’ll put one on for you.” The idea of “free time” in class is great but even these social opportunities need … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Worksheet: Learn about Prophets

This worksheet classifies several Old Testament prophets by time period and type of prophecy. Some familiar quotations from the prophets are listed. Finally, John the Baptist is mentioned as a New Testament prophet. Click here to download as a print-friendly PDF document. This is part of a series of worksheets called “Learn About…” which interpret Bible topics on an elementary … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Five Ways Parents Can Disciple Kids

Make disciples! That was the command of Jesus to his disciples. What better way to fulfill this command then to disciple your own children and empower others to do the same. Biblical discipleship wasn’t in the classroom, it was demonstrated through daily interaction with others — letting them see Christ-like living. Even parents who are new Christians can disciple their … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Tips for Ministering to Siblings

Unless they’re twins, school teachers don’t often have siblings in their classrooms. In the case of children’s ministry, most churches don’t segregate classes by age. For example, in the church I serve at, there are three children’s churches: 0 to 2; 3 to 5 and 6 to 11 years of age. If you’ve got siblings close in age, your children’s … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Teach: Preschool Sunday School Class

Teaching a Preschool Sunday School class seems like a daunting task to undertake. But, with a little guidance and a simple plan, you are able to do it! Here’s a simple plan that might be useful if you are going to teach a preschool class. Don’t miss our free printable preschool Bible lessons and preschool coloring pages. Beginner’s Guide to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Valentine's Day Bulletin Board Idea for Church

Valentine’s Day is a great holiday to teach our kids about the true meaning of love. The world wants them to think love is this superficial, conditional type feeling that we should be striving to have on Valentine’s Day so that we can get a box of chocolates. Well, that’s not what God says about love. There are so many … More Children’s Ministry Resources