Joshua: Printable Bible Study Worksheet

If children have been going to church for a while or they are read Bible stories at home, they have probably heard of Joshua and the walls of Jericho. But, do they know that he was also the right-hand man of Moses and a great military leader? Well, here’s a little Bible study page for them to gain some knowledge about Joshua. This is not an extensive study, but it will give them a better understanding of

Bible Lesson: Overview of Esther

The following lesson is the beginning of a new series teaching through the Book of Esther.  The focus of this lesson is an overview of Esther introducing students to the main characters, places and themes.  It is a good opportunity to refresh students’ minds who the Jewish people are, God’s Covenant with His people and why the Jews are living in Persia.  This lesson was prepared for older students and can easily be adapted for your ministry

Object Lessons on Transformation

Object lessons on transformation can help you illustrate important Bible promises like the one found in 2 Corinthians 3:18.  The scripture says, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (NIV) What hope! Don’t believe that God-inspired transformation is lost on kids. Children get the concept of transformation–Hollywood’s “Transformers” movies are proof of that but those films are a poor substitute

Bible Lesson: Who is Abraham?

It is a blessing to teach children the Bible, because their world is so small and they are learning incredible amounts of information daily.  The wonder behind the eyes of a child as the Bible is taught can challenge one to approach passages with child-like faith.  Like one is reading the story for the first time. “Who is Abraham” is a follow-up to Old Testament character bios that was started with Moses (see link for direct access).

Sunday School Lesson: Faith, the Destroyer of Sin

This is a free Bible lesson for children teaching them about the importance of faith, and not relying on “works” to save us from sin. Through a study of Galatians 3:10-14, students will identify that works are a part of faith, but they are not, however, a way to get to God.  They will learn that God desires us to do good, but if we only focus on the works, then we would be missing a vital

"Training Your Children" Devotional on Deuteronomy 6

In a way, this post is more for those who lead children than for children themselves, however, allow the words of Deuteronomy to reach into your heart.  Placed in the post is a deep, heartfelt discussion about raising children.  Also, there is a great Bible verse for children and parents to memorize.  May the words of Deuteronomy bless you today. Ministering and discipling to one’s own children is incredibly important, and also a command from God.  A

"Y is for Yahweh" Coloring Page

The theme for the letter Y is Yahweh. In most English Bible translations, the phrase “THE LORD” is actually the Hebrew name for God. In older translations, this was rendered Jehovah from the alternate vowel pointing used in later Hebrew scriptures to show respect for the name of the Lord. This is the name that God used for himself when speaking with Moses in Exodus 3:14. “God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And he

Lesson: Resurrection and Rewards Daniel 12

The following lesson is taken from Daniel 12 and introduces students to the truth that all people will be resurrected and receive rewards.  Those who have placed their faith are written in the Book of Life and receive eternal life and will be rewarded at the judgment seat of Christ.  Those who reject Christ as the only way to God will receive eternal separation from God and be punished according to their sin.  This lesson was created

"Courage" Bible Study for Preteens

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from Movie Clip: We Bought a Zoo Topic: Courage Bible Passage: David and Goliath—1 Samuel 17 Activity: “20 Seconds” This activity can be done in small groups or as individuals in a larger group. Create a list of physical activities such as running in place, jumping jacks, singing a nursery rhyme, or whistling. Think of as many crazy activities as possible. Call out the physical activities one at a

Bible Lesson: Belshazzar’s Arrogance

This new lesson from the Book of Daniel focuses on the attitude of arrogance versus an attitude of confidence in Christ. The lesson was prepared with older students in mind.  The lesson is a guide to provide ideas to teach Daniel 5. Please adapt according to the needs of your students. Bible Story: Belshazzar’s Arrogance Scripture: Daniel 5 Target Age Group: Age 9 – 11 (U.S. 3rd – 5th Grade) Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 60

Take Heart – Jesus Has Overcome the World (John 16:33) Sunday School Lesson

This lesson can be utilized at any time of the year because children repeatedly need to hear that God is near.  It was created because my own children had seen visual representations of Jesus rising from the dead and had made assumptions that He was now gone.  In their young minds, when He was lifted up, He was present in Heaven, but not on this earth;  He was present with God, but not with us. This Bible lesson challenges that misconception;  encouraging children

Lesson: Manasseh Repents & Finds Mercy

This lesson reveals the extent of Manasseh’s wickedness. Yet once again, we see God’s mercy when a wicked sinner repents.  The students will discover that because of God’s great mercy. He forgives all sins when a person repents and turns to Him. This Bible study is only a guide.  Be sure to modify the lesson to the needs of your students. Click here to see all the Bible lessons in this series. Bible Story Title: Manasseh repents and

Top 10 Boats in the Bible Lesson & PowerPoint

This simple lesson plan was prepared for our Pirate Theme night at church on a Wednesday evening. It could be useful for any children’s church or Sunday School lesson. I’ve included a few hints below, but would love to hear your ideas too. Simply leave a comment below to make suggestions for other readers. Downloads: PowerPoint Presentation (right-click to download) PDF Presentation (easy to print and display if you don’t have a computer in your teaching room) Optional

Lesson: King Hezekiah Celebrates Passover

This is a continuation of the study of Israel’s Kings.  In part 2 of the life of King Hezekiah this lesson focuses on King Hezekiah’s invitation to all (both Northern and Southern Kingdoms) Israel to come to Jerusalem and celebrate Passover.  Students will be learning about the meaning of Passover and how it was pointing God’s people to the Lamb of God Jesus who would take away the sins of the world. This lesson is only a

Lesson: King Hezekiah Brings Reform

This is a continuation of the study of Israel’s Kings.  This lesson is part one in the life of King Hezekiah.  In 2 Chronicles 29 Hezekiah commands the priests and Levites to consecrate themselves and the temple.  Students will learn about the ministry of the priests and Levites in the Old Testament and how believers are called to be royal priests in the New Testament. This lesson is only a guide to help you to prepare for

Do You Know? Game Idea for learning about God

Several weeks ago, I prepared a series based on Exodus 33:18: Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory!” I’ll cover more about teaching kids about the glory of God in future posts, but I wanted to share the game we did as an introduction.  It was definitely applicable to knowing God, but I think you could also apply it to other situations. The name of the game was simple, HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR SIBLING

"Glory of the New Covenant" 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Lesson

The scriptures point to the Resurrection of Jesus as the proof that all his promises will come true. Use this lesson plan to teach children the important lessons from 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. The main idea is found in 2 Corinthians 3:9: “If the old way, which brings condemnation, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new way, which makes us right with God!” (NLT) This four-part study was first taught to older elementary children. Keep this in mind as

Lesson: Jehoiada’s Godly influence upon King Joash

This lesson is the second lesson about King Joash.  The focus of this lesson is the Godly influence that Jehoiada the priest had on Joash while he was alive.  Unfortunately after his death Joash did not continue in his faithfulness to the Lord.  The lesson teaches students that they have the potential to be a powerful Godly influence in the lives of others. This lesson is only a guide to help you to prepare for your class.  It

Psalm 19 Sunday School Lesson "The Word of God"

This guest post was contributed by Patricia M. Tamang, a reader from the Philippines who severs as Coordinator for Christian Education in her church. Bible Lesson Title: The Word of God Bible Passage: Psalm 19:7-10 Target Age Group: Older Elementary Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: 60 minutes Key Concept: God’s word gives us understanding and shows us the right way to live. Objectives: The children will Discover other names used in the Psalms for the word of God

Big Picture Bible Mural Art Project

Every week we are diligent to teach our children stories from the Bible and lessons about the character of God, but how often do we step back and put these lessons into the context of the whole Bible?  As a child I was regularly taught from the Bible both at church and at home; it was not until I attended a Christian university while taking Bible courses did I start to understand the Bible as one continuous

Sunday School Lesson: Jehoshaphat's Dangerous Friendship

This lesson is for the study of Israel’s kings.  The lesson focuses on Jehoshaphat’s dangerous friendship with Ahab.  The students will discover from this lesson how believers should use wisdom in choosing relationships. After this lesson,the children will demonstrate comprehension by answering review questions and participating in Bible Lesson Charades. This lesson is only a guide to help you to prepare for your class.  It was created for older students but can be adapted for your individual needs.  Click

Preschool Bible Lesson: Jesus' Transfiguration

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from Mark 9:2-10 where Jesus is transfigured before his disciples. This reveals His true form from eternity past and confirms his divinity.  This episode in the Gospels helps us understand the glory of Christ. After this lesson, preschoolers will know

Preschool Bible Lesson: What Defiles a Person

This is lesson continues our curriculum for preschoolers about knowing Jesus. Each lesson is based on a passage in the Gospel of Mark. You can read the series introduction for more explanation and links to the other lessons. This particular lesson is from Mark 7:1-20 where Jesus confronts a wrong idea about what makes a person sinful. Preschoolers will know nothing on the outside makes us unclean before God, but it is the evil within our hearts that makes

Effective Kids Ministry Depends on Your Time with Jesus (Turner)

This post features notes from Ryan Golias at the Children Desiring God Conference 2011. Click here to see all the sessions. Your Testimonies are My Delight: Kempton Turner And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him. And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach. (Mark 3:13-14) During His three-year ministry, Jesus’