Kids Need the Good News about Jesus' Authority (Russel Moore)

This post contains notes from Ryan Golias at the Children Desiring God Conference 2011. Click here to see all the sessions. No Longer Tossed To and Fro: Russel Moore The text for this message was Mark 1:16-28. It is a big chunk, but worth reading through to follow the message below. The Full Gospel for Children We are used to seeing warning labels for children. On medicine bottles we see labels warning “Not for children”. On rides there are

Sunday School Coloring Pages (Free & Printable)

Our website has a growing collection of free coloring pages for Sunday School. This page will highlight some of the most popular, click here to browse our full selection or search above. Like all our material, you have full permission to use this content in your home, school, or church. Preview our Sunday School coloring pages on YouTube.

Religious Coloring Pages for Kids

Our website provides printable religious coloring sheets for children. All this material is 100% free to download and use in your church, home or school. This page features some of the most popular. Click here to browse the full index or use the search tool above. Preview our religious coloring pages on YouTube.

Free Christian Coloring Pages for Kids

Our website has a growing collection of free coloring pages for children. Almost all of them have  a strong Christian theme. On this page I will highlight some of the most popular. Click here to browse even more or simply use the search box above.

God Sends Paul to Help in Macedonia: Sunday School Lesson

This children’s Sunday School lesson is the next in the series from the Book of Acts. Paul decides to visit the believers from their first missionary journey. Paul and Barnabas part company over a disagreement whether to take John Mark with them. Paul chooses Silas and begins his second missionary journey. This lesson teaches students that the Holy Spirit guides believers as they follow Jesus. Walking with Jesus daily and staying in His Word enables believers to

Gideon Lesson for Children's Church (Judges 6:1-22)

This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It covers the story of Gideon and how God used him to save his people. This material could also be used as the Bible lesson plan for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. For younger children, you might prefer our preschool version of this Gideon Sunday School lesson. Bible Story: The Story of Gideon

Lesson: Paul & Barnabas at the Jerusalem Council

This lesson covers how the Jewish Council solves the problem that arose when Jewish believers said that Gentiles must be circumcised in order to be saved.  This subtle addition to God’s free gift of salvation occurs even in our generation.  Students will learn that Satan does whatever he feels necessary to try and stop the spread of the powerful message of Good News that Jesus saves men, women, boys and girls from sin.  The lesson also provides

Five Snowy Day Family Devotional Ideas

I don’t know about you, but here in the northeast we have gotten hammered with snow.  Now I am not a cold weather person in the least, but I do adore the affect that snow has on kids.  The sheer thrill of snowflakes falling makes every limb of theirs dance stubbornly in their too big for them snowsuits.  Because they love snow, I have pledged to love snow as well. In Job 37:5-7, the Word says, “God’s voice thunders

Greatest Commandment Coloring Page: Love God with “Heart, Soul, Might” Mark 12:28-34

This free Bible coloring page for children is based on the Bible passages about loving God. The wording is taken directly from Deuteronomy 6:4-5. This is the verse that Jesus quotes when teaching about the greatest commandment. Directions: Click on the image to the left to download this coloring page as a print-friendly PDF. We have also uploaded a higher resolution jpeg file if you need to make advanced edits. You have our full permission to make copies for

Ten Commandments Sunday School Lesson

This is the 5th lesson of a 5-part series based on the life of Moses. This free Children’s Church lesson plan was first written for elementary aged students. It covers the 10 Commandments. This material could also be used as the Bible lesson for children’s Sunday school. Be sure to consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. Click here to view the series index, or you can leave a comment to add your ideas

The 10 Commandments (Preschool Bible Lesson)

This is the final installment in a 5-part series on the life & ministry of Moses. This printable lesson plan is designed to teach preschool aged children the 10 Commandments. It could be used in any setting with children age 2-5 at church, including a preschool Sunday School class or a preschool children’s church class. As always, consider your own ministry context and modify it as needed. Bible Story: The 10 Commandments – Exodus 20:1-17 Learning Objectives:

Teach the Ten Commandments to Kids

Children can learn the 10 Commandments. Our free resources will help you explain God’s Law to even the youngest kids. Ten Commandments Song Kids’ Bible Study on the Ten Commandments Compare Translations Ten Commandments Coloring Book Learning Activities on the Ten Commandment Children’s version of the Ten Commandments Teaching the Ten Commandments with Hand Motions We absolutely love teaching Bible memorization with ASL sign language for memory cues. There is not better way to help young children,

Solomon Turns Away from the Lord: Sunday School Lesson

This lesson plan continues our series about the Kings of Israel. It continues the story of Solomon where he turns away from God and worships the false gods of his many pagan wives. This Bible story is a warning to all of us the danger of disobedience. Even this wise man was deceived by his own sin. It should remind us how much we need God’s grace everyday. This lesson was prepared for older elementary students and can be

Teaching Kids to Use Their Bibles (even before they can read)

Next to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, the most important thing we can give the kids who pass through our children’s ministries is an understanding of how to use their Bibles.  The Bible is critical to the continued spiritual development of kids. If there was any doubt, just read these verses where the Bible describes itself. In my church, I work with Kindergarteners and First Graders every Sunday.  It’s a great age, but it does present some unique

Spark Story Bible: Perfect for Reading Aloud

The Spark Story Bible, published by Augsburg Fortress is a hardcover 550 page Bible Story book for children ages 2 – 8. It is a great resource to consider for, not only the Sunday School classroom, but as a family treasure at home. The book contains 150 of the best-loved bible stories from both the new and old testament. Old testament favorites include Noah and Moses of course, but Deborah and Micah as well, stories you don’t

Sunday School Lesson: Learn about Israel’s Thanksgiving Feast

This lesson introduces students to how the Israelites celebrated Thanksgiving as they celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.  The celebration was written in God’s Law for His people to keep each year as a way to remember His goodness to them.  As His people remember all that He has done for them they are filled with joy and thanksgiving.  This lesson can be adapted to meet different ministry needs. Bible Story: How Israel Celebrated Thanksgiving: Feast of Tabernacles

Children's Bible Lesson: Water is God's Gift

This lesson is shared as Ministry-To-Children’s contribution to Blog Action Day 2010.  The goal of the event is to encourage bloggers worldwide to post about the same issue on the same day on their blogs, sparking discussion about a topic of global importance.  Today, we are participating in the discussion about the 2010 theme, Water, through the sharing of this lesson. These lesson ideas would work for Sunday School or Children’s Church. It was written by Nicole VanderMeulen,

Bible Lesson: King Saul's Rebellious Heart

This is the follow-up lesson about King Saul and continues our series on the Kings of Israel. Click here to see the lesson index. God gave Israel their request to have a king and Saul was a true reflection of their hearts.  He looked good on the outside but was disobedient in his heart. Students will learn from Saul’s life that although he looked good on the outside his heart was rebellious and disobedient to God.  The

Children's Bible Lesson: King Saul's Good Start

This lesson is the second in the series of Israel’s Kings. This lesson covers the anointing of Saul as Israel’s first king. Click here to see the lesson index. Although Saul begins his reign humbly his rebellion towards God causes him to lose his position as king.  The study of Saul will be in two parts. This first lesson focuses on Saul’s humble beginnings.  The students will learn from this lesson that God’s servants must be humble.

Children's Bible Lesson: Israel Asks For a King

This is the first lesson in a series of the history of Israel’s kings.  Click here to see the lesson index. This lesson introduces students to when the Israelites ask Samuel for a king.  Their request was a rejection to the rule of God as their King.  The students will learn that God’s ways are the best ways and we should keep our eyes on Him and allow Him to be our King instead of wanting to

Intergenerational Ministry and the Family

In my last article (posted quite a bit ago), I presented the biblical or theological imperatives for intergenerational (IG) ministry. This article will begin to cover the practical imperatives for IG ministry. The practical imperatives include uniting the fragmented family, embracing the scriptural role of the biological family as well as the family of faith, promoting the unity of the body, and nurturing the faith of every generation. Out of these four imperatives, uniting the fragmented family

Lesson: Barnabas and Paul Begin Their Missionary Journey

This lesson is based on the calling of Paul and Barnabas to take the message of the Gospel to others.  It is based off the events in Acts 13. The original teaching context of this lesson plan was Sunday School. With some modification you could also use this material for a Children’s Church lesson.  With some work, it can be simplified for preschool and younger students. Bible Story: Paul and Barnabas’ adventure begins (you could also title

Where is Jesus in this Bible Story?

For our children’s ministry, we use a curriculum from a well know national company who specializes in writing children’s curriculum for churches. Frankly, the stuff they put out is great! The large group teaching, small group activities and variety of “extras” you can buy to go along with the curriculum are all outstanding.  Each month we review a new biblical virtue and each week an aspect of that virtue is taught based upon a biblical story or

Review: Joey Allen’s "Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers"

One of the members at my church recently asked me if I knew of any good books for young children who were asking questions about spiritual matters.  There is a plethora of children’s bibles and curriculum geared towards older children, but it can be difficult to find foundational materials that invest in younger children.  A series with which I have been particularly impressed that is intended for ages four to seven is Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers,