A New Creation…Faith and God’s Amazing Power

  How do we know we are saved? Many kids not wonder over this with too grave concern, and may not understand it either. But when questions begin to arise, it’s important to give them a solid background sense of what their faith is and why. This lesson reminds us that it’s not our own power, but God working in us that grants life and makes us a new creation. Lesson focus: We do nothing to earn

Sharing is Caring….What it means to be part of the body of Christ

Bible Focus: The early church of the New Testament provides an example of Godly living that involves sharing. Sharing is not just a preschool principle, and it is not only about money or things. We can share in all sorts of ways, and when we do so it honors God. Target Age Group: Pre-K-Sixth Grade (adaptable) Student application: God wants us to share all things, and doing so builds His kingdom. All that we have is God’s,

Speak, Lord… A Lesson in Listening

  Our names are important…when they are called or spoken, we listen. Kids listen up for and appreciate their names. In the story of Samuel’s calling, we see a name used by God. When Samuel accepts that it is the Lord speaking, he listens to learn. In this lesson, students will consider how they can listen for God and follow directions…. Lesson focus: God calls us all to do special work for Him. When we pay attention

Denominational Differences 101 Decisive Deal breakers or Diminutive Disagreements?

  Anyone who has attended churches of varying views or backgrounds has probably encountered questions (especially if kids are involved) over why certain things are done so differently. For students, particularly those raised in one specific branch of the church, it can be tricky to understand or accept that there are so many distinctions when it comes to how Christians worship. This lesson provides a brief broad overview of several prominent denominations, describing basic beliefs and practices.

The Apple of His Eye… Apple-themed activities for family ministry

  Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings -Psalm 17:8 Fall is a wonderful time to explore and celebrate the beauty of God’s creation. And why let pumpkin spice have all the fun? Among His wonderfully created things, fall is a fun opportunity to enjoy all things apple-related! Apples provide some quality illustrations and conversation topics, and there are endless activities to engage learners young and old alike! If you

What’s in a Name? The Power of Words and God’s Word

  Words carry a great deal of power. Names and specific words have so much meaning and connotation, and sometimes we forget or fail to recognize how significant these elements are. It is important for children to understand that what they say is important, and that names and words are important, too. Lesson focus: God gives us language as a special gift; words are significant and names are, as well. Passage: Proverbs 12:18; 16:24; Joshua 3:9, 8:34;

Growing and Producing… Object Lesson in Fruitfulness

  I have never had much of a green thumb. I try to garden and produce things, but rarely succeed, in spite of consistent research and efforts. I currently have two porch pot attempts in the works, neither of which are wildly thriving. One of these pots features a tomato that I planted in the spring…I have watered it diligently and kept it alive, and it has actually grown quite a bit as far as height is

Teacher Devotion: Go Ahead and Rock the Boat… Jesus can Walk on Water

We wish somehow that church could be “perfect” and grant us opportunity for beautiful fellowship, community, and outreach. Unfortunately, though, churches are made of people, and people are not perfect. We make mistakes and sometimes lose track of the truly important things in God’s service. There are times in our experience as church members, and even leaders, when we may need to go against the grain of typical tradition or popular opinion. Disagreements are bound to pop

Stress Combat…Becoming Officers of Peace

  It seems like kids today have more and more: technology, opportunity, luxury…yet sometimes they wind up stressed and over-anxious. This devotional Bible study seeks to discuss and address some of the common stressors, and to guide students back to the peace that passes all understanding, found in Christ alone. Bible Focus: There are many things that tend to bring stress in our lives. We fall into anxiety and drift away from God, allowing our focus to

Providing Family for Those who have None… Christian Responsibility to Widows and Orphans

  Sometimes they’re awkward. At times we just plain can’t stand them, but everyone has one somewhere along the line and there’s no getting around it…it’s our families. God established the unit of the family at the dawn of creation, and it’s clear that he values relationships and does not want us to go it alone.  The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”  -Genesis

Children’s Sermon: Being Ready for Jesus’ Return

Use this Advent children’s sermon to teach kids how they can be ready for Jesus’ second coming. Scripture: Matthew 24:36 and 42. Read more Bible verses on Jesus Coming Soon. Needed: An analog or digital clock Children’s Sermon on Jesus Second Coming Show students your clock, set to a certain time. Ask, Can anyone tell me what time my clock says? Do any of you ever use clocks? What for? Do you ever use a clock to

Lesson: Paul’s Shipwreck

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson teach students about God’s protection. Needed: Bibles, wads of paper, index cards with the names of various animals written on them Lesson Tell students, Remember that in the Bible times and in other countries still today, it was against the law to believe in Jesus. It was against the law to be a Christian. And that’s why many Christians were arrested and put in jail and sometimes even killed. One time

“Our Heavenly Father Cares for Us” Object Lesson Message for Father’s Day

Use this object lesson on Father’s Day to remind kids of how their Heavenly Father cares for them. This children’s sermon can be used with various Bible passages suggested below on the topic of the Fatherhood of God. Print the message notes below, watch our example video, and gather your supplies. Children’s Sermon Object Lesson Honoring our Heavenly Father on Dad’s Day Main Objective: God cares for all people, and promises to provide for us and take

Craft Ideas for Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a perfect holiday for crafts in your Sunday School class. Use the following project ideas to add some hands-on learning to your lesson plans this third Sunday of June. Download the craft directions below, gather your supplies, and watch our video demonstration of these projects. “Great Dads Make Us Glad” Craft Ideas for Father’s Day Happy Father’s Day! While cards may not be as flowery or fancy as those we create for Mother’s Day,

“All People Matter to God” Bible Lesson on Made in the Image of God

All people matter to God – this is an important truth for kids to know. Use this lesson to teach about the value of all people because they are made in the image of God. This teaching plan is ideal for children’s church, Sunday school, or home Bible study. “God’s Masterpieces: Made in His Image” Bible Lesson for Kids on the Value of All People Theme: Our Human Nature and Our Sin Memory Verse: “Every good and

“Unity in Christ” Bible Lesson for Kids to Promote Racial Reconciliation

Use this simple Bible lesson to teach kids about the real unity that exists in Jesus Christ and how loving others is the key to ending racism. Download the teaching notes below. We’ve included crafts, game ideas, and other printable coloring pages to help you prepare and teach this important truth from God’s Word. As sinful creatures in a fallen world, we know that we are inclined to do and think things that are wrong. Unfortunately, one

Virtual Birthday Party Games using Zoom

Another great batch of Zoom games from our Shawn M Howell. This time she’s helping make those virtual birthday parties a lot more fun. Be sure to check out her YouTube channel for so many great zoom games and party ideas. Hosting a virtual party on Zoom with family and friends but need new game Ideas? Here are 10 Zoom games for kids and families that everyone will enjoy playing. Don’t forget to choose games that fit

Jesus Prays for Us (John 17) Bible Lesson for Kids

This Sunday School lesson was designed for parets to use with their children at home on the week of May 24, 2020. It’s based on John 17:1-10; 20-26 where Jesus talks about how he prays for his followers. Everything is included in the PDF download below (teaching notes, coloring pages, craft directions, game ideas, and worksheets).  Use what is most helpful for your kids and ignore the rest. Families can also watch our children’s message, suggested music,

“The Ascension of Jesus” Craft Ideas

Use these crafts when teaching kids about the Ascension of Jesus Christ. They work with any Acts 1:1-11 lesson plan for Sunday School. Download the craft directions, watch our how-to instructions video, and then gather your craft supplies. Jesus Lifts off to the Sky …but He’ll be Back! Craft Ideas for the Ascension of Christ Ascension is an interesting event to celebrate, and can be a fun one to explore with younger children. It might also be

Lesson: The Glory of Christ – Revelation

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to reveal the glory of Christ to your students. Needed: Bibles, a blackboard, whiteboard, or large piece of paper to write on, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: Taking Our Place  Divide students into two teams for a game of Freeze Tag. Choose one team to be It, chasing the other team. Then, choose one student from the team being chased. They are “Jesus.” They cannot be tagged. They

Lesson: How Can We Know We’re Saved?

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to give children the assurance of being saved. Needed: Bibles, slips of paper with theories of who Jesus is written on them, writing and drawing paper, pencils, crayons or colored pencils Intro Game: The Life of Jesus Relay  Divide students into two or more teams. When you say, “Go!” the first student on each team will perform the first leg of the relay race, traveling to the other side of your

Lesson: True Believers – 1 John

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids what it means to be a true believer in Christ. Needed: Bibles Intro Game: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing  Ask students, Have you ever heard the saying, “That person is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing”? If a wolf put on a sheep costume, would that make him a sheep? (No. He might look like a sheep, but he would still be a wolf.) What if the wolf said

Lesson: Philip Teaches the Ethiopian about Jesus

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the need to tell others about Jesus. Needed: Bibles, slips of paper with prophecies about Jesus written on them Intro Activity: Christian Story Interview  Have students pair up and ask each other the following questions. They’ll then present their partner’s answers as a reporter. They can write the answers down if they want. What is your name? How old are you? When did you first hear about

Lesson: Everyone Helping – The Super Hero Church

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about working together as a church and as Christians. Needed: Bibles, bowls of dry cereal or other food, empty bowls whiteboard or chalkboard, drawing paper, crayons or colored pencils Intro Activity: Acting It Out  Divide students into groups of three or four. Have each group decide on and act out a scene in which a group of Christians from other churches or countries can work together to do