Lesson: Walk in Truth ("Walk" Series – Part 2)

Truth is not defined by personal preference or conviction: it is defined by the holy word of God. This lesson,”Walk in Truth” (part 2 of the “Walk” series), will teach children that ultimate truth is not determined through erroneous human intelligence. Rather, it is created by our righteous, omniscient God. We can trust that aligning our lives to the incredible … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Psalm 24 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 14 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 24 we have a clear picture of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Great Joy, Love, and Salvation (Luke 2:9-11, Ephesians 2:4-5, Hebrews 2:1-3)

A full understanding of God’s greatness cannot be attained on earth, but his great joy, love, and salvation should engulf our actions as believers. Children will learn how God has granted these wonderful attributes to us and explore ways to use them as his representatives to the lost. From Pastor Ken Gray’s sermon entitled, “Great!” (December 13, 2015) Transcribed for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Planning a VBS on a Budget

It’s the beginning of the new year — time to plan a VBS! As you know, Ministry-to-Children loves Vacation Bible School and we frequently feature reviews on new VBS material. However if you’re in a financial pinch you can plan a VBS on a shoestring budget – don’t miss our free VBS curriculum downloads. Here are a few suggestions to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Encouragement for the Mature Volunteer

Getting older is fun, isn’t it? We’ve all heard the jokes. Your knees creak, memory fades, hair gets little lighter — or thinner. But the truth is with age comes wisdom and experience. Just because you seen a few more birthdays than perhaps your friends that doesn’t disqualify you from volunteering in children’s ministry. If you have a heart for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Luke 2 Reading Game for Sunday School

Many children’s ministry leaders plan to read Luke 2 at least once during the Christmas season. I love story and so do my kids but it’s fun to make set up too. This year we’re going to play reading game the hopes of keeping kids more engaged in the story. Before you read the text together have children take their … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Psalm 16 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 11 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 16 we are reminded of the truth … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Kids to Know Nothing but Christ

In 1 Corinthians 2:2, Paul says “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” (ESV) Let those words sink in for a minute. What does it mean to know nothing except Jesus Christ? Take just a minute to stop and take inventory of your thoughts for the last 60 seconds. If we’re honest, most … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Become More Creative in Your Teaching

One thing I hear a lot from new children’s ministry volunteers is, “I’m not that creative.” I used to argue with people who said this. Like a responsible children’s ministry leader, I’d tell them what I believed, that God made us all creative beings, that creativity can be expressed in infinite ways. I even took some by the hand and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Understanding Bible Layout for Kids

This lesson is the first of three lessons in our series explaining how the Bible is organized. For more help, be sure to review our Bible worksheets on the divisions of the Bible. You are here – Lesson: Understanding Bible Layout Lesson: Understanding the Old Testament Lesson: Understanding the New Testament TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To understand the layout of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Following Up After a Children’s Ministry Outreach

So much goes into evangelism, doesn’t it? Besides organizing volunteers, creating an itinerary and having a good attendance, you have to think about after the event too. You can’t just plan an outreach; you must lead your attendees to the next event like children’s church or summer camp. The key to growing your church could be in your follow up. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

10 Tips for Creating Your VBS Program from Scratch

Vacation Bible School invitation card

There are plenty of wonderful and winning Vacation Bible School curriculum programs on the market today that provide ideas, materials, and pointers to allow the director total ease of running VBS in any sort of church setting. There are also plenty of great slice and bake cookies and canned soups available, but somehow there’s nothing like a homemade product…and the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A House Divided: Sunday School Lesson from Mark 3:20-35

This free Bible lesson is based on Mark 3:20-35 when Jesus speaks to the scribes about a house divided. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, Gospel Reading – Mark 3:20-35. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

6 Tips for Letting Kids Lead Worship

Children should lead in church, if they have a heart to do so and are willing to be trained. That’s this children’s ministry veteran’s opinion but I understand that not everyone feels that way. My thinking is this, if we wait until kids are “old enough” we miss an opportunity for them to learn how to worship and how to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Mother’s Day Themed Racing Game

Mother’s Day is upon us! You’ll probably have a full house in your children’s church or classroom. If you’d like to help out Mom and have kids burn a little energy before you send them home, try this racing game. Don’t let the word “race” scare you! If you keep the game simple and explain the rules kids will have … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Purse Object Lesson for Mother's Day (Exodus 20:12)

A good mother is worthy of praise! She’s also a great example for an object lesson for Mother’s Day. This highly visual teaching will keep kids laughing and demonstrate the value of listening to their mother’s teachings. Ready to teach? Don’t miss our other children’s sermons for mother’s day. What You’ll Need Large purse Small bible Pack of tissues Chewing … More Children’s Ministry Resources