This passage from 1 Timothy is a wonderful reminder for us of the importance of praying. We should constantly communicate with God, not just begging for our own needs but giving Him thanks and praise. We should also make intercession for others around us, even (and especially) those who might not be as easy to love or appreciate! These crafts consider Paul’s words to Timothy on prayer, and also relate to his encouraging epistle as a letter of advice. A “Pop-up Prayer Postcard” seeks to demonstrate encouragement and love as Paul did. The “Five-Fingered Prayer Poster” uses the hand to think about important prayer elements. Grab some craft supplies and have fun! You can also download the complete Sunday School lesson on prayer or watch the pray for others children’s sermon on 1 Timothy 2.
(Audio issues on the video below but fixed version coming soon)

Craft one: “Pop-up Prayer Postcard”
You will need:
- Crayons or markers
- Scissors
- Glue or tape
- Paper (Construction/cardstock)
- Stickers, glitter, or other decorative items
- Envelope
- Fold the paper in half like a card. Decorate with words, special notes, and Bible verses.
- Carefully snip a part of the paper at the fold, creating a flap about an inch wide. This can also be accomplished by gluing or taping a small piece of paper inside the card.
- Glue or tape a heart, cross, or other shape to the folded strip of paper as your “pop-up” element. Add extra decorations as desired.
- Decorate the envelope as well, and place the card within. Mail or hand-deliver your “epistle” of encouragement!
Craft Two: “Five-Fingered Prayer Poster”
You will need:
1. Draw or trace a large hand on the paper.
2. On each finger, write an element of prayer. You might use the traditional “five-finger” model or make up your own categories. Have students fill in specific people and things in the fingers, as well.
3. If desired, cut the hand out and glue or tape to another piece of paper. Add extra decorations or verses.
4. If preferred, attach a string or magnet to display the prayer poster in a spot that is easily viewed.
Verses or Captions to Consider… (1 Timothy 2:1-7)
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. -1 Timothy 2:1-2
Pray for ALL people!
Give thanks and praise to God!
I can pray for others… those who teach/those in power/the weak and needy/the ones close to me/my own needs.