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Print this beautiful card to show honor & respect to Veterans (and anyone who sacrifices). Make it a Sunday School project to accompany their Bible lesson. You may also like our Pledge of Allegiance printable
Honor Veterans
Print the card above to use for Veterans Day. The kids in Sunday School can write their names and a short note for the surviving military personnel in the church.
Never Forget the Fallen Heroes
Memorial Day is about remembering those who died in service to their nation. You could attach photos or names to this page and put it in a frame. Then the children could present it during the service as the pastor leads in a time of memorial prayer.
Thank You for Your Sacrifice
Memorial Day has traditionally been a day set aside to honor brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives for the freedoms we hold dear in the United States. As GK Chesteron said,
“Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die.”
So on this day, I would like to honor every veteran and every military member currently serving our country. Your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. Thank you.
But there is another group of individuals out there who deserve recognition for their sacrifices too. In fact, I would not have the freedoms I enjoy as a Christ-follower today, if not for them. There was a woman dressed in a Happy Heart costume who caught the attention of a seven year old girl. I accepted Jesus as my Savior because of her sacrifice.
There were Sunday School teachers who invested hours of preparation time, scrambling to review a lesson every late Saturday night. I learned to love the Word of God because of their sacrifice. There were Youth Group volunteers, half driven crazy by my middle school antics, who loved me anyway. I found encouragement to weather awkward years because of their sacrifice.
If you work in Children’s Church – in any capacity- you are asked to sacrifice. You may have given up energy, hours of your day, valuable sleep, time with your families, a hefty paycheck, or your very sanity. Just be honest. Sometimes those kids drive you crazy. And sometimes, you realize that this isn’t exactly what you signed up for. But whatever you have given up, please accept this as a thank you today. Your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. This next generation needs you.
They need your love for God, your laughter, your knowledge of the Scriptures, your enthusiasm, your creativity. They need a relationship with someone whom they can trust, someone who knows the way. And most of all, they need to know there’s a freedom to be had that only Christ can give.
As we thank God for His ultimate sacrifice on the cross. As we thank our veterans and active military men and women for their courage and sacrifice. So may we also thank you for your sacrifice in loving children in Jesus’ name.
Who Sacrificed For You?
What individuals have sacrificed so that you might have the freedom you enjoy today? Take a moment out of your day to call them, shoot them an email, or write a handwritten card of thanks.